#• 4

undertakon with the parę ot of intontions.

Zoa did not ęet help Ane to yoa la upito of oll tho deyotion of thh Britich, Scath-Afrioan and Polish a i nota# lutely tho latter wora tho only one a wlać halped yoa#

uo do all v?o ouł tc mit yoa gefc tho help la aa ado^oate moa^aro aa Ib. ti«ło. I havo not loct hope that it :ill bc dono* If help io not to bo gdyon I wam ycn cf it*

1 owali rayoelf of thia opport'mity to adreso or.oo agoin In publio Marohal Stalin, Proeident Roocowalt and Premier Churchill#

Lea&erc of Oroat Powera! Oonnandors of poworful and yiotoricuo land and tair armio a!

Warsów la Waiting, the tfhole Poliah Uation io waiting, tho opi-nion of tho world ia waitin*# Do all ycu oan to proyide motau? for furt hi flghttaa and to libernto thia City ani tho population flisting on ita ruino, artnchod with blood.

Thoy aro fightlng and apilling thoir blood, but thoy aru«ously wich to livo for Polani#    m J[J7

Horooa of Sorsssf! Beaide all tho orlmts porpetratad opon the oi« vlliaa population, the Ge mon wieh to deraoralioo and unotriag you by threateniig to barn Warem*?

The 80 whe aro mordorin^ rntion - to tara lnto your dof

you, pro ton <3 - by upreading falce infer-ondera.    ,

, .7»ci

I wish to deolaro with fuli reerponaability that for baraiag tho romsonte of Wersów, sheuld they ovor Aore to do it, for mordo ring tho olTilian population and tho Home Army, protooted by oombataat#a righto,

vjć 8hall hołd the® to aooaunt#

Wc    and rro shall hołd o ar werd if tho nortally wounded

oeast will dare to oarry out ita throat#

I taka leawo frora you iii tho conviction that you will ondoro ortil help and llboration como o to you, that you /ill have your ahare i: tho viotory of the olliod world*

We ahall re bolid our oitioo and villag«a in a froo and indopon* dent Poland and w* ahall do oll to proyent the Geiraan beaot to menao# the woild again by naw aot of bringadage.


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