Table A - Traineeship Programme at the Receiving Organisation/Enterprise Planned period of the mobility: from [day/month/year] [day/month/year]................
Traineeship title:...
Number of working hours per week:... (min. 35 hours)
Detailed programme of the traineeship: (tasks and deliverables to be presented in weeks or phases including min. introduction/niiddle/concluding phase)
Czym więcej informacji opisujących program praktyki (czynności / zadania do zrealizowania) tym lepiej!
Knowledge, skills and competences to be acquired by the end of the traineeship (expected Learning Outcomes):
□ academic skills
□ adaptability skills
□ analytical skills
□ communication skills
□ decision-making skills
□ foreign language skills
□ ICT skills
□ initiative skills
□ innovative and creative skills
□ strategic-organisational skills]
□ -P.the.r SkiJJs.:.............................................................................................................
Monitoring plan:
In a receiving institution (to be filled in by host coordinator):
At Lodź University of Technology
(Reports to be sent to Faculty E+ Coordinator. First report to be sent after 1 month; mid-term report to be sent if mobility takes longer than 3 months; finał report when traineeship is completed. Reports to be signed before sending to TUL by coordinator at host institution).
Evaluation plan:
In a receiving institution (to be filled in by host coordinator):
At Lodź University of Technology
(student reports to be signed by host coordinator, traineeship certificate, on-line report form, poster presentation (if applicable at the Faculty))
(To be filled in by host coordinator) The level of language competence* in
[indicote here the main language ofwork) that the trainee already has or agrees
to acquire by the start of the mobility period is: Al Z A2 Z BI Z B2 Z Cl Z C2 Z Native speaker z