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Dorota Chłopkowska

The Institute of Library and Information Studies Wrocław University

e-mail: dorota.chlopkowska@ibi.uni.wroc.pl


KEYWORDS: Universal Bibliographic Control. UBC. Universal bibliography. National bibliography. UBCIM. International standards of cataloging. ISBD. MARC format of data. UNIMARC. International standardized book number. ISBN. International standardized serial number. ISSN. Legał deposit. IFLA. UNESCO. Library of Congress.

ABSTRACT: The author presents a concept and implementation of Universal Bibliographic Control program. Statements from the most important IFLA and UNESCO con-gresses on UBC are discussed - in particular standards for bibliographic data, formats for data, types of documents recorded in national bibliographies, forms of national bibliographies and tasks of national bibliographic agencies. Finally, the author reports on the most up-to-date (2008) Library of Congress and IFLA guidelines concerning the futurę of national bibliographies in the context of rapidly evolving electronic information technologies.

Artykuł wpłynął do Redakcji 7 lipca 2009 r.


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