1744 Humań Molecułar Generics. 1999. Vol. 8. No. 9

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Figurę 2. Deteciion ofihc STATSb gene rcurningemem at the genonuc le\*el by Southern biot analysis. Southern biot anaiysis was donc on DNA from parient bonę marrow cells (P> and from a norma! contro! (O with the STATSb cDNA probe. A junction fragment is detected with ligfll (11 kb). The presence of a rearranged band confirms. at the genomie levcl. the result obcained with toial RNAs after 5-RACE-PCR.

show complete reniission after differentiation therapy with ali-trans RA (ATRA) (41). Addition of ATRA mediates replacement of the repressor comple\ by an activator compIex with acetyl-transferase activit\ (42.38). The transcriptional activator comp]ex is composed of CREB binding protein (CBP)/p300 and histone acetvltran$ferase. APL-Ls with the PLZF-RARA eene fusion are

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not sensitive to ATRA because the PLZF componeni of the ehi-meric protein is also able to reeruit a repressor complex with histone deacenlase activitv but RA has not effect on the PLZF-

w    m

repressor compiex (36-38). It is noteworthy that our case did not respond to ATRA. The STATSb protein-protem interaction domain has been shown to associate with N-Myc inieractor (Nmi), which in tum enhances association of CBP/p300 with STAT5 (29). The chimeric STAT5b-RARA protein could seąuester CBP/p300 cotactors and therefore prevent ATRA to release the repressor complex from the RA target genes. AJtema-tively. an ATRA-insensitive association of N-CoR co-repressor with the N-terminal coiled-coil domain derived from the STATSb component of the fusion protein could explain the unresponsive-ness of the present APL-L to RA.

Apart from its role in prolactin and growth hormone-induced functions. STAT5b is also invoived in differentiation and prolifer-ation of myeloid progenitors. NotabJy. G-CSF. which plays a crit-icai role in granuiopoiesis. stimulates STAT5 transcription factor activitv (23). The STATSb component of the fusion protein could therefore participatc in leukaemogenesis in tiic present APL-Land explain the atypicai phenotype as compared with classicai APL. Thus far. scvcraJ repons link aberrations in the JAK/STAT patii-ways to malignant phenotypes. In Dmsophila. u dominant mutant Jak kinase (hopTum-1) causes leukaemia-Iike abnormaiities <43;. Constitulivc STAT5 activation has becn found in T celi leukacmia/lymphoma (44.45; ;md in malignant T lymphocytcs dcrived from culaneous anapiastic large T ccii lymphoma and Sezary syndromc (46The STA TS transcription factors were also found consiitutively activalcd mainly in aculc lymphohlastic Icu-kaemias (ALL; (47.4K; and in hacmutopoiclic celi lines trans* formed by BCR/ABL tyrosine kinase (49.50). It was also Jound conslitutive!v aciivated in acute mvdoid leukaemias

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(47.48,51.52) and in familial erytlirocytosis (53). Before this report. TEL-JAK2 fusions in a T ccii childhood acute lympho-blastic leukaemia (.54) and in myeloid leukaemias (55) were the unique gene rearrangements in the JAK/STAT pathways described in human cancers. Ali TEL-JAK2 variants stronclv

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activate STAT5 (56). 'lite finding of constitutively activated STAT5 transcription factors in numerous malignant haematopoi-etic disorders strongly supports the idea of STATS-dependent oncogene activation. Verv recently, Nieborowska-Skorska et al. (57) have demonstrated a causal involvement of STAT5 activa-tion in BCR/ABL-mediated leukaemogenesis both in vitro and in vivo.

The present APL-L with a gene fusion between STATSb and

RARA is the first malignancy that harbours a rearranged member of

the ST AT gene family. The STATSb-RARA chimeric protein con-

tains 636 amino acids fromjthe N-terminus of STATSb: the fusion

sile occurs within the C terminal SH2 domain of STATSb. before


Tyt699. Tlie SH2 domain eoordinates interaction of SiatSb with the


phosphotyrosine docking site on the cytoplasmic pan of the cytokine receptor. The phosphotyrosine docking site reeruits the STATSb protein by interacting with a criticaJ arginine residue (ArgólS) in the highly conserved core of SH2. When reemited. Tyr699 on STATSb i$ phosphoryiated ITyr(P)]. the activated fonn of STATSb is then able to dimerize by reciprocal SH2-Tyr(P) inter-actions. The hishlv conserved core of tlie SH2 domain with Arc618 is present in the ST AT5 b- RARA protein: it could bind to the cytokine receptor. The cytoplasmic truncated STATSb protein could therefore act in a dominant negative inanner by competing with the nomial STATSb transcription factor for tlie interaction with the receptor docking site. Studies on homo- and heterodimeri-zation between the STAT1 and STAT2 proteins showed that an unphosphoiy lated STAT can dimerize w ith a TynP)-STAT: a single TyrtPP-SH2 interaction therefore seems sufficient fordimeriza-tion (58.59). II' the chimeric STATSb-RARA protein could 'dimerize' by a single Tvr(P)-SH2 interaction with the wild-type STATSa and STATSb proteins. it w ill seąuester nomial STAT proteins and perturbate tlie JAK/STAT5 pathways. Moreover. tlie fusion protein is mainly nuclear and conuiins a functionaJ DNA-binding region. One couid anticipate that stablc homo- or hei-erodimers with nomial STAT5a/b proteins are generated and bind to GAS elements. STAT5b-RARA-STAT5a/b heterodimers could either constimtivclv activate gene transcription or act in a dominant negative manner on activated wild-type STATSa/b transcription factors. If the STAT5b-RARA gene fusion leads to a constitutively activated STATSb transcription factor. cytokine independent growth may participate in leukaemogenesis in this APL-L. Lastly. and as mentionned above. the STAT5 transcription lactors ha\e been shown to internet wńh other proteins such as CBP/p300 to Jbnn enhanceosomes (29). In the present APL-L case. abnomial STATSb proteins could seąuester co-aclivators of other signalling pathways. including the retinoid pathway.

As palient materia! is no longcr availahle. nngoing iransfection studies willi the chimeric cDNA in the Ba/F3 celi linę. which is dependent on IL-3 for growth. w ill allow lesting of the effect of the fusion protein on the STAT5 pathways. Morcovcr. co-trans-lection experiments with an RA-imlucible reporter plasmid will also pennit the study ol the effect ol STATSb-RARA protein on RA-reeulaicd uenes.

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