are plarming to transfoim tliis minę site into a mining museological park (1'oriental, 2011). Howevei\ this project has not yet seen the light.
Various enviromnental impacts related to these wastes are reported in the literaturę. The presence of high concentrations of sulphates in the groundwater due to the oxidation of pyrite present in these wastes (Battioui et al., 2013; Bendra et al., 2011). An example of sulphates deposit is presenled in Figurę 7.2-d. Moreover, the proximity of coal dumps to the city coniributes to damage the aesthetic surroundings.
Figurę 7.1 Evolution of coal production, consumption and total imports in
Morocco between 1980 and 2012 (ElA, 2012).
The valorization and the reuse of coal minę wastes is an up-and-coming altemative way to address the minę wastes issues. Due to its high content in aluminosilicate minerals, coal minę wastes may be used efficiently as a feedstock for construction and building materials. This will lead to the conservation of finite natural resources used extensively in the construction field. The literaturę review shows that CM WR can be