Laprade, William Thomas, 1883-England and the French Rcvolution, 1789-1797 / hy William Thomas Laprade. Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Press, 1909. 232 p.
(Johns Hopkins Univcrsity studies in historical and political science ; ser. 27, no. 8-12)
3 microfichc Order no. ILM-4661
Lawrence, T. J. (Thomas Joseph), 1849-1919.
International problems and Haguc conferenccs / by T.J. Lawrence.
London : J.M. Dcnt, 1908.
x, 210 p.
3 microfichc Order no. ILM-4279
Lawrence, T. J. (Thomas Joseph), 1849-1919.
Lccturcs on the League of Nations : delivcrcd in the Univcrsity of Bristol / by T.J. Lawrence.
Br istol : J.W. Arrowsmith ; London : Simpkin, Marshall. Hamilton, Kent, 1919.
110 p.
2 microfichc Order no. ILM-4491
Lawrence, T. .1. (Thomas Joseph), 1849-1919.
The society of nations : its past, present, and possiblc futurę / by T.J. Lawrence.
Ist cd. - New York : Oxford University Press, 1919.
xi, 194 p.
3 microfichc Order no. ILM-4492
The League of Nations / by Viscount Grey ... |et al.J; with an introduction by
Viscount Brvce.
London ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1919.
149 p.
2 microfichc Order no. ILM-4430
League of Nations / compilcd by Julia E. Johnscn.
New York : II.W. Wilson, 1924.
121 p.
(Refcrencc shelf; v. 2, no. 3 )
2 microfichc Order no. 1LM-4462
The League of Nations : adocument prepared to stimulate discussion and promote organized public opinion / cditcd by I lenry E. Jackson.
New York : Prcntice-Hall, cl919.
189 p.
3 microfichc Order no. ILM-4458
League of Nations. Asscmbly (2nd : 1921) Deuxićme asscmblćc dc la Socićtć des Nations : propositions d'amcndcmcnts aux articles 18 et 26 du pactc / prćsentćes par Dćmćtrc Nćgulcsco.
Bucarest: Impr. "Curierul judiciar", 1924.
35 p.
• 1 microfichc Order no. ILM-4525
The League of Nations
Boston, Mass. : Old Colony .Trust Company, c 1919.
86 p.
1 microfichc Order no. ILM-4494
League of Nations herald
New York : League of Nations Non-Partisans Association, [ 1923-1925]
2 v.
Vol. 1, no. 1 (Scpt. 1923)-Vol. 2, no. 42 (Junc 1925)
Filmed: v. 1-2 (1923-1925)
Continued by: League of Nations news
7 microfichc Order no. 1LM-4495
League of Nations news.
New York : League of Nations Non-Partisan Association, (1925-1932]
8 v.
Vol. 2, no. 43 (July 1925)-Vol. 9, no. 117 (April 1932)
Filmed: v.2-9(1925-1932):|Lacks v.3:no.49-50,55,58-60]
Continues: League of Nations herald
20 microfichc Order no. ILM-4817
League of Nations. Secrctariat. Information Section.
La Socićtć des Nations : son activitć par 1’imagc : dcuxićmc asscmblćc, Gcnćve 1921. Genćvc : Ed. Atar, (1921]
63 p.
2 microfichc Order no. ILM-4581
League of Nations. Secrctariat.
Statut du pcrsonncl / Sccrćtariat de la Socićtć des Nations.
2. ed. - (Genćve? : League ofNations],
67 p.
I microfichc Order no. 1LM-4496
The League ofNations starts : an outlinc by its organisers.
London : Macmillan, 1920. xi, 282 p.
4 microfichc Order no. 1LM-4503
League ofNations Union.
The first Asscmbly : a study of the procccdings of the first Asscmbly of the League ofNations / by a committee of the League ofNations Union including Lord Robert Cccii & Lord Phillimore ; cdited by 01iver Brctt.
..London : Macmillan, 1921. viii, 277 p.
3 microfichc Order no. 1LM-4370
League ofNations Union.
The League ofNations : the covenant explaincd, for speakers and study circlcs / with an introduction by Gilbert Murray.
| London] : Publishcd for the League of Nations Union, by the Educational Publishing Co., (1919]
79 p.
I microfichc Order no. ILM-4524
League ofNations Union. Research Committee.
The idea of a League ofNations : prolegomena to the study of world-organization / by the Research Committee of the League ofNations Union.
London : Oxford Univcrsity Press, 119197] 53 p.
I microfichc Order no. ILM-4558
League ofNations Union. Research Committee.
The way to the League ofNations : a brief skctch of the practical steps needed for the formation of a league / by the Research committee of the League ofNations Union. London : Oxford Univcrsity Press, 1919.
22 p.
1 microfichc Order no. ILM-4559
Lehr, Ernest, 1835-1919.
Lcs principalcs lois europćenncs et amćricaincs sur la circulation des voiturcs automobiles / par Ernest Lehr.
Bruxelles : Burcau dc la Rcvuc, (p 1932]
28 p.
1 microfichc Order no. ILM-4737
Lemonon, Ernest, 1878-La sccondc Conference de la paix : La Hayc (juin-octobre 1907) / Ernest Lemonon ; prćfacc de M. Lćon Bourgcois.
Paris : F. Pichon et Durand-Auzias, 1908.
[3], i\. 793 p.
9 microfichc Order no. 1LM-4289
MARC records for all titlcs in Part 2 arc availablc through IDC Publishers