Gazeta AMG nr 11/2014

Gazeta AMG nr 11/2014

stawicielka studentów VI roku tak powitała swoje młodsze koleżanki i kolegów:

(...) I stand here in front of you today, as a 6th year student, welcoming you to the Medical University of Gdańsk. It brings me great pleasure to speak to you today. I am finishing and you are just beginning. These

sixth year is dedicated to dinical train-ing. Majority of main subjects are di-vided into lectures and practical classes, or seminars. You may think:

I do not need lectures, they are old-fashioned, I can find everything I need on the Internet (in Wikipedia). Believe me, it not going to be that easy. One good lecture will save you a lot of time and research. What is morę, your teacher will tell you about his favorite topics. So, good lecture will help you not only to understand principles of the subject, but also it will be easier for you to pass the exam.

You might find it painful, but your knowledge will be evaluated on every occasion. Why? Because, it would be extremely difficult for you to learn ev-erything just few days before the finał exam. So, you will be subjected to short quizzes, tests and other forms of evaluation, every day. Always be ready and study hard!

On the other hand - Gdańsk,

Gdynia and Sopot forms a unique combination, called Tricity, providing tons of attractions. But remember, that you have to use your time wisely, because you need to focus on your main goal. You want to be a physician!

Dear students,

If you believe the news, a lot of bad things is happening in the world. You represent different countries, religions and cul-tures, and look on the world from different perspectives. We believe it is great, but please, focus on your study and do understand that being good medial doctors it’s not only about the knowledge and skills you are going to acquire here, but also it is a mission to protect life regardless the circumstances.

Concluding, our Rector, prof. Moryś once said, that he wish-es to see students twice: on the Immatriculation Day and when they graduate. But, as I am your vice-dean, I believe and wish to meet you morę often and on different occasions. I would like to see you actively participating in lectures and other activities organized by our University, wining trophies or working in Students Scientific Circles. It will mean that you care about your futurę and you are really part of our community. Of course, I

wish to see you here, in this hall, 6 years from now, 01 Graduation Day. Thank you very much and good luck.

Gabrielle Karpinsky, przed

years in front of you will be fuli of joy, and memories.

You will make morę facebook photo-albums than ever before. You will meet friends that will follow you for a lifetime. You will meet people that will forever impact your life. You will learn from others and grow individually. But, these years will also be fuli of fear.

When you do not reach your level of ex-pectation the first time, do not break down. Stand up and try again. As Hillary Clinton once said: The harder they hit, the morę en-couragement I get. This 1st year will be a giant task, but it is your window of opportu-nity. As I was writing this speech I decided to gather 5 lessons, rules and/or advices from my journey here to share with you. Some are from friends, some are from teachers, nonę are my own. But that’s OK.

My first rule will have to be - ask about opportunities. They are everywhere. Some might not be right in front of you. However, if something interests you, approach a teacher about it, don’t be afraid. The worst thing that will happen to you, is you’ll get a big fat NO for an answer. If something doesn’t interest you, approach a teacher. I always had view


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