HAYAKAWA, Shun-Ichlro, Science & Englneerlng Research Lab., Waseda L'nlv., 4-170 Nlshlookubo, Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo Japan DNP
HENRY, Wlllard G., Metallurglcal Eng. Dept., Nlcol Hall, Queen's Unlverslty, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6 HENSON, Ronald E., 32 Prlncess Annę Drlve, Georgetovm, Ontario, L7G 2B9 (J)
HENZI, Roland, Ernest Rutherford Phyalcs Bldg., McGlll Unlverslty, 3600 Unlversity St Montreal, Quebec, H3A 2T8 PPD, DTP HEPBURN, John Duncan, Statlon 68, Atonie Energy of Canada, Chalk River, Ontario, KOJ 1J0
HERMAN, Alexander Wm. , Bedford Inst. of Oceanography, Atlantic Ocean. Lab., P.O. Box 1006, Dartmouth, N.S., B2Y 4A2 DNP
HERMAN, Jan A., D£pt. de Chlmie, Unlversltź Laval, Qu6bec, Quebec, GIK 7P4 (J)
HERRING, F. Geoffrey, Dept. of Chenlstry, Unlverslty of Brltlsh Columbia, Vancouver B.C., V6T 1W3 (J) DAMP, DMBP
HERZBERG, Gerhard, Herzberg Inst. of Astrophyslcs, N.R.C., Ottawa, Ontario, KIA 0R6 DAMP
HEWITT, John S., Dept. of Chemical Eng. & Applied Chemlstry, Unlverslty of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1A7 HEWITT, Lewis W., 7 Selwyn Crescent, Kanata, Ontario, K2K 1N9
HEWK0, Richard A.D., Northern Llghts College, Box 120, Dawson Creek, B.C., V1G 4C2 DPE
HICKS, Richard B. , Dept. of PhyslC9, Unlversity of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4
HIGINBOTHAM, John, Schuster Laboratory, The Unlverslty, Manchester, England, M13 9PL
HILBORN, John W., R.R. #1, Deep Rlver, Ontario, KOJ 1P0
HILK0, Brlan, 419 W. 20th Ave., Vancouver, B.C., V5Y 2C7
HOROWITZ, Ylgal, Dept. of Physlcs, Fac. of Nat. Scl., Unlverslty of tha Negev, P.O. Box 2053, Beer Sheva, Israel