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(Continued from page 104) mond showcase. through the Brubeck-ian You Go to My Head to Bags' New Groove. a strictly MJQ piece on which Desmond becomes a full-fiedged part of the quintet. In generał, his alto piaying is. as always. impeccable and totally per-sonal. In response, Lewis seems morę as-sertive than usual. swinging out on his own and setting a strong, propuIsive background for Milt Jackson*s vibes. particularly on Bags'New Groove. This is an historie meeting, and it works. Not only is everyone up to the occasion. but the interaction is all that one could have hoped for.    -JOHN S. WILSON

New Orleans Nighthawks

GHB 98 (GHB Records,

3008 Wadsworth Hill Place,

Atlanta, Ga. 30032)

Vince Giordano’s New Orleans Nighthawks have been piaying at the Red Blazer Too—a bar/restaurant on New York’s upper East Side—sińce Decem ber of 1977. Their repertory is madę up of stock big-band arrangements and sev-eral transcriptions from the period be-tween I925 and 1935. Their precision. virtuosity. and sensitivity to the styles of that decade lend a tremendous sense of immediacy to some rather standard farę.

Giordano reorganized the band early in 1980, and anyone who has heard it in the last year or so will be disap-pointed with this recording. Of the mu-sicians on this disc. only Clarence Hutchenrider (clarinet and alto saxo-phone), Moe Dale (clarinet and tenor sax). and Giordano (tuba, bass sax. and string bass) remain. The rest of the per-sonnel here includes trumpeters Jimmy Maxwell and Bernie Brivin. reed player Artie Baker, drummer F.ddy Davis, and banjo player Mikę Peters. All are per-fectly competent, but compared to the rich. full-bodied attack of the current Nighthawks. this band sounds thin and strained. its tempos rushed.

In the midst of all this. guest pianist Dick Wellstood stands out like a giant. On The Mooche he oflers a rumbling solo that swaggers with authority. on Keepin' Out of Mischief he suggests the light and jaunty side of Fats Waller. and on Nagasaki he takes ofTon a bit of high-spirited Waller stride. Admittedly. there are some pieces. such as Glad Rag Doli and Keepin' Out of Mischief. on which the band hits an easy. gracefully moving beat and. without any startling solos. catches the sound and spirit of a good dance band of the ’20s and early ’30s. And its copies of Snag It and The Mooche are suggestive of the originals. But the current lineup would have done afarbetterjob. -JOHN S. WILSON

(Continued on page 112)




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