To State it simply. theres no other complete linę of lightweight keadphones that offers the quality. the comfort or the value of the new Sonys.
In fact, there is no other linę of lightweight headphones as complete as Sonys.
On this genilenian's first left ear is the secret of the Walkman^ great sound—the new MDR-4T. Ifs so incredihly advanced it can make any portable stereo sound even hetter.
Next hes listening to the MDR-50T.The successor to the headphones that started the lightweight revolution. It has a wider frequency rangę than last years model.The rcsult: significantly hetter sound.
Then comes the MDR-80T. Its driv'er technology is light-years ahcad of anything you ve ever heard. Listen to it and ifs like heing inside the most esoterie hi-fi system.
And they all feature Sonys exclusive‘TJnimatcir vplug that works with any stereo unii. home or portable.
Audition the u hole linę at your Sony dealer. Then if you still have difticulty choosmg between C!
them. we cant blame you. We had one heck of a time linding a person who didrft. Jl-
l>n>fessional Audio
© 1981 Som Corp of America. 9 W 57ih Si.. Ncv» Nork. NN 10019 Son> is a rcguacrcd iraJomark of :hc Sonv ( t»rp Clrcl* 16 on R«ad*r-S«rvlc« Card