

Shirley Fleming


Susan Galardi Assistant Editor

George I>ickev Adv. Sales Manager

Susan Allvn


Circulation Manager

Steven I. Rosenbaum Publisher

Contributing editors:

Charles B. Fowler, education Jack Hiemenz, television Joan I,a Barbara, new musie Jacqueline Maskey, dancc Patrick J. Smith, book revievvs Dorle J. Soria, personalities



4 Simon ILiUlc: Mnsiclati of the MoiiUi

Edward Greenfield 18 A Musical Hopla

Paul Fromm

25 The Charles lves Center

New Milford/Frank Merkling 2<> Mlii I li er the “Suncy” (o.irsc?

Racine/Elliott Schwartz 28 n.e Art ofcSini>ing IJeiler

Boulder/Eleanor Keats

30 Georgia State s First <>|»era Morksliop

Atlanta/John Schneider 32 llie Comhictor'* liistitnte

Morgantown/Enid Pallant

35 Charles CastlemaiTs t juartet I*rograni

Troy/Peter K. Mose

37 Contcni|M»rary Conlerenee Spotliglits Varese. Ilrou u

Aspen,Santa Fe/I>avid Hamilton 30 Sydney^ Seeoml Piano Coni|>etitioii

Sydney/Bryce Morrison


2 letters O    Ar list Ule

Dorle J. Soria 10 On Uliieation Charles B. Fow ler 13 AewM usie Joan La Barbara 10 Tlie Hance

Jacqueline Maskey 21 llehnis & Keap|>earanees


\Vednesdav 2

Thursdav 3


W edncsday 9


Lorin Maazel, musie director and principal conductorof the Orchestrę National de France, makes his first tour of North America at the head of this orchestra. This marks hislast seasonasa full-time conductor before takingover the Vienna State Opera.

The Metropolitan Opera unveilsan all-Stravinsky evening: new- productionsof LeSacredu Pńntemps, Le Rossignol, and Oedipus Rex\ James Levine conducts The Concord Quartet, celebrating its tenth anniversary season,gives the premiere ofjacob Druckman'sQuartet No. 3, commissioned for the occasion, at Alice Tully Hall.

Advcrtising Sales ()IIicc, 825 Sevcnth Avemic. New York. \,V. 10019. Tclcphonc (212) 265-8360.

High fideiity/Musical America (ISSN 0018-1463) is* puhlishcd ai 825 Sevenih Avenue. New York. N.Y. 10019 by ABC’ l.cist:rc Magazincs. Inc..a subsidiary of American Broadcasting Oom-panies. Iiic. (Copyright ’ 1981 Musical America cdition puhlishcd momhly. Ycarly subscripiion in the USA and Posscssions $24. clscwhcre $29. Subscripiion including International Directory of the Performing Arts S49 in t'S.\ and Posscssions; cLscwhcrc $64. Suhscriptions and change of address: writc Musical America subscripiion department. P.O. Bo\ 10765. DcsMnincs. IA 50340. Postał idrntiiication numlx*r %4300.


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