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TPS has just released an improved version of thc LC-82 portablc oxygen/-temperaturę meter. The LC-82 is a hand-held instrument with an LCD for case of use in field applications. Read-out of oxygen is in cither parts per mil-lion or % saturation units. Temperaturę is provided to 0.1°C.
Temperaturę compcnsation for oxy-geń values is fully automatic. A re-corder sockct provides an output signal for chart recorders.
The oxygen electrode has also been re-designed and improved. It is now morę robust and all-plastic construction, with a membranę protector. •
The meter features extremely Iow battery drain. In normal use, battery life is about one year ’
For morę details contact TPS, 4 Jam-beroo Street, .Springwood, Brisbane 4127.
An ESDI controller card which en-ables thc high-speed ESDI (Enhanced Smali Device Interfacc) Winchester type drivcs used on many mini computers to be conncctcd to PCs has been released by Pulsar Electronics.
According to the company it is one of only two known in thc world and has lwice the specifications of the other, US designed, product.
According to Pulsar, using ESDI drives with PCs can eliminate many of the problems and restrictions on large Local Area Networks (LAN). The drives also enable PCs for thc first time to carry and senice databasc files as large as 1000 Mcgabytcs under the MS-DOS operating system without thc need for special drivers.
For further information contact Pulsar Electronics, Lot 21 Catalina Drive, Tul-lamarine 3043.
Spccifically designed for high-voltagc stress conditions, the type 12C high-voltagc monolythic ceramic chip capacitors manufacturcd by. Spraguc Electric are intended for mounting on printed wiring boards or hybrid Circuit boards in UHF bypass, coupling, scrvo and simi-lar military and commcrcial applications.
Thcy’are available in 500V to 25(K)V DC ratings in standard capacitances up to 220,000pF. Thęy are manufactured in X7R and COG formulations.
Manufactured by the same processes used in the construction of thc company^ monolythic capacitors, thcsc lead-less unencapsulated multilayer chip-stylc capacitors with metallized terminations can be used in thick-film hybrid micro-circuits and printed wiring boards. Chip-style capacitors can be attached to mi-crocircuit substrates by refiow' solder techniques, by conductive epoxies and by semiconductor techniques such as thermal compression bonding. .
For further details, contact Spraguę Electric Division, 56 Silvcrwater Road, Auburn 2144.
Imark has released the Australian-dc-signed and manufactured Imark PS-4 regulated power supply for use with CB transccivers, amateur transccivers, security systems, car cassette/radio players or as a bench power supply.
The PS-4 operates from the 240V mains supply and provides 4A of regulated 13.8V DC. It features all solid State circuitry with short-Circuit and overload protection.
Further details can be obtained from Imark, 167 Rodcn Street, West Melbourne 3003. •
The new Catel MS-300 series of mul-tiplex remote control and signal ling modules released by Sam Technology transmit digital or contact closure sig-nals over twisted pair, coaxial cables, optical fibres, phone cirćuits, microwave orIR. . . *
They are suitable for extending control lines, providing remote signalling and alarm inputs and sending data gath-ered remotcly to a central monitoring system. • ‘ •
Up to six data points can be handled by each MS-300 transmitter or receiver. Transmitters and reccivers are available in four different bands (2800, 1650, 980 and 580Hz) so that up to 24 data points can be transmitted in FDM format ovcr one voice Circuit.
' No master control is nccded for multi-point operation. Output from the receivers can be transistor, triac or reed rclay. *
The modulc’s standard external supply is 16V AC.
Sam Technology welcomcs enquiries at 36 Binney Road, Marayong, 2148.
The lmpact L1500-01 is a 15 pa ges per minutę laser printer with a paper jogger that keeps individual jobs sepa-rate — dclivered collated face down.
The dual input bins handle 250 sheets each.
The L1500-02 contains thc capabilitics of the L1500-01 with thc PostScript page dcscription software.
PostScript allows the uscr to rotate, scalę, translate, draw lines and ares, shade, and preciscly position tcxt and graphics.
Morę details are available from lm: pact Systems, 7 Gibbes Street, Chats-wood 2067.
ELECTRONICS Australia. September 1987