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Now you don t have to be bolted to your vehicle to keep in


The ICOM IC-40 is a compact 40 channel UHF CRS field proven hand held.

It has standard 2 watts output and optional 3 watts output power which is the same as many mobile radios. It is also available with optional 5-tone ±    selectivecalling.

And is perfect ^    . for jobs on the

land, water or Business where ^ you want to keep ^ ^ J- in touch with ^ ^ rf base without j3§. keeping in touch *—* with your vehicle.

For all details see your ICOM dealer or cali ICOM on Melbourne (03) 529 7582 or (008) 33 8915 from 's,    elsewhere in



News Highlights

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Multi-colour moving display is portable

Moving messages are a sign of the timcs and the latcst innovation in this field is the multi-colour, high-intensfty “G)lour Cells” electronic display board just releascd by Display Systems of Sydney.

Bascd on optical principles similar to those of colour television, the Colour Cells unit offers 16 different colours and is a significant advance on the original Ted or other single colour models.

Each unit is able to carry up to nine scpaiate messages in any sequence. The units also produce graphics and sym-bols, suitable for illustrating all types of sales messages. Yisuals include ships, planes, houses, cars, phones (with an accompanying ring), a beating heart, and a turning wheel.

“Our new portable signs offer smaller businesses and institutions such as video dealers a valuable addition to their mar-

French Telecom orders 900,000 “Minitel” terminals

The Frcnch Public Telecommunica-tions authority has ordered 9(K),0(K) “Minitel” videotex terminals from La Radiotechnique Industrielle et Com-merciale (RTIC), an affiliate of the French Philips organisation. The terminals are to be delivered in 1987 and 1988.

The RTICs Telematique Individuelle et Domcstique (TID) division has been a pioncer in data communication and has already produced 6(K),0(K) terminals sińce 1983.

By Novembcr 1985, 1 million “Mini-

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keting armoury” says Keith Rowe, generał manager of Display System Australia (DSA).

“To operate the unit, the user simply holds a smali infra-red programmer, keying his personal security password and appropriate message into the unit’s 4096-character memory.”

Text can be up to 70mm high and varies to produce thrce-dimcnsional, flashing, bold or italic characters, in upper or lower case.

Economical to run, the Colour Cells unit consumes between 30 and 50 watts of power and each light emitting diodę (LED) is claimed to have a 15-ycar working life.

The Colour Cells display board retails for $1,795 and comes with a six months’ fuli parts and labour warranty. It will be available from sign companies, display companies and shopfitters. Enquiries may be directed to DSA’s Sydney head-quarters, 127 McEvoy Street, Alexan-dria 2015 or telephone (02) 690 1988.

tel” terminals had been installed in Frcnch households. One year later, the installation of 2 million had been sur-passed and the latest indicators clearly show that growth is continuing at a rapid ratę. In 1986 “Minitel” users gen-erated a monthly traffic of 23 million calls to morę than 4000 databases, a total turnover of close to one billion franes. This rapid adoption has been a genuinc social phenomenon.

The ambitious plan for developing data Communications in France, launched in series by the French PTT at the beginning of the 1980’s has been met. The target of 10 million “Minitel” terminals to be installed within less than ten years now looks likclyto becomc reality.

ELECTRONICS Australia. September 1987


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