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IBM compatibility with token-ring-LAN chip set*


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Five TMS380 chips ft>rm the hcart your LAN adapter. The TMS38030 automatically manages the interface berween system memory and the adapter. The TMS380I0 processes and huffers data. The TMS38020 contains RAS and LAN-management stifrware and handles data in accordance with IEEE 802 5 pmtocols. And the TMS38051 and TMS38052 mi>nitor cabling integrity, control nerwork insertion, and perform cltKking and signal conditioning.

Q. What about network management?

A. Every service your system needs is built in.

Tls new TMS380 chip set includes “self-healing" features that ensure the re-liability, availability, and serviceability (RAS) of the network. And oniy the TMS380 chip set has them.

Among these special features are fault isolation of cable-system failures, error reporting, self-test diagnostics, and LAN-management services. So youYe relie\'ed of the risk, time, and expense of develop-ing custom hardware and software for these essential łunctions.

Q. Can it grow with my needs and my customers*?

A. Yes.

On-chip RAS and LAN-management software make Tl’s TMS380 chip set completely compatible with the IBM Token-Ring LAN and give it a stable foundation to meet the need for futurę network expansion. As higher performance standards devek>p, the TMS380 chip set will accommodate them.

Q. What’s this about an Accelerator Kit?

A. lt’s your head start to IBM

token-ring compatibility.

Tls Design-in Accelerator Kit will give you a head start on designing IBM Token-

Ring Nerwork compatibility into your produets. It includes three chip sets, the TMS380 User s Guide, and the Token Ring Adapter Bnng-Up Guide with dehug software.

Texas * Instruments

Creating useful produets and services for you.


Melbourne: (03) 267-4677 Sydney: (02) 887-1122



EC & E:(08) 232-0001 VSI:    (08) 267-4848


Rifa:    (07) 832-3700

VSI:    (07) 52-5022


Rifa:    (03)480-1211

VSI:    (03) 543-6445


VSI:    (09) 328-8499


Rifa:    (02) 858-5966

VSI:    (02) 439-8622

To: Texas Instruments Australia

   6 Tałavera Rd.,

North Ryde 2113

□ Please rush me a TMS380 Data Package. □ Place my name on the TMS380 Mail List.

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