Pioneer has launched a new rangę of    with the use of Mnemonic Command    ety of computers and sophisticated soft-

NTSC Laserdisc players, from the ro-    Language. Random Access Program-    ware. What’s morę, program bump disc

bust LD-V2000 through the flexible LD-    ming allows rapid scarch with minimal    playback allows for both constant    angu-

V42(X) to the advanced state-of-the-art    disturbancc of images on-screen. Multi-    lar velocity (CAV) and constant    linear

LD-V600()A.    speed play allows variation of the play-    velocity (CLV) dises. Extemal syn-

The LD-V2000 is primarily designed    back speed.    chronisation and subcarrier inputs al-

for demonstrations and presentations,    The LD-V4200 also features a built-in    Iow colour phasc adjustment and hori-

boasting a high image clarity with 400    video overlay character display, allow-    zontal synchronisation of playback    video

lines of horizontal resolution. With its    ing the user to overlay up to 20 charac-    to an extemal referencc signal in    multi-

self-detecting CX Noise Reduction on,    ters of 8 lines against the video materiał    screen and other operations wherc criti-

the signal-to-noisc ratio is better than    or a blue matte background. The LD-    cal video timing is requircd.

70dB. A variety of servo mechanisms    V42(X) is prieed at SI,375.    The LD-V6000A is capable of use in

and circuits reduce distortion to a very    The LD-V6000A is the state-of-the-    manuał modę (Level 1), as a self-con-

low level. The LD-V2000 is available    art laserdisc player. It is designed for    tained programmable interactive system

for approximately $800.    the most sophisticated industrial, multi-    (Level 2) and through interface with an

The ncxt level of sophistication takes    screen and simulation applications. High    external Computer control (Level 3). It

you to the LD-V42(X) with a RS-232C    speed random access coupled with an    is prieed at $2,5(X).

f>ort interface. This allows easy connec-    initial mapping system acccsses any    For morę information contact Laser-

tion to a wide variety of computers and    frame in under two seconds.    Disc Division, Pioneer Electronics, 178

sophisticated software. Complex eon-    FIexibility in the LD-V6000A comes    Boundary Road, Braeside 3195.

New CO players use opto-coupling

end of the ultrasonic noise spectrum.

The fuli rangę of Onkyo CD players are available from Hi-Phon Distribu-tors, 1/356 Eastern Val!ey Way, Chats-wood 2067.

Onkyo*s new top of the linę Integra DX-530 compact disc player incorpo-rates a novcl opto-coupling technique, together with the addition of a host of new control features. The opto-coupling technique is claimed to produce a clearer and morę natura! sound, free of any edginess.

The DX-530’s random 20-track musie calendar shows the track numbers in the order in which they will be played back, in addition to the single track currently playing, as wcII as playing time.

Two-times oversampling/digital filter-ing is used, doubling the normal sam-pling trequency. This raises the lower


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