In choosing a receiver you'll want to be surę that you're making the right choice. There's quite a few to choose from but do not fali into the trap of thinking that a receiver produced by any of the large domestic hi-fi manufacturers and purporting to be a "true short wave or Communications receiver" is necessarily a sound investment! We've been in the Communications business long enough to know the good ones from the rest. Listed below are the ones we can recommend as best buys.
Ali are produced by acknowledged leaders in the Communications field and all will give you hours of satisfactory and enjoyable listening, whether it be amateur or broadcast stations you wish to monitor.
But, to make surę you really are getting the best value for money, it's no good purchasing a sealed box. All the receivers listed below have travelled many thousands of miles and are produced on a production linę where finał alignment time is limited. That's why we test each receiver carefully before selling it. Our tests involve the use of several thousand pounds worth of instrumentation and it's because of this that we can guarantee you that a receiver purchased from us is quite likely to be better than a similar model purchased elsewhere. Don't therefore take risks with your hard earned cash. Our advice is free and so are our pre-delivery checks we can deliver any where in the U.K. and can quote competitive H.P. terms and accept telephoned orders against Access or Barclaycard - so if it's a receiver you want, come to Waters & Stanton Electronics, one of the largest amateur radio outlets in the U.K.!
The SRX30 is designed as a budget priced receiver that outperforms many receivers costing 3times as much. Featuring the Bario w Wadley loop, it will enable you to explore the excitmg world of short wave radio — amateurs, broadcast. aircraft. shippmg, etc. Thisis acompletely self contained package. having all the features necessary for complete and reliable coverage of the frequency rangę 0 5 MHz to 30 MHz.
£178 inc. VAT and delivery
Dear Sirs,
Thank you for your most excellent service and unbtased advice when Icalled in to purchase a short wave receiver. / mighr say that / did mtend to buy in London but when / was tofd by one dealer that their repairs werc done elsewhere. I bccame suspicious. How confident I was when Isaw your large sernice department — my message to any other customer wou/d be Co to Waters and Stanton — they have the expenence and facilities at their r)ew premises that far exceeds any other retailer in the South / have visited>
R THOMSON. London. E17
£375 inc. VAT and Delivery
The FRG7000 is based on the successful FRG7 design with a host of features that make it a deluxe receiver for the really senous short wave listener. Digital readout, electronic clock and timer. superb selectivity all go to make up the receiver that everyone aspires to own. Frequency coverage is 0.2 MHz to 30 MHz and the elear digital readout makes it one of the easiest receivers to use.
FDK 2m 1 watt Portable
£89.50 inc. VAT*
AGENTS:- G3PWJ (03844) 77778 G3WRA (0432) 67864G8NMU (0272) 669454 G3XTX (0708) 68956GM3GRX (0324) 24428