Micro-Trak 303/306
Modern styling and plug-in memory balance head highlight the Russco Micro-Trak tonę arms. Laminated wood and epoxy body contribute to both lightness and strength. Stylus force, once set. is temperproof, and adjusted by counterweight. Model 303 is 12 inches; Model 306 is 16 inches.
303 NPN 12" Tonę Arm
306 NPN 16" Tonę Arm
Shure M232 Tonę Arm
A rugged, simple arm for tracking at 1-1/2 grams or higher, the M232 has a fuli rangę of adjustments for static and dynamie balance. cartridge overhang, height, and direct reading force scalę. It accommodates any stereo or mono cartridge. The M232 is designed for 12-inch tables; for 16-inch tables, the M236 should be specified. An ideał cartridge for Professional applications is the M44-7. It hasa spherical Stylus with a medium tracking force (1-1/2—3 grams). It is C.0007" in size.
M232 |
12" Tonę Arm |
M236 |
16" Tonę Arm |
M44-7 |
Stereo Cartridge w/stylus |
Shure M232 Tonę Arm
Micro-Trak 303 Tonę Arm
Russco RA-12 Tonę Arm
The Russco RA-12 tonę arm has all the features demanded by the broadcaster. It is madę of machined aluminum and Steel with a high-impact plastic pivot post support. It has a high-accuracy direct reading Stylus pressure control and an anti-skating compensator that allows precise adjustment of Stylus side pressure. This centers the Stylus and minimizes record drag and wear. All adjustments. including tonę arm height, are madę without special tools. The cable has standard phono plugs for stereo or monaural operation; the head accepts all American and foreign cartridges.
RA-12 NPN 12" Tonę Arm
Stanton Cartridges
Stanton otfers a complete linę of cartridges and styli for the most exacting broadcast and audio applications. All Stanton cartridges are designed for use with all 2- and 4-channel matrix-derived compatible systems. The 600 HP Series features reduced tip mass for outstanding frequency response and can stand rugged handling encountered in on-the-air use. They are available in both spherical and elliptical Stylus point models. The 500 series is available in several configurations depending on application: audition-ing up to ultra high reproduction of fine musie.
600 ( ) NPN HP Series Cartridges
500 ( ) NPN Broadcast Series Cartridges
Ruuco RA-12 Tonę Arm
Stanton 600 Cartridge Stanton 500 Cartridge