n •Tlm»ł-N»wł. T«<f> F«IH. Idaho Sonda/. OctoOo-tt. Wi
Plea i£nored
WHEN SccrcUry of State Henry Klulnger returnu trom Pektng Friday hU dog "Tyler" met Mmatthc alrport, and bit tbe Secretory.
- Chicago Sun-Tlmca CAIRO - Kfiyplian Prcftldcnl Anwar Sadal armes In Ihc United States SucKby for an hłMorlc vl$ll (bal is lUccty lo bc counted a ceremoniał Irlupiph but a subst ant We agony.
---Kvtn-o?**SiHłol*|>fcpariHl lo-
depart las! werk. offlcIaU In • WashlnRlon were Miting II I* known tbat the Kgypllan prchldcnfs most urgent requcst -U.S mllłtary asslstance - wtwld Itc turocd down.
. Ilow Sadal wfll handle the pravc dKapfolnłmcnt K a qucMton knujlng suspcruc to the vUM He bas ł)ccn urged variously to mcntlon It franki) and openly. to refer to it obilqucly and to avold ibc subjcct al|ogclhcr A compromise cour*e — suggcMćd by one EgypUan officla) wOn that Sadal not pulillcly dUcus* hte arms rcqucst. -not say that If the UTKI GtnKMF* U lii |tive urm>lir lvfael. It shoułd (Jvt equ.il amiKinfs fóuv
• Or. betlcr.' be shoutd add. •Jrf u* try to rudircc uyjpnns and guns In the Mtddle Kasi. Ul us broi swards inlo plnw*haro*.“' the KftypUan wid
‘Holy War’ seething
J AGADIR. Mowco tUPIi - Thousands of jjo&msbouting Morrnccant Mrramed Into thb łputhern Moroccan dty Saturd.iy w;ivłng ple-tlires of thclr klop and calHn* for a l»o4> war In tLcir natton*s litd In lakę W.roi of the SpanIMi $hara.
J'*Wr will not belray tbc Monjcean Sahara.** f renmed a crowd of would-U* marehers aUurd ancof IOOtrj>cksamvmpdgrm);theday. jTbcy shouted ••Jlbad," Uh* Arab word for loty War.
I One othclat repn-wntlng an Arab MliUtlc Jasiem nallon walchrd 5.HX» ncw arrirals wUh anper.
"Jihad Ikdy u ar ThaTsIhe most frlghfcnl/ig term In Ihc Arab worid/be wid Tbousards of Morrocans are coneergln*: «>n tbc irast tent cłtlr* In Agadir and at the fn>ntlcr outpvt of Tarf.yti in answer to Morrocan King
Hawan ITscall LiM ucck for HjO.ooo YolunCccr* tu marth Into the Spanish Sahara and clntm Ibc trrrltory for Morroccn
In Marrakesh. the Morroccan govrrnmcnt saki U would bend In ncpotlafk>nx wMh Spaln o\tr Irumfcr of the pbospbate rich colony, hut arrnngrmcnW for the mnrch conllrtUcd at fuli spetd.
• "II rralUm and cood will come to pavs In Ihe diaktRue i wbh Spaln i. Mnrocco w III examtac all formulas whtch can proddixr jhvsIUvc eon-cfu^tons." Inlormatten Mlnlslcr Ahmed Talbi Renhlma toM a ncw> conterence. **“
Kvrry wic ot the trucks tn Ihe Apadlr convoy sported Che .Moroecan natlon.il (laR-a fUepolnird itrem Mar on a rrd hackRrmmd • and had a plcturr of Ifautan on tt>e donr. One drlvcr alv» UiM-rilwd his dtwc w Uh tbo messaRe: ••f>on‘t shool ;»l thedrlvcr **
The Ford odmlnłslrotkm b preporlng lo send a fordgn ald bUt to Congress during Sadafs łO-day vlsJt that calK for bllllon In mllltary old to braci, bet wcaponry for Egy pt
As a token gctfurc. the mcawrc uli] offer Sodat %7jo rn lilio u— In—e contr m t c asslslancc. SIO mflllon morę Ihnn the amounl bclnp rcquoslcd for Isracl.
He also may be offered the posslblllty of ocepilrlng U S Irucks. Jccps and other so-colled "non-lełhal end Items/* perhaps Uie rlghl lo purchasc ittcd U.S. airplan^s from Iran and the prom i w: that the United States wUl keep his larger arm.% rtqucsls opon for futurę conslderatlon.
. Tbot w Ul be smali comfort (nr Ibc Kgyption leader. *abo has walkcd oyl onj lowp. thln ‘limb In Mpnlnp an interim pcacc sctllcmcnt wlth tsrad th.it Is the ohjcct of scom amonę other Arab leader* and cvcn amon* Mmc'ranking f iRurcs in htś ow n country.
Sadal's crllles contemTThat Ihe Kfi>1pian prtsłdcnt r.i\c i.p too much for toa liflfc in Slnal. Ibaf braci stlll Controls *7 per cent of the Kgyptłan lerrłtory it captured fn 1907 and Is now Reltlng vasl amounl of arms from the United States uhllc Egypl łs pctllng nothlnji
Sadal cvIdcntly belicves* he was promł>cd morę durłng his secrcl talks wlth Sec. of Stale Henry A. KKvlm;crthłs Aurum - not only advanccd alrcraf! and other wcapnm. twt a ho a
promtsc thal In Iwo ycars the United States will
puMi for an oycr-oll Młddle - * -----
east seltlcmenl rcqulrlng braci to puli back to lis 1907 bortfere.
The Ford a<1 ministra lian was saylng last weck thal concrcaMooai opposilioamadc— on onn* request Imposslblc. ' and Kisningcr vcbemcntly denlcd reports clrculollnp amon* Arab leaden thal ho had promlsed to lorce a total braeilwlthdrawal.
As the Chicago Sun-Timcs reportt*d cxchislvcl> on l>ct.
12. Arab leaden werc bełng told thal Kbsinger bad promiscd Sadal that wltbln Ibc ibrce-year \\(i of the Sioal Interim aRrtcmow. the United States intended to press for anover-oll Mldcast scttlemenl that uould have braci off Synaps coian*H< j|chb; ouror Jorrfoń*s West Bank and KlOP!*!* Siani and back to Its 1907 tcrrłtory. An aide to -KKMngee ^Mh^-^rerHory-wanted the story denlcd :in
MONASTKRKVIN. Ireland iUPIi - The lh*h govemmi?nt rcfiued to act Salurday on a Dulch bus!ncssman's icrcancdoo: pico for a new mediator to negotlatc wlth hh abductors on tbc grourdstbotoochostagelscnoui^i * %
•*The kldnapcrs alrcady hovt one boMagc.’.' a govemrocaLsourct:.SAl<lTVWe jlon‘l.wonl to handthcmono<hcr.’•
Dulch businessman Tledc Hcrrcma. 52. madc pica for a mcdlotor Frtdayt shouting It from ihc upstalrs bedroom of a modest row housc where Iwo kldnapers were holding hlm a! gunpolnt.
• |
.» |im kywłto. łMM 1 . MAKU * • • ALIOMMf MT • ■ALANC1H0 |
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4I7M«U|. • 732431) |
Press . futurę dępressinp
— A comrpltlee on freedom of tbc *press Friday sald media rtghls througb the Western Hcmtsphcrc • were In a "depresslng** stale.
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