R.T. <Ł I. oflfer the finest selecłion of first-class new and fully overhauled second-hand Communications and electronics equipment in the U.K.
0 Conrtont/y chonging i(ocks of a to1 rango of OĄuipmont. 0 Co»h or Hlro Purchoto tormt eoiily orrongod.
0 Parł •Męfrenf«a woJcomed.
0 Wo aro ’2pot eoth2 boy ar2 for o/mort alloloctronic oĄuipmmnt.
Sond S.A.E. for our lateic lite of o tor 50 recaWcrs md miny othar iniaresting jtems.
ABP 2 mitr2 FET conrerter wilh duat osie mo2121 mliar N.F, tOB. IFi. Ez-atock. 2»;30. 14/1B. 4/0 MHz. £14260 OalaWi on r2qua2l.
Vilvtl: OQVO3,20A £2 28 P.P. 5p Gofd płn«. Flrat Cła1. Guaranlaad 3
M.C. 78 • watt10 dni Tflpioi Ampllllar 2 XOQV02/8 £14.
Tron alitom: 2N524S (For mody TIStt). Mp. 40600 7Jo, 2N3810 4Sp. 2NT08 30p. 2N3826 2$p. 2N706 12p. TIS48 25p. 2N2368 »p. IN814 lip. BCtOO Mp.
Poal 3p. s»nd S.A.E. tpr lut and onpuirlM.
36 Lldiord Tor Av2nu2. RoUlmd Park, Palgnton. Oavon.
When ynu oun ao K<idy«(Ntr com-ttiiiriiralinm rrccivcr. yoa haVc tlić bruadcasiirig worki ot your fiuc er lipj - whrrrycr ynu happen to bf -
im lauri or at 2e». 2121 tę rcpitlalioti lliesc ku have uttamcrl ii proofortheir cx< rlteiicr and rrliability and at ltnhnf2. there is a sik-t in! Kd<lv»ionc dc-partmem wbcrc you can iw. Iiere and cnmpnrc Ibc model2 listed herc oikJ tomc or tlić Eddystone Professional rcccivers.
Same day dctpatdi to any part of the wortd; free deliucry in the U.K.; plus aftcr salesscruice Tor which Imhofa and Eddystone arc worki famout.
EDDYSTONE ECio Mark II transutorised Communications rcrcivcr. A <Wu« venion of lliis famom rlrsign nnw incorporatittK 2S2 me ter and limitcd fmc tuner. £7p.un.
EDDYSTONE 830/7 widc rance troi2 miunica limu rc«eivrr. A liistli grudę HF/ME reęeiycr covcriiiR BookHz-jwnHt in 9 ran ges willi cryatal contro! facilitics. Many satuiird users acrlaim il as "the Ucst cver2£340.00.
łbie to Professional corninitmcnls the Eddystone rance avaitablc to ilie generał public is limitcd for the time bcing. Howeacr. new modeli orc under <!e\cloprnciił—kccp an cyc on our advcrliscłnc»tl for advanced information. Meantimc, the KCto Mark II continucs to prove the most |x>pular medium priced receivcr ever introduccd by Eddystone.
Dcpc: ia-6
11 a-l t6 Naw Oaford Street, London, WCiA tHJ
Tel: 01-636 7878 RMG
SENATOR CRYSTAL5 proven incard show2 tham to belhe natdlotdor2 Inthe art pl catering lor crysUl r2qulr2m2nt». Upon revi2w. It becomee fairly obWous why thla shouldfa2. At SENATOR, prior lo dispatch.every crysUl i2 lostod on inlomahonally approv«d tesl teliln conlunetlon wlth froquency countert. theraby elimlnatlng error and atiuring that etery cryatal unit It dispetched in perloet worKIng order.
69.000 BRANO NEW, modern cryaUla under our control Ond actuolly in our own elock-rooma. la lufficient raaton for our cuslomere. who rangę Iromamatoura to th2 Post Oftict. gorarnmant departmenta. uni1fslti#s and laadlng oloctronlca menu-(aclurara. to order Ir om SENATOR timaand timeagaln. partlcularly wben they naad Ctyetale in a hurry.
Hera aro |utt a fow ol the popular froquenciea actually In atock now:
100kHz |
In |
at |
2.58 | |
1.000MHz |
in |
HC6/U |
at |
1.76 | |
2.000 |
88 |
•p |
88 |
8# |
1.50 |
3.500 |
M |
88 |
8» |
68 |
1.75 |
5.000 |
*• |
aa |
MC25/U2 |
PO |
1.50 |
7.000 |
Po |
• 8 |
HC6/U |
00 |
1.10 |
0.000 |
88 |
•a |
• » |
• 8 |
1.90 |
to.ooo |
00 |
•ł |
00 |
•0 |
1.90 |
30.000 |
*8 |
88 |
88 |
M |
1.80 |
32.600 |
•8 |
88 |
Hcta/u2 |
98 |
1.80 |
34.000 |
88 |
00 |
M • |
aa |
1.80 |
34.500 |
aa |
88 |
•8 • |
PO |
1.60 |
36.000 |
88 |
88 |
•• • |
00 |
1.76 |
35.500 |
88 |
82 |
80 • |
• 8 |
1.7S |
38 666 |
88 |
• 6 |
99 • |
88 |
1.39 |
40.000 |
PP |
• 8 |
10 • |
00 |
t.60 |
70.000 |
88 |
82 |
*• 8 |
19 |
Ł00 |
71.000 |
•• |
00 |
88 • |
00 |
2.00 |
design2, and cryttalt lor every amalaur bnnd always in stock. Thara ara »c many thousands mora uaaful fraquonclaa in d>a Bank thal to 1121 tham all would taka too long. Why not talephone or wrlto your onqulry (o u2 1 Erperionce provo2 that w2 ar2 surę lo hav2 tomathlng v2ry CłOae to—41 not tpol-on-the lraquaney you r2quira Irom 50kHz Ihru 132MHz in stock.
When telophonlng. you can ba astured ef a epeedy answor lo your onąuiry. All oui stock la racordad (no Computer2— fust hard-working stafl).
Should you r2qulr# crystal2 mada lo ordar-no problem. W2 can supply a2 tollow2: 3rd. SIN and ?th OVERTO NE to an ad|u2tment tolorance o» ± 0 006%. (Will hołd 60 ppm Irom —20 lo + 70 dag. C.) Arailabła In HC6/U, 1S/U and 2S/U:
179MHz |
*• |
200.0MHz |
£ 12.88 |
140 M |
08 |
174.8 " |
8.79 |
tto “ |
88 |
139.8 1 |
7.08 |
60 " |
M |
109.9 1 |
3.25 |
17 1 |
90 |
59.9 '• |
2.50 |
FUNOAMENTAL MODĘ to an adjuatmant tolaranco ot £ 0.006% arałlablo In HC6/U, I8/Uand 25,*U:
11.5MHz to 20.00MHI 2.50
4.0 “ M 11.49 •• 2.50
The tollowing In HCi/O only. 0 006% tolaranco:
1.4MHz to 3.9 MHz 3.00
1.0 " ** I -39 " 3.28
The toltowino to 0.01 % tolorance:
500kHz |
lo |
999kHz |
In |
HC1/U |
£ 4.50 |
450 2• |
88 |
499 ” |
08 |
HC5/U |
3.98 |
150 •2 |
449 2• |
92 |
HC6/U |
3.15 | |
50 •» |
lo |
149 1 |
0 0 |
HCts;u |
4.60 |
Betów 50kHz and to ctoeer tolorance2. by quote.
Type2 avail2bl2: Flazural Moda; NT Eloment2;
J Plata; Ouplea Elamanl2 etc.
SENATOR can aupply cryatal uniltto Brlllah and U.S-A. Oaionca apacs.
Now you'va raad thla adv2nltem2nt. «»2 naturally hopo that you ar2 “hookcd" on SENATOR CRYSTALS; how#2ar. |l you ara not. daal wllh u2 once and we are sura that you will ba. SENATOR know how and 55.000 unit2 actually In ałock practlcally
Alao, 200kH{. 500kHz. 8797.190kHz tor R.A.E.N., mott cry2t2l» for G20AF and Otbtr
- Afto amlloOte in HC«;U.
And hera2a Our stoc2 ranga ol BRANO NEW HC6/U SMHz lor 2M:
6.001 8.012 8 018 8.021 8.032 8.041 8.043 8.041 8.048
8.0665 8.068 8.061 8.070 6.061 6.002 8.100 8.104 6.107
ALL at £t.2S aacłi. pott.froe It will be lound that Iheaa cryaUla puli a long way when uied in a VXO Circuit.
To pul INOUE IC-2F'a on lo ł45.000MHi, wo can aupply from STOCK t6 t23MHz and 44.766MH1 in HC2S/U hotder2. at £1.80 aacN.