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and Documentation Diyision (DIVAD) with (i) contacts wlth the eztension seryice and the faralng community; (ii) publication and transfer of research results; (iii) contacts with the national, regional and international research community; (iv) Staff training and manpower development; and (y) library seryices and documentation systems.

4.04    The Scientific Directorate will be composed of (i) four technlcal departments which constitute the basie scientific and technlcal units cf INRAN, and which are responsible for conducting sectoral and theme-oriented research programs. It includes four sectoral departments; rainfed crops, irrigated crops, natural resources management, anlmal production and health. These departments would each contain instead of sections, product-specific research programs, linked to each other by research work on themes of common interest; (ii) one theme-research department in the areas of production systems, rural economlcs and agricultural policy analysis; and (iii) one unit for stati8tics and computerized systems.

4.05    The national research program would be carrled out by two Regional Centers, the Pniyersity of Nlamey. the INRAN-Assoclated Laboratories, and four Research Statlons. Each of the centers would be led by a center director whose main functions would be, on the one hand, to represent the General Directorate of INRAN to the regional authorities, especially to those involved with rural deyelopment, and on the other hand to ensure the proper overall scientific, administratiye, financial and materiał functloning of the center. The director would be adylsed by two consultative bodiesi the regional research/deyelopment councll and the scientific and management councll of the center.

4.06    The regional research/deyelopment councll would, at least once a year, bring together researchers and the main regional authorities in charge of rural deyelopment including representatiyes of the farming community. This would be a forum for ezchanging Information on research work and deyelopment concerns, as well as proposals — to be submitted to the scientific councll and management councll — conceraing the orientation (and eyentual financing) of the center9s research actiylties. The regional councll would particularlyt (a) reyiew results of applied and adaptiwe research program8; (b) reyiew the adoption rates of technlcal recommendations in the preyious season; (c) agree on the nezt year*s adaptiye research program to be carried out by research; and (d) prepare and agree on the contractual arrangements defining respectiye operational responsibilities of INRAN and the exten8ion serylce for the training program and for on-PAD and on-farm research/deyelopment program. Regular field days for eztension Staff and for farmera would be held at the research statlons and PADs.

4.07    The Center Councll. oyer which the center director would preside, would a im at (i) animating scientific ezchanges between center researchers, preparing meetings of the regional research/deyelopment councll and producing reports on center actiwies; and (ii) ezaminlng administratlye, financial, or materiał problems concerning the life of the center, especially those haying to do with the management of resources shared by all of its research units.

4.08    The director of the center would not need to interyene in the functloning of research units or in the ewaluation of their personnel; these tasks would remain the ultimata responsibility of the unit heads and


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