hk UlkrWiiWi. ł«.h rui*v KJ*l»v Suoday, Octobcr 4. lv/4

Miss Shell, Montgomery wed


KII J5H - H.iuumi.i Dc Ai. Slwtl and J. Drmils !Ui«i-Igotnrry http marrlci! Sep< 211 ul Ihc i'nlUd.M«'(tKKli>l Church hiK.It r.

The tirntMim u** per* lonnrd t> llcv. J. D. Cn.Ru--

The HrUh* In Ihr iŁ*oghUr uf Mc. juk! Mr» W «:. Shell otul Ihc hridcgruMii** paniik on* Mr. Ml Mm l( CS Mon-• (jtftnrry. aQ Kiler.

The linek* tran* ati empire-K)fe goun vi Uh n Ince liodlcc. The i^imii tran modę af Mitłn Milh a m*i mvr!a,v. Tlić luig lair »kvvr» li.nl .1 nilllr ot lace ii Ihr u«%l .nul ;in«ihMl Ilu* u|»prr*nn

ller cflKiu^kuKlh vcłf w;m» Md l»y a mm.iI) tocr r;ip Shr eurrlcd u cMraOr Unainct «l ptrtrt Homit* imtmting piuk luhy nno and luifiy** lireuili Mn l-arry Ktdwr. Kiler. Man malmu «»l Ikhmc. I trendu

.Shell. KUcr. un.% lirldcnnuild l(nU*rt I.. Ilcrr w.-u ho4. mail IMktn Merc l.arry Ki*h«r. Jim DaiUcls and Mait Knlghl StcptKfl Shell M tłji rlngJ*\irvr atxl Mrludy Stall m js floMcr. cirl. Curi Lłcnn.m and 5klji ShcłJ Merc can* dkllghCct*

Tin* 0x41)1- w.v* fmiuired nt a rrccphon at IIk* church. WUim |n.: ihc errrroany.

The Ihrw tftcfcd mtille raki*

*4h dccur.iltil Milh Iduc mc%

iind a p*ik rlitt and Mlver iravr> 1( *» flanki d Uy candel.ilira holding lilue camBe>    .    ..

Heccpilon AasiRlaoCa In-dudŁii Sara Agnc^J.Clrdc. Jo A»ui Ifurtniff. Venui Thompson and    Tiplon

KoUoMkig a ueddang Irip Co . YellnM-shnc National Park. IIk* ample n»łd« ni Kiler. The hrtdcgmcmi Ih cmploycd )»y Asgrow Srcd Ch.


WIN KAIJ-S - Senior CMUcn Ir.iiktfMrlatkni foc Uh.* rannie show nf the Muc Art# llmtcliru:. ł*«lk*Rc uf Snołhcra IdJhu MoikJ.iv and Tnc*la> at h pin.. mIII lic cwrdmated liy MSV!\ fcfephonc 7IM0M. etCraslim SI bclore 4:IW p.m r.nli dny


A lovc/ier You


By Mury Sue Miller

Whcn your woighl in ncar normo), spot cxercisc u oII thftfi nccdcd to parę hciivy spotó. The proccos eon bc fun. not duli or tiring. ifyou mokc o gamc of it. Horc’s


• Pick UpStick*. Scai-ter 20 motchfitickj on the Hoor in o nemi-circle. flbout 1 inch •port. Pick up the •ticks by squoUing in profile to thcm-Uirn your lefl aide. reoch* with your left hond. pick a stick and riae. Repoat to ihc right and, alternating aides. continua until you have rctricvcd all fticka.

Row Your Bont Sit crcct on the Hoor, your feet together. and


Orands cieci

Kll>:it - Mn l-eo Kaci wik riccted prrsldeut of the f#at NoMc Grand Club Thunday evming at Uic nocne of Mn DuoWUkcs

Mm. Harley Williams M*a>. cteclcd vkt pttildcN nnd Mn. Warren SI rond nccrcla ry* IrcaMirer

Mm CMvht Hoffuuin was assUlant ho%Ccs% for Ihc pmluck dlmwr ufcIch perreded Ihcmcetlng. Mm Hulh Hausera and Mm. Nora    serc


Gamo prlzcs Merc awardcd Mm Gcnevive Crawford. Tempa Kllenwoml. Mn. lUimrnundMm WUHams.

By KtTni BAKKKH Twln Kalli Kubik Ubrary TWIN KAIJ-S - Kvcr> g\H*^ ronm oug^il (o have a cvpy of -*,fcThc—Bcdside"jmif "pfta,|ł BaMards.** h> Dorolli) M Jonsoo. ,

Thoe short hornr laks till kcvp vtsMliig lruoumi.19, en-U rlamcd throughout Ihc mghl IlhiMrotcd with cacellent pen ai^J tok drauinj>. Thc“l>«x.V U hllcd with ihc chllllng


cacapadca ot mm muf-derern; ptotu-n. and Mhcr as&orlcd rascaJi It Is m lacl a l.«*<ia.itl(ig goUcry of pcrfcdiy om ful people Including* PargMi^l Frcdcguudc .and other

cmanitpalcd kmalca **fn Ihck do> Ihey mtjv the et^uK of cny 10*^.'* the authe^ pointa out. **Given hall a chofxv -womcn-can-U* OK-hund-ace* anyiaidy.**

If you k*vcd ^huddcrlrag. through (alrytales obout ogra. Rohltna. and lerrifylng crcatnrcs ol mythnlogieal lanur. I itcommnad you rcad lhkv hontr li’s for all hurthe rcally falnt hcarktl

by Experłs


24 Yeart Sorvlng th® floor coverlng ^ ^ tnoeds of Magle Vbll®y.



One minut® East on Addlson Avo.


CHAHGEIT On Sears Revolving Charge

SA VE *2 Perfect*

Sears *5.29 Winnie-The-Pooh Knit Grow Sleepers

tTpfcwcd to the baacboard. Now pretend you are rowing :m. o bool. Grasp the oars in cithcr hond. bond forward and BM your fiata to your toes Swceping tho oars ^ throui ^your

^pull in the nbdomen nnd o roli a5ong the hipiino.

•I Pillow Fight. Stand crcct and hołd a smali, firm ^•pillow between the palma of your honda ot forchcod J;Ievcl. So os to ael up tension in the orm ond chcst ; :*mus;lcs. repeatodly prosa pillow. "

; * From theao garnca comca a taut, fit look. Better get wjth it.

sictfTs of a tovur ncuii

lm WW» your fijrure pedlem? To ochioro CoUl *UracUvrneM nsd

•- feroy bootlrt. SECRCTS OF A U)VELY nCtmE. Ic aoU.ni f*y m. wiyi co rrducr «tff ht ond proportlooa; Ł* owomtw groonunf prot>-Jf lemi. •»<>> m fua. freekko ond bkmnSrt. lo merę with gne* *nd r po** For your oopy. rrriu Co Mory Sur Mi litr in coro of thit {; BWMprr. tnciodnu # lonj|. tel/ oddmifd. tUs^mó en^clope «nd aSetoUlaeoio

JJ.    © Field BnUrprltee. Inc. 1974

jgh tKe water, lean bock ond touch your fiat* to chcst/Continuo for 3 minutes, working for a good




Sine© ^ai cant 90 around sayng ^tAe tenific, let our ctthes do it far you

Ali oul dash for fali. Oecker- * t>oard swooior •cl ol łono ca*d'oan and sWolcs* puli-ovar In oreon/ * ooimoal ceocka. ' Worn under- . ncoth. oacmaal colorod body * thfn and greon

"Marat ?

icgethers Irom Solo s by -Couniry Sol.

Alto o.c»ob»r m blwo o-»d •

" bro««

comb^orie^i -


Satisfaction GuarantorH or Your Money Rock

»:«kvm»huv wruti


The pajamas they’11 love to slcep in. In Iwo different styles, anap or tuck in style. Flame retardent for safety. *Slight imperfections in appearance.

Bigger Girls’ & Guys’ •

Polyester Flannel Gowns andPajamas

YOUR A 9 7


Girls will lovc Kodel* polyester flannel pajamas and gowns in colorful prints. Boys will go for the cotton and polyester pajamas. They're all Pcrma-Prest* fabrics and sizes 7 to 14 are flame retardant.

GirU' *6.99

Foolcd Pajamas


Sears'6.49 Student C47 Sizes Boys* Pajamas .. .O

Prlc®* Effectly® Thru Tuesday. October 8th

CUT 13%

Sears $5.29 Warm Little Blanket Sleepers priced to wake up the bargain hunter!



Wonderfully worm blonkot sloepors ore modo for wormth of S.E.F.® modocryllc ond polyester blond*. All sizes havo ’skid-~ rosistont plosric soles. knlt euffs ond qulck-zlp tronfs. In Toddler slzos.

Out $677 Blanket Sleeper in Juvenile Sizes


SEARS - TWIN FALLS 403 Wost Maln Stroot 733-0821

SN.. WWL. m. ViJ0 »->. ro t

THvfł.. S«f. ti30 • Iltl 4 pj*. k»«kr fUl i p.m,



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