72 Ti«v ^-Nc«vi. T*-n FaMs. lOA^O Svn<My. Ocfobcr 6. ItM
By MARILYN EtXIOTT ’ TlmciNcwswntcr TW1N KAIJ* "A fu>
liMpr" ui .1 Itif Hi.il «M«n KCOI'>l>i»łH*łl'.VS
. -Tiul-im-lwu. wn'. rnwuU-f —Bltf yciU*
w ho *re thrnurf* slmUnr jMoJUcms, or who luivc guno lliroutft thctti ard llral to lank ImkIc on ttocm. Ihc lndivkliul _ _ __ wemficlnied wilh his «wn
'rut*.UKUnl Will— Is wt *»nc ttvtf.il_
;umI kfrciN.” v»y* anc uoiilmi wtiu ki* Ihtii Uiniii:h il .«!• AlAtSMi b IfYWlg *•» lllc Jflcr H l»dixl tfur Ui
ikiii p;i/lK'i|i;ilwm l:i*l vr
deseniu-* Al-Amin. nr^iiu/.il bui lur ifH,ll * uumrii wfpgn- m.rtc* h.nv dninliiiCKHi^ilifii
••wncn Imnje with *n aŁoMio \imi,i%* imM allownl U* ii n.*l jHTum >•••» cmvr iip lnf ihctn. >nn Iw liw ftuw In AMmini vihi Icuin Itul u iv*l |«*rvn* .nul .lcv miitkif lo >mir «*fl rlumrJit*
Iw ot h p iii ui ilw (Imam; mmi «•! Ihc Tum KjiNu I’nifrc1 I Yvłtli) Utuih f lwręłi
wlvp prnhlrnw curc Hic
iilcoShilM*. nr pot kuk u vx*ih*r Uiiumr^ inarrkiyst*. «ic nf ibr or^iNii/crs Haki <aIIVn r;iy nf impcfurihmi." >hc* «i>> Iły uwili u* li^-fbrr willi nOu r u mi .md umnm
KI>KN - .luimn lhxu* a >oilnf al Valky Ilu* .Scłwwl fu* hnn iiiKiImiI thX %lw b In le fraluml Iii Ihr ctpjith sus-JHOf «xht|nn ni \Vh»"» WV« Aminu: Amrnrwi IM> Selmo!
Mm INjuni ilimtfiUT nf Mr jad Mrv Km lhxmi. Krint b m1i\t In Htp tTiŚL Kiifurr llu#nmi.«ki*r> «1 A mer im. .maial ulali. NafkM.il I fornir Soi-lcfy and track and
Vt*])rUt.ilf (imiiin
icntd a* Junior
ckiNi prrMrirol. a «lrk£tte lo fIirls Stidc and ulICTKhHi the lTilvrrslly a/ l?lal» sclcncr nyrapodwir.
Iii widii łon lo huvtn$: brr Ukitfrciphy pułilWiciI In Ow Umk. MIhs IMxo«i wWl cmnjK-U-for one r 10 srbdanlilp nw^cdK^Jpodcd by thr ndfdKhcrs and udl lic mvif4il fu piirlłrijnitc in litr firmi. annual ••attrccy of hip;h
Mlw I>ixoii pbat\ to Klckk Collcpi*. aflrr hrr pradiuilkifi m May
Oflcti ulu.n a prrvMi firsl wiiH-*. br nr thr will •wpili it -on oor^ood ictr mc croąiphis Mory • **k».*i if off tu%
dte4."T!lr enup cjo fhen sharc iwpifkucrs ;>tkJ ;id vkt
-Many of llwin fcet inljccd up nrwl fWnk lhcy’rc nil oConc u-ilh IM» profilem and Uiat Uktc l> no hope hu* ihcnt A lof of llmn ihlnk M > the flktibolic*fc fauli and .ilolof limes d hn*l. TlK*y tiunk lhi*lr rnafr ckwMtat carc ałioul llum nr Ik- umtldirt drink/'
Snmrlinii.N m'n liird lo cumę lo Ihal flrU Al-Amn mculknd Tlić alcohofic małe may nol llke il. Sonie|kiąilvniud wk*ak nul of Uh- huau* tu atfend mccilnict- Sowę hovc U» facv
antjry uords — or uoru*
Soiix* arc erafurriwd lo alltnd hccaiw Ibal inran% odomilm: openiy ihal fhrtr inalcha> a dnuk jou pniidem. Bul Mion Ilu? pmKfjiti “Cf wmk* 'Alt OWI
Ow of Ihc lw«dc pratHum nf AIv\non lic Ihat Ihc
rrflect on mace. The małe Ih an lnd»vidual mi hu men rlnM — nol lo Iw judeitl h> llie ac llonsiif Ihe alcofiolk •*You pc< Mich a piiIM feHind ‘ Ihal mryoac b lalklnH aimul you." one mcmlwr s;t\> 'II tokes n‘lol (o karo IT* not yo«.-
”\Vc trach łbem Utai n .x nU Ibcfll ihal startu ar Mops an rdcohoHe.''* an urtfMtocr Miki It M up lo lite alcohnlłc lo
rehaltllllale hlntu-lf. and up lo Ihc alcohohcS matę lo malntaln b»s or ber nun Hfe.
Al-Anon entourage* memhcr* lo >niii
do tlilnr> Ihcy likc to do — •and (o Klop tylne'*
-We Iry lo Icocłi llw f«ii»dk*> Piat uhalcvcr tlić drmkmp partner U dolnie — If >«t havc nlahs no nhead aod do (hem
l)o«*t foow >ou Sile amund lite
hc olcoholic walc b remalm •*dry.” Ihc-k*n‘l alwn>% ceasc malca of lndlvldual* u tui havcn t had a drink In >tuw cqniłmte allemllnj: AKAnon
One of Ule prohlcuis Is tiul Ute one* dependent akholtc małe \* Kuddrnly no lunacr upon his speu«-csakitholic tiecewcc ted In AlcAdie* errat Ing JeakMcsy
And. for wtenconr u hu has exprcti*d his or ber pww to Hit ritntuHh a Mtdden per sonality trofulormatlcn ulurn Miłicr. Ihcre nftcsi cnmc* the ihpckine jeailral lwi ih.ii the. spnicu* iś not “that uowlmw person Ihcy cxpcctcd lo lind.
Tłe mates of cx*a!cnbnlK* -provkJr no uddixl dimewdoM Pi Al Annn mewi Ing*. lor Ihcy hA¥c llrxxJ Ihmugli Ihe hdJ and SIWiUHi
At*Anon nwwls cvcry ueck. Mctnhm are tołd to takc cnch day M a tbmr. They are tuld lo nd themsef vrs ?f *r|l pky. %Xup liy^ng *° rurę their inalc and do snmcf Itine for Umcttdm.
AmpymRy ls Impnrlan! lo mcralier* Tlml u *hy nc» nanic* were uscd In thł* ar-tlckr.
mOGIIEOA. MM* fUPll - Charles Wolslł ts hu own son's brpthcrinlaw.
WoJsh. a SS>)Tar«kl wldowcr. Thursdjy marrled Eugenie IWudrn Walsh s fon Tom hi aiready marrttd lo the brlde s eider sjrtfr.
: Judy Drown
*1 *9m tm(K «««d
Bormlo't Solon of 6oouti
U* H. lim <Acr*m h*m $<ko«! floyprewndl 7310411.
they have lutu uanltfiu lo JoCn.
South can make 12 either way
KAST A 9375 *912
A 1017 ♦ J94
Nęłfher v*dnerabk
North Eatl SmI*
-------— 1N.T.
3 N.T. Pw Paa
Opentng Iratl-K*
By Oswald A James Jacoby The ACBL cxpcrti who
__oatWrg;.KhooJ-of They su
ońaTyied the Otympiad r in the
bellev® rough-and-tcll
suggest Ihal South oe.e notrump ond Norlh rśise tio thrcc. Then they go on: **A dub leod by West will altów South to maike 12 tricks bv leodkr.g towords dummy s club hODOfS a second limę.
The hoart king Icod will hokl South lo U If by
. somechance Nodh”becomes'dcdarer7"A“
bcort Icod will hotd North lo Ib Iricks
o very
; We agree with the moich-^oifK onalysls. but dld woich O^e South player make 12 Łrick* ofter o king of hearls
ra&ked thot first Icod. This left West with o lough problem obout w hot to do ot trick two. He finally ted o Iow Club. Dummy* nucen hrId Ihc trick and South was ready to go aflcr ihc rest. f Hc starte* by coshingiwo high dtamonds to make surę (hal suh would break. Then bc led out his acc and king of spode* ond the Jack Aftcr this plcasont ment-tbere wosano sąueezc ogoinst West. South casbcd dummy'5 two high spodes and dlscnrdcd bis last Club Then bc ran off the rcsl of tbc diomonds. On (hc loM diamond łead Wcm had lo
Donce Wear
☆ Bollet ☆ Toe <r Top ☆ Tighls * Lootords —tt-£xercise — - AppareP
oucen of hearls the acc of clubs.
lo hang on to So the klnę of clubs was dis-cardcd and llie lott Iwo tricki scorcd wlth hcart*.
The biddmg has bcvu |
5 | ||
Wttt |
North |
Emm |
So«tb |
14 |
Pav\ |
14 | |
Pass |
24 |
Paw |
3+ |
l*a« |
34 |
Paw |
4 NT. |
l*su |
ST |
Psu |
5 N.T. |
54 |
POM | ||
You, South, hołd - |
4AK 8 4 3 fA2 4Q4 AK QI7 What do you do row** • — A-Pau or bid srvra dla* moBdt; Ellhrr bid ma>br thr betL II JimI drprmli on j«»r op* llmltm quotlrnt
TODAY* OUCSTMN Insiead of rcbiddir«: luo dia-monda > our parlnrr ba« nUtl onr notrump. Wiat do >ou do now’
Antwer Mo»da>
TW1N FALLS — The T»ln FaMs Junior Club money lo pjrehaie a rangę and for the Senior ClUiens oc/Ucr. - •
A chcck for enough moncy to covcr Che pur-has bcen presenled (o Marvln Glasseock. of Southern Idaho, by (Ac dub. The modę posstMc by the ovcr-; commur.lty wpport ot the Junior Gub loat March. accordlng to dub of* flce/T- The rangę and frcczcr will focllltate food at the center.
t's goo). purchace of o 12 possenger senior cttiMfk łransportolion was and surpaŁsed The von has bcen In usc
TWIM FAIJ.S -Thr YU-YMiW Pool n^>vrv mrt ut thr
Wari »ttr IluUi Thfflkcld fłra: hUe ChMtrrton.
Maty Itowland. ŁStM. and llrlm Hmjymo, rmirin Thr tirttjp nwvt> il i pm riKh Moadiit wlth itnuWłT' ulwa>% •ikułtH' Thr Sl |Ai>tn* br i> Owuitid Im ihr »«UMnitu;f>«l Imid.
TWIN KAI JA - Thr hln Fal U IlupKrate. Hndcr nu1' mci Thgrwkiy nlghl at N* Carlllm Hweplton C‘f«4cr Winrur* urrr Mn A. J Ijn ónr*T and Mn K I. IW. unU. Mn* II M. ITorhtr ani Mrf'J: S Fełdheen. wn-d Mn II K
luirgrv« and Jcrry >bunr. thint and Mn 11 C SukamiUr. II K. Itorm* fourth
In ihc iimk v gamc w um
V| Youm and 1-Jth> Smilk RrM: J Prfl>i^w\Y and S .Uhon. tnwd. Md J Snrm and C lim run. thwtl
SIMiSHONK - Ot* inrt
nt Ihr bMnr nf l>f aul Mn H G# Nidwr&UurdayrmUae l*ra\*s$nrl«wfw*r toMr ani Mn JorHmiNrbu. Mr anJM.%
J II CTwrrhmMfi 4iml Mr. and Mn KttodhlWUn Mr and Mn miII
hml lhcnrxl nwr«i«*
SIMlNK - Mn IkmmIup* Okay lindze
undStn GonkaiSotcwhi% min uvrc uon liy Mn K. U. Saras. Mn Rohcrl lfaddxk and
What the
some wifh shearling pile lining and trim.
•S. Sporty Wool Ploids, pile lining
Blues, greens. or rods. Sizes 7-15.
In Lynwood^ Bankcards WeJcome
/ »•
20% OFF ALL WOMENS’ SLACKS Sale 6« to 12“
Rog. $0 to $16. Chooto from doubfo knit pultom or flnoly toilorod dross slocks. Potifo Missos. and Ouoon slzos. Shorf. ovorago. ond long.
25% off a!l knit fabrics Save Up To 1**. ’
Sak 2” to 5**
Rap. 2.99 to 6.99. Chooso from o lin# soloction of boftor knlls. Crtpo sli*ehtoxfurlzod pc'yo$ior-polyosfor-iocpuordft tolldi ond fonclot ond moro.
crushod volvois
1.27 plr 30 1.59 n ow bo rn 79* no. 12
Rog. 1 .89 doylimo pV9. cl 3.
Sale 5“ to 10“
R#g. $7 lo $13. will bo ploosod with our saloctlon of hoodod łlshormon knlfs. coblo-
eoblof ront. qnd |0C-quard knii cordigon S.M L ond XI.
SUNOAY 20% OFF BOYS JEANS Sale 3“ and J4
Rog. $4 to $5. No • Iron duroblo donlm Joons wlth woublo knooi In nory* brown. 6 moroon colon slzos 3 ro 7. 8 to 16 Slim ond rogulor.
Sale 3" to 3°
Rog. 3.69 to 4.29.
Hocvy wolgbf combod (Otton long sIooyo shlrt ond drowars. Nofurol color. Rog. ond foli. ..
Rug. 2.98 lo 9.98. Shorf ond long sleoYOs. lomlnofod hoodod sfylas wifh cofion sholl ond polyostor Intor lining. S.Ml.Xl. Rog. ond foli.