Codc: BSD032


Field of study: Civil Engineering

Responsible Persons:

prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Wilde

dr hab. inż. Robert Jankowski, prof. PG

Postgraduatc studies (MSc - course)

Full-timc studies

Department of Structural Mcchanics and Bridgc Structures

Department of Steel Structures and Construction Management

Year of study: I / Semester: 2

Language: English

Hours in semester






ECTS Points: 3



Assessment: test

Topics: Almosphcric motion (generał circulation. wind velocity profiles. atmospheric tuibulence. e\trcme winds climatology). Navier Stockes Equation. Flow over sliarp edge objeets. Flow over circular cylinder. Aeroelastic phenomena. Wind tunnel experiinents. Wind actions on stnictures. Causes of earthąuakes. Magnitude. intensity and other paraineters of a ground motion. Historical earthquakcs. Eartliquakes in Poland. Seismic hazard inaps. Types of structural dainage due to ground inotions. Dynamics of structures under earthquake excitation. Rcsponsc spectrum. Experimental tests. Seismic resistant design. Geoteclmical aspeets. Rockburst induced ground motions.

Objectives: At the conclusion of tlie course. students should be able to:

•    understand wind and earthquake effects on structures.

•    design the wind and seismic resistant structures.

•    conduct numerical analysis of structural response under wind and earthquake excitation.

Rccommcndcd literaturę:

1.    Chopra A.K.: Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthąuake Engineering. Englewood Cliffs. USA: Prentice-Hall 1995.

2.    Simiu E., Scanlan R.: Wind Effects on Structures: John Wiley and Sons 19%.

3.    Wiegel R.L.: Earthąuake Engineering. Englewood Cliffs, USA: Prentice-Hall 1970.

4.    Chen W.F.. Scawlhom C.: Earthąuake Engineering Handbook. Boca Raton. USA: CRC Press 2003.

5.    Chmielewski T., Zembaty Z.: Podstawy dynamiki budowli. Warszawa: Arkady 1998.

6.    Flaga A., Inżynieria wiatrowa podstawy i zastosowania: Arkady. 2008 (suppleinentary literaturę).


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