8.    Bachman G., The Green Business Guide, Career Press, Franklin Lakes NJ 2009.

9.    Riley T., Gadonniex H., Greening Your Business, Alpha Books, New York 2009.

10.    J. Asafu-Adjaye, Environmental Economics for Non-Economisłs. Techniques and Policies for Sustainable Development (200 Edition), World Scientific, Singapore 2005.


Exam/project based on case study


ECTS Points 4


Lectures: 15







Lecture Teacher: Elżbieta Wojnicka- Sycz, PhD E-mail:ewojnicka@wzr.ug.edu.pl

Content/ Course Description:

The aim of the course is to make students familiar with the definitions and concepts concerning innovation process, the role of innovations in firms’ competitiveness and overall economic growth as well as the specific issues connected with management of innovation processes. lnnovation issues become morę and morę important both in modern firms' development and economic policy. The course will enhance students’ understanding of innovation processes and prepare them to manage it in private and/or public sector.

1.    lnnovation - basie concepts and definitions : types of innovations, sources of innovation, types of innovation expenditures

2.    The concept of innovation system, innovation theory and models

3.    lnnovation as the source of firms’, regions’ and nations' competitiveness - empirical evidence

4.    Clusters as forms of firms’ co-opetition boosting innovation, specific features of innovation processes in branches of different technology levels

5.    lnnovation infrastructure and policy - science and technology parks, technology ineubators, technology transfer centers, seed/venture Capital funds, regional innovation strategies, patents and intellectual property rights, 7lh Framework program of The EU and other innovation grants

6.    lnnovation strategy for firms: market analysis, determinants of the strategy, technology prognosis' methods

7.    Management of an innovation project: planning of the project, structure of the project team, role of the project manager, communication with the rest of the organization, parallel development

8.    New trends in innovation: open innovation, design thinking, market driven innovation, ecoinnovations, innovations in services


1.    Tavares R., Avila-Merino A. (2008) Technology Management - Training Manuał, ICS-UNIDO, Wien, http://www.ics.trieste.it/ics-activities/ics-publications/archive/book-technology-management-2008.aspx

2.    OECD (2008) Oslo Manuał, http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/35/61/2367580.pdf

3.    Wojnicka E., Brodzicki T., Szultka S.(2005) „Poland” w Business Clusters: Promoting Enterprise in Central and Eastern Europę, OECD, Paris ; http://www.unescap.org/tid/artnet/mtg/gmscb_businessclusters.pdf

4.    Wojnicka E. The Policy of lnnovation System Support in the Time of Integration with the EU , The Polish Foreign Affairs Digest No 2 (11)/ 2004

5.    Wojnicka E. The First Overview of Clusters in Poland, Argumenta Oeconomica, No 1-2 2003

6.    Wojnicka E. “Interactions in innovation process as a factor of innovativeness and efficiency of enterprises - analysis basing on the Polish innovation system.” Paper presented during 3rd annual conference of European Economics and Finance Society "World Economy and European Integration" University of Gdańsk, 15.05.2004,

7.    DTI (2007) lnnovation in services, London

8.    Wojnicka E., Rot P., Tamowicz P., Brodzicki T., Regional innovation system in the Pomeranian Province, GIME, 2002 , paper presented during the 6th International Conference on Technology Policy lnnovation Kansai Science City, Japan, 12-15


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