Elżbieta Kuta
Department of Plant Cytology and Embryology, Jaglellonian Uniuersity, Gronostajowa 9, 30-387 Cracow, Poland TeL: 48 12 664 5020; Fax: 48 12 664 5104; e-matl; e.kuta@iphils.uj.edu.pl
Department oj Plant Cytology and Embryology, Jagiellonian Uniuersity, Gronostajowa 9, 30-387 Cracow, Poland Tel.: 48 12 664 6038; Fax: 48 12 664 51 04; e-matl: abc@iphils.uj.edu.pl
HARVEY E BALLARD. JR. Department of Enutronmental and Plant Biology. Ohio Uniuersity. Porter Hall. Athens. Ohio 45701. USA, e-matl: baHardhHiohio.edu
Molecular approaches in plant systematics. ecology and evolution TATYANA B. BATYG1NA. Komarou Botanical lnstltute. Department of Embryology and Reproducttue Biology. Prof. Popou St. 2.
197376 St. Petersburg. Russla. e-mall: batyglna@tbl390.spb.edu Plant embryology
JÓZEF BEDNARA. Department of Plant Anatomy and Cytology. Maria Curle-Sklodowska Uniuersity. Akademicka 19. 20-033 Lublin. Poland. e-maWancyt@blotop.umcs.lublin.pl Plant embryology
BORUT BOHANEC. Blotechntcal Faculty. Uniuersity ofLJublJana. Jamnlkarjeua 101. 1000 LJublJana, Slouenia. e-mall: borut.bohanec@bf.unl-IJ.sl
MARIA CHARZYŃSKA. Department of Plant Anatomy and Cytology. Warsaw Uniuersity. Miecznikowa 1. 02-096 Warsaw. Poland. e-matl: marllg@btol.uw.edu.pl
Cytoembryology of flowering plants: antlier and pollen development (structural and molecular aspects)
MAURO CREST1. Dlpartlmento di Biologia Amblentale. Sezlone Botanica. Untuerslta dl Siena. VIa P. A. Mattlolt 4.1-53100 Siena. Italy. e-matl: crestt@unisi.it
Sexual plant reproductlon; pollen biology: pollen tubę: pollen-stigma-
style-ovule interactlon; cytoskeleton
MARTA DOLEŻAL. Academy ofPhysical Education,
Chair ofHyglene and Health Protectton, Al. Jana Pawia II 78.
81-571 Cracow. Poland
General and medical mycology; health promotion; medical microbiology FRANCISZEK DUBERT. Department of Plant Pliystotogy. Pollsh Academy of Sciences. Podlutna 3. 30-239 Cracow. Poland. e-matl: dubert@lfr-pan.krakow.pl Physlology of plant growth and development
OLGA ERDELSKA. lnstltute of Botany, Slouak Academy of Sciences. Ddbrauskd 14. 84223 Bratislaua. Slouak Repubtlc Plant embryology: developmental biology JOHANN GREI1.HUBER. Uniuersity ofVlenna. lnstltute of Botany. Rennweg 14. 1030 Vienna. Austria, e-mail: Johann.greilhuber@unluie.ac.at Plant karyology
JOHN M. HERR. Jr. Uniuersity of South Caroltna, Department of Btologlcal Sciences. Columbia, South Caroltna 29208, U.SA., e-mail: herrJr@matlbox.sc.edu Plant morphology; anatomy: embryology
ANNA KOLTUNOW. CS1RO Plant lndustry. PO Box 350. Clen Osmond. SA 5064. Australia, e-matl: anna.koltunow@cslro.au Plant reproductlon. developmental biology - particularly seed and frult (cellular and molecular aspectsl
JOLANTA MAŁUSZYŃSKA. Department of Plant Anatomy and Cytology. Sllesian Uniuersity. Jagiellońska 28. 40-032 Katowice. Poland. e-matl: maluszyn@us.edu.pl Plany cytology: cytogenetics
KAROL MARHOLD. Department of Botany. Faculty of Science.
Charles Uniuersity. Bendtskd 2. CZ-128 01 Praha 2. Czech Republtc.
e-mail: karol.marhold@sauba.sk
Genome evolution: phylogeny; phylogeography
EL1SABETH MATTHYS-ROCHON. ENS Lyon, 46 Allće dltalle.
69364 Lyon Cedex 07. France, e- mail: ematthysrochon@free.fr Plant gametes: pollination; cellular and molecular aspects of fertilization: In vitro development
MARIA PAJĄK. Department of Plant Cytology and Embryology. Jagiellonian Uniuersity. Gronostajowa 9. 30-387 Cracow, Poland. e-mail: maria.pajak@uj.edu.pl Plant embryology: apombds
JAN J. RYBCZYŃSKI. Botanical Garden - Center for Btologlcal Dluersity Conseruatlon of the Pollsh Academy of Sciences.
Prawdziwka 2. 02-973 Warsom. Poland. e-mail: Jjryb@obpan.pl
Plant tissue and organ culture; biotechnology: cryopreservadon BARBARA SKUCIŃSKA. Department of Plant Breeding and Seed Science. The Agricultural Uniuersity of Cracow. ul. Łobzowska 24. 31-140 Cracow. Poland. e-mail: rrwarzec@cyf-kr.edu.pl Plant tissue and organ culture
ALEV TOSUN. Department of Pharmacognosy. Ankara Uniuersity. 06100 Tandogan-Ankara, Turkey; e-mall: atosun@ankara.edu.tr Natural products; phytochemlstry: essential oils; btologlcal activlty of
DAV1D TWELL. Department of Biology. Uniuersity ofLetcester, Letcester LEI 7RH. United Kingdom. e-mail: twe@lelcester.ac.uk Plant Reproductlve biology: pollen development. germline and gamete development: gene regulation lncluding post-transcriptional and smali RNA pathways
HANNA WEISS-SCHNEEWEISS. Plant Euoluttonary Cytogenetics Group. Department of Systematlc and Euoluttonary Botany. Uniuersity of Vlenna, Rennweg 14, A-1030 Vtenna, Austria. e-matl: hanna.schneewelss@unlule.ac.at Erolutionary plant cytogenetics
MICHIEL T. M. WILLEMSE. Laboratory of Plant Celi Biology. Wageningen Agricultural Uniuersity. Arboretumlaan 4. 6703 BD Wageningen. The Netherlands. e-mail: mtm.Willemse@hccnet.nl Sexual plant reproductlon: biology of lower plants MACIEJ ZENKTELER. Laboratory of General Botany. lnstltute of Expertmental Biology. Adam Mickiewicz Uniuersity, Umultowska 89. 61-614 Poznań, Poland, e-mall: maczen@amu.edu.pl
Experimental embryology: plant tissue and organ culture