Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A. Group
The supplementary report on the audit of the Consolidatedfinancial statements for the financial year ended 31 December 2013 TRANSLA TION
1. Return on sales net profit x 100% net revenues
2. Return on cquity net profit x 100% equity - net profit
3. Debtors turnot er
ąycraec trade rccciyables (gross) x 365 davs net revenues
4. Debt ratio liabilities x 100% cquity and liabilities
5. Current ratio currcnt asscls current liabilities
40,0% 21,6% 41 days 39,8% 2,8
38,8% 23,6% 41 days 42,0% 2,9
49,9% 34,4% 36 days 28,4% 11,5