Mo. 736.

i 2 *f Odpis 2 odpisu i


Jerusalem, 30th march 1944.


I have the honour to approach you in the following matter:

Tliis Consulate General has been in touch with the C.I.D. with the aim of finding a praotical, and possibly rauical, method of pre-venting activitiGS of certain criininalo formo amongst persons discharged from the Polish Ariny, or deserters from the Army, whose presence irt Pale stine is of great concern to the Polish authorities and who are -unfor-tunately - detriniental from a uoint of view of oublic securitu.

Ihis problem has been carefully investigated by the Polish authorities whose desire it is - also in thoir own interest- to cooperate closely with the Palestine authorities to the end of disabling individuals. whose offensiTo activities have bocn revealed, or who are suspected of such activities, or else, by their past or their present conduct offer se-rious cause to fears that they might become aetrimental and even dangorous to public trcm/mility and order.

done by Polish citizens.

As a result of the above mentioned meeting and upon reqyest

I m &v/are of the juridical difficulties in solving the problem, which I learned at the Conference on 7th February, 1944, with i.r. ilymer-Jones, Inspector-General of Police, and i«:r. Giles, Assistant Inspector-General. The Polish. authorities experience the same diffioulties. I aro, however, in possessicna of instructions from my Government directing me to cooperate with the Palestine Government towards checking the evil

n of kr. Giles, and also in connection 7/ith the renuest of the local police ” authoritśesaddressed to Ur. Kosmarin, Polish.Consul General in Tel-Aviv regarding his consent to the arrest of 10C Polish citizens,- I addressed a letter to kr. Giles in which I brou ht forward propcsitions regarding possible preventive roeasures.

This Gonsulate General has in the meantime entered upon accura-te examination of the materials on hend which are based on scrutinised Information and observation of the persons concernad. These examinati ons led me to better understanding of the problem regarding the cri inal element s in Palestine and their category, and to cstablish- according to instructions in my possession - precautionary ne asures, as uentioned belo?/. The results of the investigations madę so far, given in the attached forms, copies of which are being handed over to the C.I.D., do not cover all ca-ses reouiring control of the authorities and I shall probably be in a posi-tion to furnish the Palestine authorities with further materiał.

Enclosure “A1' comprises names of persons sentonced in Pol and to imprisonment, or persons whose crioinal deeds have been revealed either during their military service or during their stay in Iran or Palestine, and individuals seriously suspected of crininal activitios, their behaviour involving danger to the comnunity.

Enclosure "B" comprises names of persons whose past and present conduct give cause to serious fears that they might become harmful to the community.

Regarding the persons mentioned in enclosure "A" I suggest - on the base of authority from the Polish C-overnment - their speedy isolation , considerinr the gravity of their offences. I wish to drew your attention to Władysław KRZESAJ and Roman CWEN, both punished in Pol and with imprisonment for life, whose penelty was unlawfully interrupted during the campaign in Polanć, and who should absolutely be arrested anA kept for the disposal


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