/*•£/'. l/łf-Zc.    /3 8

sub^tituting Aroid Div Tor one Inf 2>iv bhey t ould obtain o Corps of two Dlvs but would ssve ono Inf Mo to inoreose resenres* Necesnry unitę exinted and ohange of orgonizotion could bo cnrrie& out in oix weekn* Wor Office hovo raised no objeotlons piwided Thentre Oomionder pgroed# Hc woulG, of courne, place Inf Divs at Gen B*s lmnediate disposal if re ru i red opera tionslly* Gen ].* er; id he hed slresdy rruffieient Armour in ITALY and foored thnt if *m Arrid Div v/os orgnnisod it woulćl not bo cciiied forwsrd by Group for very c on b1 der obie tino nad v;ould delay the employroent of Polish Oorps on Itslion front* HevortheleBSf ho would esk Gen- 8fs Stcff officers to rurko n atudy of the problem nnd tlie 8ltenu?tivos to be set out in a Memorandom nd^resned to Gen AL/2CANDKR for his docirsion* Ho fulły oppreoioted Polieh Krtlone1 point of vier nnd would give it due wcight nn he hsd alwaya done in the pręt. He suggestod Ocn 3* sent his Stoff Ofiicer to sce Gen ALJ^AWDill* Gon seid he would prefer to go to ITALY hirasolf. Gen K. sgreed to ask for e rendez-voura, but pccomodstlon wen difficult in ITALY* Ho odded thet if Inf J)iv wao oent In ećhrance he ssw no objoction to Oorps going ot the same tlme, but thought it unlikely Corps Oonriander would hove comroand of 8 Sec tor os Gen ALEŁAHDKR nlresdy had too jasny Oorps H    Thera was

elways v joseibility of givln& Poli3h Corps en Allied l)iv, It mul agreed thet the two Steffo should work out the dstoils es soon as possible*

Gei 3. asked whrt arrangements hod been madę for Lirison* Gen WHIT JJ5Y repli(;d thet this <ruestion hed been studied beiły carofully with Gen 3LAU :iONT-JSi S9BITT for the past raonth*


Gen 0. nnid n Polirh Co; mendo Troop waa at present in ALGIHK9 Ares toget er with o Bolgion troop both undor oonmaad of r BrLtlsh Mn jor IAJYTJSNJ3* He hoped thnt theso troops, wfto hod no operntionnl experiencef would not be put into action together with the 3elgiBnr, but with a rreoeoned Oo.mando of Amerioon or Britlnh troopn. Gen E* rcplied thnt y/cb the normrl praotioe In this theatre* Gon i* hoped thet when Polish Corps was estrblishod in ITALY Polish Conronufio would co;ne under their ordern* Gen tt* a/^roed in jrijiciple but exepted npecisl misslona*


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