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KraCłŁUOTM ?Gh 02H3RAL Si: MA2TL. M.J .iLSCtf, SOPHII ii Mł&.U COK: !&&.{,j>GS.XT3U0':r*Ali mSATHIS.

I, Iiidsoa Offieer with tfo® .Jupremc Allieu Goanaader, Meditorronenn Thentro,

1/ Durinr. Ki convorsntion with rne on Iiov. Gth, 194*3 (łonom 1 :claonhov.©r a ;rood that a Poliah I/iaiaoa Off ioer betwean t.« aa tho ;>uprc*ne Alllcd Jow tanuer-ia-Jliief, ;'odit©rxa om Thoatrc bo catabliahed at his ii* * Ocnort-l >ison hoecb tiien salo hc woali be cęlad to hnve tui afflcer w ho woni. oonvey to hira .lirectl^ tho wiaheo of tho Palieh    Ile thou.'.ht tłii ■ officor ought to bo attached at

first to h±3 om ]l+ „m, and then, M liw noed mą,/ aria®, he .d^ht do liaiacai i;orir also with General Ale-jwwier.

li,/ In i.% ietter o." tho loth au*1943 I haw notlTiod Genami Giaonhaweb t^t I h'vc dostanetod to tnia ;»o t Staff olanel lodzlalers i;; >>10, with Lt. aL Antoni :.mi : XC2 a' Caputy, Lt. Ludwik 7mi rr* I aa Junior officer.

lii ' I^Ool* A. Mira ; ZCZ han nlroau. mparted ot A«F«iI. I. .In Al-tom. Co.lonol ŁUftdEC i « -till waltln,; to Gumplete \>r <. lit o Ou:macted with hlo depfirture«

In t -i ; oonicctiaa \ Ohle'’ o?    hftf? approacljod tho A ericui illtcr;,- Attaoho

Lleut.JoIonel c K .*HL

lv/ I uttder-.fcand thot at t-^ co lf ara.ioo we had on Jaaunr;,' tho 4th 1944 yon agroed to hiwe tho ftbove entlonej affioer o3ta bit -hol at ,your H. a- u lal .son : la Inn botwcwi u*' botVw

!!• Atttaohno.it i o? • oliah Gffioers to Brtti h cuvi .A .orłem u-Łta In Ital/.

Aft ar tho c .nverifitior; I hr on thu ubject ’.ith General :l3Caihov?et/on tho 6th Hov#/ •» id with Genami Al«*anaer /on the lOth ;*ov*/ both Co-nmiidera a.sjreed to oooe;. t a oonsiderablo number of aur;>lvi Pollsh Offioors to bo f»tt«ohod for tradning purpoa*i to Britiish no A o: I.c n unita flghtlo# In Ital;.-. Goncr l JSlaenhwer thea i.i hc hal no objectlon nhatevor, and that ho would onJc General Aloxa.idor to vlow tho *nattor favj.jr.-tbl.,. Turtner noro, hc aoi he would lik® those officor -. to be attacheó ns soon na poaaible, bof^ro thio : ollah troopn *ro Into aotloru TliOj* woulu thiu forr.i potencdal reinforcetaen.tr, to -nahe up lonsoo in officom which i^ht ocour. Gonoml AlaŁuuier told no thnt ho woul; hrve to oomult hin arttęr ccn tsnUors, ut łw th/ju,*ht Jw coiiL.* a^roe to tho attj chnoiits in principlo.

u/ I dinpose at preoont of 111 offioorc in Great Britain, soloctod and proj^raU for attoc!i'iontr. to the foLlowing ar »a and *otvicesi


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