fi- Ytf . i (J£c.



12th oeptcmber, 1941.

•    I am very happy to Imow that you will accopt my

proposal to crganlse a Polish ftlght within ono of the


R.A.F. .^i^.htor Sąuaćtrona in thn Klddle Fast. 1 sm suro


that your pilota will acąuit themnelves there v.-ith the same skill and gallantry that they have shown in operat! ona in this country.

T fully aympathise with your nnxiety lest some of the pilots concsrned be deprivod of thoir present acfcing rank when tronsferred for opsrational rlutiea. Cur presont plans, hov/ever, are confined solely to men of 55 years of af/e or les3, of whom I understand there are 12 availabie, and in this case the difficulty which you ar.tlcipate should not arise.

Y/e shall talce good care to aati.ofy ourselve3 that they are physicolly fit for operationa1 duties fcefore they


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