4, It eguallzes standards.

Regionalization of social insurances helps to eąualize the standard of living. Social insurances consist of the folłowing issues:    (a) in

surances against sickness (b) insurances against accident and lasting invalidity (c) Insurance against ur.eir.ployment (d) old age pensions. Insurance against lasting invalidity, old age, unemployment means a pen-sion, a steady monthly income. In regional teras, it can mean here equal (from the point of vie?/ of the purchasing power) pensions for a whole age group of people in a given region which enbraces several states. On the other hand, it means the same social security system in a whole region. A reasonable budget for a worker's family must be planned also from the point of view of his individual security* Everyone must consider the question, "Who is going to help me when I am unable to work or when I am ill?" The planning of each individual's family budget is adjusted to these security needs. If these noeds are equally satisfied for a whole region, it will mean equalizing and satisfying one of the basie human needs -the need for individual social security,

5* It strengthens democracy

Consequently, the social insurances become an important instrument of a demooratic way of living. It is important that a democratic system have its peoplo independent of the state organization to as great an ex-tent as possiblo, The number of people conneoted with the state aćminie-tration through sohools, offices, patronage, and so on has beoomo largo. Only the independent element oan secure independent opinions. The International i zation of social insurances means that from a certain age - let us say 60 years - everyone roceives his old age pension from the International Insurance system. It onabies him to be independent of a politi-cal system opposed to democracy, or opposed to the International system,

It means, also, that in case of unemployment, he will get the money from an International body and that he will not be blackmailed by the throat of unemployment by the state administration if he holds a different political opinion.

Purthermore, it will not only be an instrument for making democracy work, as was said befora, but also an important instrument for m&intain-ing demooracy, The privileges 3hould be granted only to such persona who subscribe to and follow the democratic prinoiplec as formulated in an International Bill of Rights and a national constitution and the federal form of government. Any activity against the federal form of the world and against International security should be punished ty depriving the person in question of all privileges granted ty the International order including the social security priviloges.


An International treatment of social insurances is required, also, by other factors* After this war, the occupied countries will have hun-dreds and thousands of people who are unable to earn their living, members of the families of men and women executed ty the German occupants, in-mates of the concentration camps, and others who will be broken physi-cally and mentnlly.. How can the problem of these political invalids,


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