orphaned children, and aged persons who were originally supported by per-sons executed by the Germans be solved? Should the whole burden of old age pensions fali on the shoulders of those countries which have suffered most already under the German heel; should they pay the pensions for the Nazl crimes or should the poor persons remaln without any support, or must it be done by international cooperation?
Even during the last war, I renember, in 1917 or 1918, the Austrian parliament passed a law proviaing for danage olaims to persons wronged by the unjust axecutions of members of their families. Should the United Na-tions fali short of this mark? This problem concerns not only Nazi crimes but all sorts of war victims who must be cared for, If the problem is solved on a national basis, the greatest burden would be carried by France, Poland, Jugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Greece, etc,, and the smallest ty Germany, Is this just? This problem must also be solved on an international basis, A common international pool must be formed for a war victimsł pen-sion fund. Thi3 fund should form a part of the international sooial security system, The war victims should bo paid from this fund; in this way, the smali countries will not be as much overburdened with unproductive ex-penses during their reconstruction period, The same must be said about normal social security,
There will be a long period of reconstruction of economios of the ravaged countries, and there will be other countries, especially the Axis countries, which in spite of bombings will be better off economically than the occupied countries. Should the burden of social ir.surances be taken by the national states during the difficult period of rehabilitation in the first transitior.al period? Will it be possible?
The only possible solution is to have an international pool in which contributions to an international social insurance fund will be allotted according to the financial possibiHties of the countries and, regarding Germany, according to the responsibility for destroying the economies of occupied countries, The privileges granted to different countries should not necessarily correspond to the respective contributions during this first period of about ten years, but they should correspond to their needs and requirements. For example, if country A is undev6loped and needs morę hospitals than country 3, which is contributing morę to the common pool, country A should nevertheless get morę support from the international hospital fund than country B, After economic stability has been restored, and A is able to contribute morę, contributions should correspond to privileges. Through such an international fund, the proper policy can be developed and improTrement of medical treatment, prophylactics, child care, child r.utrition car. be provided in undeveloped or ravaged countries. This would be a successful and healthy method of gaining the countries for International cooperation because the people themselves will be interested in such cooperation.
Who should make the decisior.s? The social insurances must be organ-ized on a demooratic basis. Fuli social control must be granted. This can be done only by self gowernment. The insured people should elect national councils of social insurances. The national councils would elect members to a common regional board of the international social security