' •cm:- Air Vice- urshal . ,Vinceat, C. . , DPC., Ał^C,

vj    Jf* '■*'“* ^    {

} ciyiouurters, 71 iiter Co;:ruuxL, hoyal Air 'orce,

oiitloy Viory,



lief: -

PC/DO/SFZ.    4th Deceiriber, 194e.

I want to vrito to you hefore the 3quadron diobmiua to reoall the ti.rae whon ho, Horved undor ino ciuring the short ti io I aoiu::anded Ko, 13 Group,

Ko, 307 was r first-cłass hoacjuito :Jquouron and. one that I was partiaularly proud to łiave un&er ny Cotnannd and \ Shell alwajn rcnoeirih>r the &vidity with whioh the;--    tlie opportunity when X offorod it

theni, to .0 am look for German aireraft on the Iiomregiem co&et - alno the iiiinediate ouccoas tlait went with their firat operation.

I am p/rticułarly proud of bein.3 an Ilonorary l.enber of the 3qaa<lron and keep the boautiful written ncroll at homo aa a penna    this. fact,

You tnay rest- asaured tłi&t the nur.iber 307 will ror.ain for a very lon; tirne in the inemory of the .oyal Air force in generał, ano nyself in porticular ono I Wiali you all the vory beat of luck v;herever you nay nerw .^o.

ra Ais#

Comaonain:;, ufficer, Ho. 307 Sguadron,

..    ait1.:.




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