I Facultyof ' Economic Sciences
Warsaw Uniyersity of Life Sciences - SGGW
A graduate of Tax Studies Institute (ISP) in Warsaw (Postgraduate Course in Tax Consulting), and Higher School of Economics (WSE) in Warsaw (Financial and Management Accounting Postgraduate Studies).
In 2013 served a scientific foreign internship in the Department of Accounting and Finance in University of Strathdyde Glasgow, Strathdyde Business School in the UK.
Received a scientific-educational mobility grant to intern at the BOKU, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, Austria, Wienna, 2013.
Received a scientific-educational mobility grant to intern at the University of Zagreb, Croatia, as a part of the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies - CEEPUS (2011).
Participated in Summer School_EURUS AGRI SUMMER SCHOOL 2013, Food Science, Agribusiness & Innovations in Russia Moscow, St. Petersburg, visited Germany with group of students of the Young Economists Club.
In 2011/2012 served a scientific internship in the Department of Corporate Finance Management, Centre for Insolvency Studies, Warsaw School of Economics (SGH).
adjunct Department of Economics and Organisation of Enterprises at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW w Warszawie)
• Methods of Corporate Bankruptcy Prediction
• Financial Advising
• Corporate Finance (lectured in English)
• Methods of Project Assessment (lectured in English)
• Taxes at Postgradue Study of Accounting (WULS - SGGW)
• Students' Selected courses conceming taxes
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