rectly resulting from some sociological theories. The same can be said cf the press research knowledge.
The Author proposes in his article a different model of the relation „scien-ce-practice”. He calls it a partnership model an assumes that a practical value have not only the practical directives (constructed according to the directives of a directive model) but also descriptive sentences of various kind, both the historical generalizations and the individual sentences. He also assumes that the science’s task is to provide a better orientation in the surrounding world, which is one of the conditions to improve man's activities. Ali this what fa-cilitates that orientation has a practical value. The partnership model treats both the researcher and the practician as partners in the process of trans-forming the reality. In that process there appears a division of tasks, respon-sibilities, ąualifications, etc, but the success of the process depends on the partners ability to cooperate in harmony. In the place of a linear scheme: „theory — directives — practice”, the partnership model proposes a spiral scheme: from practice to theory and back to a better practice.
The principles of partnership model, without the use of that definition, were developed in I. Tetelowska’s conception of practising the press research as a practically oriented technology. Her conception originated from the ex-perience of the Press Research Centre in Cracow — airected by her — and has been further constructively developed. The Centre assumes now that the chief task of the press research Ts to provide a scientific framework for im-proving the Socialist press policy. Its informative reąuirements define the thematic structure of the scientific activities of press research. The adapta-tion of research to those reąuirements should be considered a preliminary condition for applying the science in practice.
Contrary to a directive model which recommended influencing the social reality directly with the help of means indicated by directives and assumed that the popularization of press research knowledge has no practical value, the partnership model attributes much significance to the popularization of press research knowledge among broad circles of press practicians acknowled-ging it as an instrument for transformig the social reality. A point of refe-rence is here a wel known thesis of Karl Marx, that „the theory too becomes a materiał power, sińce it carries away the masses”.
The article closes with a presentation of informative reąuirements of the vario,us categories of press practicians (political sponsors, publishers and jour-nalists), and a formulation of postulates addressed to practicians and resear-ches to bring about a better realization of the partnership model assumptions. (Summary by the Author).
Walery Pisarek: Press, Radio, Telcvision; Division of Labour
The problem of the division of labour among the three chief channels of mass communication has been discussed in this article against a broad back-ground of experience thus far gained in various countries and the results of Polish ad foreign research studies on 1) utilization of the press, radio and television by their recipients; 2) natural properties of each of those channels; 3) content of the dailies, periodicals and radio-television programs.
In a Socialist country all mass communication media constitute one sub-system closely associated with other subsystems within a framework of the whole society. The efficiency of that subsystem depends to a great extent on harmonious cooperation between individual elements of the subsystem. Ac-tions aimed at achieving the optimum efficiency of that subsystem should be based on 1) knowledge of the social environment in which the press, radio ad television operate today and will operate tomorrow; 2) the goals of ope-rations; 3) knowledge of the present functioning of mass communication system on the society; 4) development plan of that system. The program of a proper division of labour among individual elements of that system i. e. the press, radio and television constitutes an integral part of its development. Research studies on the press, radio and television provide essential data necessary to work out the best plan. (Summary by the Author).