Andrzej Chodyński, Wojciech Huszlak

Fulfilment of social needs as a manifestation of corporate flexibility

(Realizacja potrzeb społecznych jako przejaw elastyczności przedsiębiorstwa)


Today, the company enyironment is characterized by high levels of volatility and complexity, described by I. Ansoff as turbulent. The result of environmental turbulence is a limited ability to anticipate and uncertainty about the function-ing of an organization. Therefore, there is a need to seek Solutions to overcome uncertainty and anticipate changes in the economic enyironment. An enterprise, in order to survive and thrive, must learn to adapt to the enyironment. The literaturę mentions creation of a new image of the enterprise - flexible, lean, intel-ligent, learning, and socially responsible1. J. Penc believes that an organization, in response to changes in the enyironment, should become flexible by introduc-ing new organizational patterns for increasing the capacity to better seryice the market, as well as serving the enyironment, thus fulfilling the idea of social re-sponsibility2. W. Grudzewski, I. Hejduk, A. Sankowska, and M. Wańtuchowicz define an enterprise which is able to continue its business even in a hyper-dynamic enyironment as sustainable enterprise. It is characterized by the capacity for con-tinuous learning, adaptation and development, revitalization, reconstruction and reorientation to maintain lasting and distinctive market position, while balancing the interests of various groups3.


   U. Gołaszewska-Kaczan, Zaangażowanie społeczne przedsiębiorstwa, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, Białystok 2009, p. 7.


   J. Penc, Kreatywne kierowanie. Organizacja i kierownik jutra. Rozwiązywanie problemów kadrowych, Placet, Warszawa 2000, p. 278-311.


   W. Grudzewski, I.K. Hejduk, A. Sankowska, M. Wańtuchowicz, Sustainability w biznesie czyli przedsiębiorstwo przyszłości. Zmiany paradygmatów i koncepcji zarządzania, Połtext, Warszawa 2010, pp. 26-27.


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