(Krakowiaki - p. 3)
II. KRZESANY AND TURN (Repeat of Melody A)
1-8 Beg L, dance 4 eete of the Scufflng 8tep.
9-15 Keeplng same arm hołd, extend L arm dlag upward and leanlng away
from ptr, turn CW ln place wlth 7 eete of the Walking Step.
16 Release Dtr, place fleta on own hlpe and etamp R, L (cte 1,2). End faclng ptr, M wlth back to ctr.
III. HOŁUBIEC W KWADRACIE [hoh-WOO-byete vkfah-DRAH-cheh] CLICKS IN A S^UARE (Melodyin
1-2 Hołubiec Step to R, face to face, 1/4 CW turn on the 3 6tamps.
3-4 Hołubiec Step to L, back to back, 1/4 CW turn on the 3 stampe.
5-8 Repeat meas 1-4 (Fig III) completlng 6quare.
9-16 Repeat meas 1-8 (Fig III), enalng ln two circlee - H faclng out,
W faclng lnr Bllgntly to L of ptr.
yarlatlon to Flr III (easler):
^reparatlon: face ptr, 24* e back to ctr, and extending arme to 6ldes, Joln hands wlth ptr at che6t level, K*e palmę underneath W* s hande. Beg hopplng M on L ft (W on R) and movlng M to R (W to L), dance 8 eete of the Hołubiec Step omltting the arms movement6.
rv. CIRCLE C-ALLOP AND PORĘBIA^SKA (Done to the old 14-meas song, “Płynie Wleła, płynie11- eee v;ord6 be Iow.)
W: extend your arme to 6ldee. M: cro6s your arme and Joln your L hand wlth ptr*e R hand and your R hand wlth L hand of W on your L. (Easler Yarlatlon: Place flste on own hlpe.)
1-6 Beg K-R, W-L, dance 12 Gallop Stepe ln PLOD.
7-14 Release hand hold6 and beg M-R to R. W-L to L, dance 4 Poręblańeka
15-28 Repeat actlon of meas 1-14 (Fig. IV).
Yarlatlon to Fig. IV (easler):
Durlng meas 7-14 and 21-28 do not release ptre and dance the Porębiań6kas omltting the movements of the arms.
V. RUN AROUND THE CIRCLE (Done to the lst part of the old
11 Lajkonik Song" - see words below. For the story of the Lajkonik eee Dziewanowska*s “Bawmy się - Let*s PlayB.)
1-8 Place flste on own hlps, do a 1/4 CCW turn and beg K-R, W-L, run wlth 8 set6 of the Running Step M ln LOD, W ln RLOD.
9-16 Make a 1/2 M-CCW, W-CW turn and repeat actlon of meas 1-8 (Fig V) ln opp dlr. Moving to a elear space on the floor, end faclng ptr and take croee-hand hołd. K: do not take vt on the la6t ste (L ft).
VI. GALLOP SPIN (Done to the 2nd part of the “Lajkonik Song."
Thl6 Fig ls called “Drobna ka6zka“ [ DROHB-nah KAHSH-kah] - 6raall kasha.)
1-16 Beg L ft, wlth 30 smali 6mooth Gallop Stepe and a Zeskok spin CW ln place ln the followlng raanner (Notę: keep ft close to ptr*s and lean back at shldre wlth arms out stralght):
8 gallops - both etandlng erect 8 " - W eąuattlng b
8 " - M 6quattlng
6 " both etandlng erect.
End wlth a Ze6kok on last ct, extend - — -
6tralght L arm dlag up.
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