
9.15    o.m.-Th* Mon from Y»ł?«rdoy.

9.45 ojn.—Th# lortow of

Borntr $lr##Ł

7.15    p.m.-Dr. Poul.

10.00 p.m.-U. Moldoon.


Vo1. 62. No. 136


(Prlc# 5 cen!*}




•raltabta at

Charles Hutton & Sons

Yemen Dispułe:

Troops Rushed To Adeń


“Lakę Of Death Is Discorered

High In.Lonely

Himalaya Mountains

NAINTAL, India (Reuters)-A tolake of death” 18,000 fect up In Uk. Himalaya mounUins, lts shores sctllertd

“Their Nantes Liveth For Erermore

To Quell




• H

v Rn. rdund-mit 91 Order Orali, ind nr

Pt Joba*


Utcr—el Jne. 90 Jly. 13 Aug. 2 AUL 11 fept 1 SepL 11

te tooklap

iirtarj Ab-

ioctlog Alf

The nocy vu loM by depity hfdyy minister Jurnemu Suigk Sen cn kh retan from • Uwr rt rte area aroond Trisol ptak, i^mi IM raflts from Natotal IVM\V< FEARED C80§T*

S*i rałd: ~We were dŁmbtag cp j ilcep sl:pe aear Trisol Mu-%i ahrfi w« ta* tW Lakę sad all x-»4 It bodłeś lytag la *»?-huard fathłoa. Al PM as *t m« tiem cba tttaftn with ma ftod. rt»:tag •ghtoU-* But I aai oat i/rsid aod flaytd tUre to «xtmbe U* kdks."

SMłf of U ca wtre cwmtd Brty wiłh rand sod ołheea aert feuried «i* oafr thdr halr sbra-hg. he »aW. Tber; »n to “Jctot ti death.- hot the bod’«et %ttt ktoalcd MHkc taHalcd mbbee.~

Nr;, iial ha d:uMed the bcdles kad keca thert as targ as the trłl-lagen utd. hot ihey kad Kra Herc -tor maty yt#rs.“.

He utd Ucy owre prtbaKy tWc of a party ef ladJaa traóers raotht by aa araliach# ac wow. •tarn vMJo irircLtag to or frtm Ttact

Tornado Sweeps South Dakota
IOWOLC, S D. (AP)—A mother teid ef srełfif brr atoe-rear^d

r.rf • half mOc Oirougk the ałr at Ot heiyfit of a torrido Saturday.

Mn. Jn Wero® of Dowdłe sald tor cMld sło kar dau|htor RmjcSwit the tlmc the jouasster *it i rhrrr.c.

«* u*d Mra. Albert Seta. edilor •f the Bo«dto PlMeer. thit ber dufhirr, Sharon, stayrd oa the M«e mlii tho sintont wtod sent m a hlU a ba^-mOe

• '

5kar«f aalfrred ae^rrt kr*!mi. *rv Weren sato. Tho horst *as

•M lajortd.

Mn Ueron favt Ihii kmu« to


] Sto ai/l her dauchter kad |o:c 1 u a nrichbortas farm Frlday to 1 **t the lorse. Wheo threatutoc

■    ttod. befaa to deifl orerhead, It I »ii dnided that Sharo* wruld rlde I tle W»j eter a theet mi korr.c

■    akie ker mother aod three I >**cer ckiUJrta retumed to the I car hy a koger route.

I .Mrs. Wer hi reached hemt fint 1 ta* her tefhtor appcooehtaf 1 Ji tke bono. Bat the itona eaugbf I Mira* aod her popy about IM

I tort froa tle korne.

Ths (YRcIUy bearth b waraed by the Uafhtrr of Gerald. 19: Ctara, 12 Mirfirtt. II AmhMy. 10 Coostaaee. 0 Aon Mirto. 4. Mary. I. Tbrreia. 22 asoaths, aod ao* Richard

-Wt den'1 ha?e too much mtmrr Mn. (FRrCJy uys. “Wt m bet *t*re the bapptoit faaily yoe e»#r htard of.

• Ifi ekOlree *hit make • famDy happy. Fm botfof torward to kar-Uf U mcrr-l mraa R. Tbert's Bothlns Hk« hatdes arwni the hoose. t“d idrisr otry womia lo bart i lec of chl!dr«»-i! she vaBti a lot of ha^taesa.-

AT JHE NATIONAL WAR MEMORIAŁ yedterday citiicns gathered to pay bomage to Nc\vfoundland's war dcad. Dopite bod wcalber. tho Pageant of Rcmcmbrance was largely attended, and the ccremony was most irnpre$slve( as 195 wreaths were laki a: the base of the Cerotaph. Insets show Hb Honour the Lieutenant Govemor and Lady Outerbridge placing their wreaths.



Of Mighty Air Power

CAIRO (Reuters) — A mass air-lifl Suiiday kepi up a slcady flow #f. crack Britbh troops from the Suci Canal zonę into Adcn, boi-stering the dcscrt proteclor-a(c's uwali mtlślary forca •gainst Inbal anrest.

RAF irmpccti kejan aa ilrUH Frtdłjr and ab*»i ).•« MIł* Iroops aow m jt ito rtady » ta; RAF regiment* hirracks al Kbarmakm. about toar t»det

COLUMBUS. Ohto. (AP» - A mofher and ber Ihre; >ouag chUd-rea were kilcd SundaV ulico a Sfhtolog koii struek the tr;e rna-der "hich chey uere hoJdlcd dar-tog a Uundcrstorm. Th# father tsffered banu.

Dcad are Mn. Zda RoiaelU 27, ber t*o daightcrs. JoUa, IS nootti ani Defebie, 4, and s:o Joaoy, 1

«rd auto industries have louched off an upward spiral

I^l. ll sald the prtce tocrease due »• Mgber wages. to-errawd laie*. aev conatmctloo •ml otkor faetors.

°taer ma)w flto* firm*, whtó •Deed to tho *a»# "ag# pact the ualoo, also U^kated th«y ** tołbw th# patlera of tho pdce “ntase.

Mcci t* M hoale aa lagredtoal J Hiołfaeuclag that blgher prtcea •w the metal sxa nn lo be f««cted sooter or later to larg er tagi na slote*. rtfrlgenlor* "MW olher producti. rĄOLACi 9f.TTLEME.VT . ' to tbe aulo toduatry. fliaiwl aad Ford ha to graated tbe ?*• Workers (CIO) a Brntea "•r pickago setUerneat. tadudłog pcMims aod Pmlted tar


Jta sale firm* bort the* far

^•^beld aty prteo Ineresses. Tbey TJT htT* been wailtag to ttt

LUTRPOOL, Eng. (Reuters) — Socne 7,000 dock workers \sMcd Sunday nigh*. to resume work today. her-aldlng the collapse of a strike which h»s tied up s*x Englbh ports f«>r ńx weeks.

StrAers at Lkerpaol and aeirhy pert* hu witH •** rc*i<ed *irg-i ul by Irlk sirAers b Umfc.a to rall *tl tha rtrlke.

The strike *hi«4 kft HI swaseta kdle and N ^deemauned. "a* caltod to a bid to obtaia Dcgaiia*. tog r-gbti to porta ootilde Uojto. for the asaili SUvedHts Uatoo. Most dock workers ootrtde Uod« aro Bimber* of tW haft Transport Workers tWo».

At HiU, ca the ■ortheait toast •kere sbout l.«d mea kart bora łd&r. a tuss mcetlng Suoday algkt the dedded to m«me work ta-

Deuelojtmenl Of Long-Range
Striking Power Seen

MOSCOW {Reuters)— A ntw jet transport piane, a huge twin-engine helicopler and two ntw types ot )ct fighters werc shown Sunday as Russia pamded her might of the jet eta in the annual air dbplay al Turbino airporl tscar Mcwcuw.

WeUera W.^nrcrs. eottag tto"-iM»rar»i*c J many tofcriucttace- toe A*** utłl be flytog alr Ustal l«vtso-pi«o aofiet mrttiew. tr» Utwem Umww »>d Prł|*»nf bom tor*, sald thi* tadkrtm *1* • >cir f t*w.-a rapfd dcfc«ipitent U ttorkt TWly-ait air.gtoe*fir* Mkop-tanf-rangs »Urttaf power.    Im aod four big new i«*n

Ruaia’1 alr chief manhal. P. f. goe copfrrs. beUeyed capabto ot H-garey, epcned the dlspby aad carrytog 2S to » fuRy armed ■«. said the Soetot Uataa bas fint- Cook part. elass modert alrtrtft capatoa of MOMEN START DISPLAY Rylec targ distaeces at high The aerohatie tospCay feegaa speeds and ta nctoycraUt ueather *łtt sine Yak-U phaes pdoted by ccadłllots.    womea. Thea setet fcg bomfeen

PROTOTYPK LIRF. COMET w*lh uepc hack uings. each po" Tle dłspUy was ctpped by a md hy tenr rmhopfop esglees, swpdso fbpast of Rusala s M« roared aemi the ftoM. jet transport wtth s*ept • hacJc Fłfty ne* twto • )«| fl<htors umgs. UnaanttiKcd co the cfftoiil sereamed acress the field at SM proframiao. Ue ailv«r twm>t trtl Tbey »ere toOcraed hy 41 tran*port arrired at tho snd «f **w singta>t fighters. apparenUy the lOmiaiitr dUplU.    be»evfd e*|dnlrot to the A»m

Akmt the tamę rtif as Rnlato's e*a Sapre SbbfB F-I00 Ir Comet. it I* keliered lo be the the locceseor to the MiG-lT a*d prrioŁype of tho Sonet Jet airitocr Freaeb Scper Myitere.

Accuse Faslors Of Heresy

MU-WAUKEE. Wis. fAPMtoe'. of three pastsrs torahad to char- , ges of alkgrd bemy has Wea orderu to stand ‘ fornal tria! tor boftdtag. preactesg aad teaehtog doelrlne ta eaofUct with the Uth- craa faP.h.M

Be b Bet. Georg# Crisi Jr^ 32.

SAINT JOHN. NB. tlT»-Oto-wl.Wr wa« Ul.-d aiai firor Ubrfs iahod. r*r# trfimrh, skn IUVtar cwttoird »”lh a tnark Wwday, at Wetotocrt, N B.

ttoid ls rnitomat Alton io^pb Ar»e*iuH. a ef CkarMtetowa.

U Laicattrr, N B .' mRilary tona

wlman CS. SlaU ti Bank. Otrt.. ard S.pulmas R.C Tootcy. Sar-ma. Ont.

la hmpilał "ith mtoor tahiries are Cp4- H-A. Diety. Mtnfreal and Craftaman. LP. Doocett. Port oi Port. HM.

lAMWJ.Y. Oni «T.-t 23}rar-Old tofe.M >wv. nrt.ee Gad Smith of Rki»e*Hr>e. ii Miss Caa ada of IMS Shr *a» Mtocted hy a panel of c*SM ioffrs from asonc M ftoalats hrre Saturday


The threeday Mli* Canada esn-test was beto ta caaoeelM uith Ltmkm'% rewfemrtal c.*lcVstMi.

Mm Smith lnu SI.OM aehrtar-

rti.n ihiMMr ud a* rtowrpoU trip u AtlaMir FUy. CiH tor br )!•%« Amrrtoj oolr%l earty iw S*-f4riMk.T. PjeraM •Cliról* u»«l Ihe rlnjir i« r^|w«Vi| U. bHp Ihr uiiit^r tattof |>M d»l»ł e |Wr I**41 J hey‘ttoWr.

Jwlr. t^d<i nruly um tW riitor ••I nr*i jud v*tu*d riiMtrnup. SV.dar.Sip* v>to-M >t SJUi ud W *rrr di*Vrd Wet urn Msnto Uwr/tor Shipto*. 2l*)ear uld dj« »fh«ołit jfhrr. aad Va!eric Annę U*e. 22. of *nnlp?t.

The judges* cMce of Miss Can ada *as a prpular rot with the emad of 2.W0. rheeńns fmm Che yrandsland ta L/xdtt*s ,Q.ecn*i park.

The "toner is a flet-toof-three-torh fenie**? "ho aa>i sfee p<Kf> feee earm feełcre marrit|f.

are etpcctal

na mm is describei! as a pro-cautiooary meaaore aftor receal (fjsh:s wilh ftbcl triheiacaL Be-Mad mich of the Ircubk ta the protektorat# U a tenttortal pata bdwtca Brtuto ud Om acigbbertag Yem—, o twoi BrUim kas acecscd of girtai ssylua and import ta tribewnea to reroiL Tha Yeaics bas deakd thb.

Up to ao*. 'Adeo'1 nebirtad froatier *ilh tU Yemea ias beta pakced hy a smal deUcłuneat of th; H/J^ reprnnt snd J,®0 Arah recmiti-


AB wis reporlH qu*et Sutday ta the raster* prolKtorate ohera Bedxitn tnbetmeo sad troops of the Mnkilla f:vcrnmmt rSaihcd Ust

Adcn, rweky -CiWiUir*' of tha easlcr* ipproathes to the Red Sra. hit Mc eniotrd a prirdfffd port-Uoo. Amrnd the ?S noira mtles of the Brilisb eatey of Adcn Uo i iroap af Arab sUUs coren** ah*4Jt ll?.«Y squire auks wWch make up the proUetoeale. Thava States jrt cpteraed V their o** rCers—soRaas. skefths. amUi aod afołtł—who. idrited hy Brf*ish prtHkal oOktn. protec their ow* enfos! hodpets sad ao* ara hnlldlff -*vMtj sad rilnirs to lm-

prore ilrinc roaditioas.

Rcpsrts from Ades nr osa rev san tor t>« illr;rd tntcrfcrreea froa the Y«dm appears ta be tho feir thit reer*i df-rrłopneotf U Adei prtffctorate will m»ke Ye-neB’s eUim to yCTereifnty orer

dtspated arna less attrarjre to the iakibltaots.

The RrfiU Sr*1tao« af Ihe Bojrd ti Tr*i+ ba* moboc-

rd ilut Hlrtlnr Jaty Wl« IfUll lUłM sil pkvnc S pM. lUUaf rut d*y ••lit


TW utltao frtkwi IU •* Im«i^iwiiI by IW tUirifr u*rot that the Srtwday todtoby prorbaaaliM "Ul be wilb-•dtaoo oo toprofcff Itth, aftrr whkb stare* prr»imeblp «fll rHwra to Ihe Moaday dostog rarh *eek.

H. T. Beteuf. SeereUry of the Board ef Trade. atotoed Ust filgkt thit wbolrsato bw-ItM* firma ilke wfB be obaert-tog I pjl cłootof dertog the

U.S. Officials Are Convinced Russia Aiming To Cut Armament Expenses

WASHINGTON (AP)-Top U. S. ofRciaU art eon- (r^mjglt taroite^broadcr vlnced Ruwta really wanti lo cut phrt of ils hugc armt- •"" c( ,,o6*, irwi nćKtm-

ment expenscs.    - OfEeUls bero bdtoro Russła i

Thia betief is sald to figurc mtoiaten aftor that, prcbiWy stroniły to Amerłeaa preparaLota abemt Joły tSlŁ    sSbmhiSla*^21 Km**

^ t^c Wg rołe sommlt we- Dolles h sald to befie^ fi may *^***** U * aS torcoce at Gmva t*o wtmU bo puslbłe to agrce w^th Ihe Ras- ***    g?

i lian* Ml Groera m ococru-re. foc    #f Brt*,n,rt 11 lhłt Ku,

uuie mere mra were at nwk tkaa o* strike.

^SlcTedores łeartw Bill oJhrioa tata the meeitag lbat "Hen werk-en weit-baek Ihey .woold, tor a Ume. bo wftho* a oniot ef rep-rcseaut.so ofl tho tab.

pastor ef Bethlebem Liikru ebcrch of Durtian ta od>eintag Waakesba cl—ty.

The accauLoo agaiast the pastor to that be doesa't keBeTe to the tlrgia birth of CbrtsL

Th* trłal was orderrd Tlmrsda) by a f;ve-a»ear.ker lamUgattog eommiltce of tbe NoeUwc«t Srmto of United Lotherao Cbnrch ta America,

The eommUlte occiii^r. to order the pastor ta tria) was deiertbcd as **—aaJmrm" by Df. Pas! E.


Sunej with ckudy talenab: warmer. High IB Outlook, tor Tuctdsy: Uttle chanct.

Blltep U MlnoełpcCj,. pr«*JdenlI H1*h o(Ihe lyt.yi.    Law

i-Trinin Nowa •

S—Grand Bank Nowa 4—“Twenty Milltaw Doi-

lar**—editef tał

l-Wemenj Ne-* and Cbit Chat 14-WeedI ti SwH 12—Merta Reriews



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