All-Stars Selected In Fan Vote


Crusder Sąueeze Bunts Ruin No-Hrtter In 5-0 Win

fianiirg, Ryan Hurl Gem Bat Kały Cross Cops Opener

MyaM kr i*W pllf«H •»

M    ud rl**7

ta Iru fietndtef Ou firn Cnadm K«m»b«*!ł<l “ itaraM lMh| *rl«tn|

)rMq łltenMCM bnWnd •

•undr aurkir.»T kr Bil Aa Cmr lo Mnnk St Mi i* In ih*

mnt t>n «f im »«**i Wi»-wn hHo. «*b J00* bu tn it


It wt* Ihe ftnt ll»e tn IM kagwes hktori ot nloe yeao tbat a noblu rr M bero pjlcbcd on rpłnim daj and tU fint 10®-bjnrd gamę mr setn hen. Suit-er GawUrg tccsed acwtfl W!Im fripntł atd rebcm Rjo* Uie4 an ItaJnf wittaai a Cn%Ucr scirtj.

•Oppwteg borkr Jta Ciroy ol* nhitoted ftne ferro In scatttrtaf tKrot St Bni atefks and whtf. ling len H« alkwed steckc la IU flot. tourlh ard nimb but per-miited ołU laur belwoen lo |«t u Car as snood Um.

Ccceb Toe lyroe. llred of Ing Ms U^pn hanotrong by mity kity Camberg. ordered the H/ttttt with tbe Uaes toaded by tiro walka atd an cnor la tbt •luk. A perteet bort by Duffy Seceaaw fcroke open the Korekss tarot as Joey CttlUttr di*bed borne. Anctbcr toaailfe: tuot by Davt Rjwll brtugh? )n Gonto*

lor U« (im* •'.a bb CMtnl i* MfUai kia cały In Uw mood In-■irl bł hit thiM MMC* In ncctntan. Od. rf U*.W Ul» •wn. D.r« RyłU. X njrf W«r. •r.l fonsd t« lure • łr*łtw«< rtk u>d «U1 W b4«UM< łnr «**


Tbe fama IM al*o ctiqut In thai it wm tka fint tir»a a no-KHter had betn pitebad la a

hfctm were hnrlad by 11U Manti af $t B« i In INI Md BOI Kar-

Mdj of Gcar* In IMS. Botb caroe

la wlaolni pioet.

Tao U tba hlti efl Hm Carey wtra itt|Wi by Ted Gilllea In the fint ani feorth Irulafi. Paul Brptafi di*W t* caitra U 1U nlnth *m tU ealy attar Usa blow off tba itripęirj Crusader


Ted Cim« mebed Mm t *J*t o(1 Cnray. Ha was Mi Hrardrd In CU fint wken lryant iroaaded for tha tbird oot ln tU foorth U Icd cdf wtth a ilofle bnl wu Wft on sccaod wban BryaoC and Mart CMaaay faaoed and Bill CtBkf iramied ta Cardoa Breaa. Ha|h Fardy m<Ud mord It tU tbird ot an mor bit Koel Spaiw tklfd lec tba finał aut Stan WU-kans, afltr drawtaf a aalk. wai dcnbled off SKoad b Uu hOh In tU otly double play U Ib a taror. Na othar Blat and G«!d batter |« past fksL

bp to tba slatk belng Bety Crcai Ud thelr beit eUnces ta •cara In tU flrat and socaad. Doay tP.tgarald wai cau|bt In a miw ó»wn eff tbird b tU fint aftar Hngh Fardy Ud bootad Sar»n*?nb onhbkr atd Data ByaH was atrand-rd co tbird b tU serend wUn Carey fltad far tba thlrd wL

Witaer Jto Carey allswrd m nos ca thrte blin and Iwo waflu w Kile itrtdng out tan. Loaer Jed Canberg albwrd flea nas on m bti wMia hktbi thraa. wablng Ihrte and fasnlng hro Uttan. In hli ona iMbj rtlłff atbt Don Ryan fseed ioor Utten, walk Inp two, whłftlog two and getting tU thlrd on aa InfleM fly.

Otly Baty Croro affort wbkb Moked UU • bit wu Dme B>alT» bunt b tka shth wbkb roUed loar faet b front cd tu płata. Pltrhar Gimberf Oalóod R bit coulds’1 roaka • ptay on Gordon


ot tht tankę bcietoM Utfot lertea ler lass. Proboblc P«eUn ara Mlkc Martin for IU Patrlctew and Howk Ycong for tbe Toin * Bioca.

Tbt PatrkteM, whe ItafaM tkłrd latt wu:«, roili bare at kart coc new face tn thelr Martini Uarop. Tktrd bataroan U Hkely U U IM Scrtt. rrlMUrn will iinte throo aretoerera In ftnt baicron Herb SUpyord. iKord bateman Data Ckapmtn and aUrt-atop Bob Plcughm*.

Caropłett llncupt iriU probobfy »ee tka IsUotrfu Ci Manili rokr.

ST. PATS—Pff char. Mika Mar» Cne caUkae. BiUla Sabal: Urit Ute. JKk Kanej: moro! bata, Jack WUbera; thcettlc* Błtt* AV

bott: thlrd basa. *» Seatt; oot-field. PtltT DttiUb, Ciurlk Waltb. Frank WnMk *

rniDtANS — Plicber. Howlf Yeuni; catchar. Aler Nawali: flnl Mm. Herb SbajpoH: ateoid basa. Diet Chapman: ihtetittę. Bob Plotlhroar.; thlrd basa. Allan Pn-ney: wtfleU Ck TOar, Banty, Clarka, Barry Sapron.

btrg had trrad in aUwailag KU UU lało hli gtotro Crusader W.sroan goi tbe UU lato tU odfltld on only tau oe*

easłoro. Two #f tU triei wore tak en by Ckttwy ud tbe ofhtn by Ted Glllles and Stan WllUm. Camberg Ud Red and Goto Utv mes poppfng to tba Itiield or growsdlng to Iba right iłde.

St. Bon a wert tUlr new whlte •sUcaros v|tb naroerilf on froot ani bark and kttnbg ii Blue on Goli Uckgrrojnl


HOLYctoss Ai n n i

aaUłetr. If ......» 1 0

F'.txgtrato. Ib .... 2 0 0 lratn, aa ..«•••«• SIO Sceetsor; Sb .....4    10

ST. KWI Fardy. Ib .. Spawa, ii ŁGIBincf •rynf, e ., Clooney, H .

Myma. pk........2    0    0

titef..........0    •    o

Griffen, pr ......•    d    0

2t 0 S

UropłrM—Mantfcmar}. Coooocł.

Conłact P. J. DOBBIN


BASEBALL OPEKING—Liltłe League Most ValubWe Player Danny Corooran, left, wind$ up to tnrow the open: ing pilch ot tbe ninlh scakon of the St John’s Amateur Baseball League yesterday aftcmcon. Prcsidcnt Ank Murphy bends In intlcipalion of fit&ing • hot grounder au batter F. M. 0’Lcarj* and catcher CUude Hall walt for the pitch as a crowd of 3.000 watches. Holy Cross coppcd a M victory In a rccord opener.




(CP) — Brttłan . Cinadlat »p3rtł ralatlons prebably troched record warmth at tbe lf» K^y Royal


ContKt wu frta and frtoćTj Utort tU llnittnkj cf BrfM Columbia eighti crt« hn:<krd olf KU cbb Kra&nca namia b tU upsat of tU regatta.

Afler that. tkey war# tvat roort


It Jra’t a devtlapment of *»•* ila’» -naw bok- lr. bkmatbnal diploroary. łf* juit tba; tU lads froro Leningrad wanted to tacw eierjtblng tbey cowłd abott LSe Canadlasi and :Uł: ronbg.

Froro Ofattaotkn CUy give Canidiaa rwwbg retbtm, tre?-nbia aad #9*lp«eet. ftt iRein praUblc -Alt lU itift. nurtUdoi ityle the BasfUnt Introdoeed bit year at Henley will gira way to tU tsore rbytiMHe rt»wbg of the Norlh Arsarku tebooł.


VTKh tUlr treroendrou cotdi tkalaf. tUy aUuld U wtrtd U«t en than. aay tU ewperti.

Mlautea afler thelr Mai to UBC b tba Grud da&engt Cup aami-flmls, tbey wora oełnlng Caaa-dlan atroko Glen SatUb of Grand Forks, B. C. wio boatls a few wd» of BisalM pkkad up froro kk DaukUUr eortroas.

-Yon don’t feather ywr oan. fnd dat USds yon bark lr. a head-wiad," Smith adelsed thero. Ho abo uli U flgarcJ tkay figU lUlr aUll Inskad of aaoothly takbf adwantigc of Itt- mm turo.

Tba aaat day.tbay tkd ushUnt maiager Doi Ulsbby of Kelten, B. C, down for mora thm an Uor. Eartler tbey aiUd to lwy a Cana-dlu oar, mato U BriUshi-oei Gocrge Pacork of Skattle. Wa»h..

At kast » Peppenell eeews art trainlng at Qolć» Vldl and tUre are also 2 crews of ladlrs fron tbe Bmo awious to row. ArtitV.y bas Umnied d^ring tU piH waek Md If.ertst ls tery keen.

PepęamU alhletie dlraelor. Harry Stu, ls aulwis to Urn a serki of run for U.SAF. personel ani K ii ttely thai theu reret wtn U heU b ronjonetim wtth any alirobrołoo brnij wWcb my U neeessary. Prabsblc dale wosld U a week bafcwe tka Regalia.

Peppemll girls will prohsbly comycie agalmt loeai this year, it tbey ar# unible to nMc threa crawi A crcw of ladles frten the Health and WeUsre Department baia akaady comromrad teabbg.

Tbcnroy Store i Patrićan Club errw are early fatcurltcs to uke ow Oto Coriing Tropky la the

CUłjm wdl! U wadc in tU llnetipt of cack team tcolgbl wben the Gwrds and St. Bon’s rorat it 140 at the Ayre AtV>tk Grotnds In tbe ronlsr kedtott serics.

Guardj. wU tied 22 wftb tU Fr^Aans b tkeir first gam? c< tbe NMA will mam Peter Erro-

CHICAGO (AP) - TU starto# Amerifiu and Natkaal Lcigu Uorupt tor tU J*ikr PM b MdwjuUo, Mf «, wert *> ■cunced Seoday MCM.

Horę are tba slartjpg linewps:

Niuoral l^agwr—łb: Ted lOtt-rowsti, aoclrroati 2b: Al SeUen-dieasL SL Lrois Sb: Ed Matbews, Hfiwsukre is: Emie Banks. Odrap U: Dcl Ensii. Pkllniolphla cf: Dike Srider. Brookl>*» rt: Dan Mortkr. New York C: Boy Cam^ ttf^a. Brooklyn.

American Uifw — Ib: Mlekey Yeraco. Wasbłngtea 2b: NeCto Fea. Chicago. »: Jtei Kialgin. Kansas City m: Haney Kaeou, Detroit lf:Ted WiUlams. Boska ef: Mkkey Msitk. New York rf: Al KiUne. Drtroit C: Larry Bem, New York.

Tboso pteyers rreeirtd lU anost Toin In tU pall. roaóceted by T71 ncospipers. radia and TV cutlrtt. wklrti opotied Jum 14 aad etesod at mtonlgM Fridiy. It bco*#bt ©ot a rarord %MJ*i totei. TU re* wtows rteord was 4^I?.7U art ta i>o

Mntgrr Leo Duccbor, cf New York GteBts. wiU kad tbt National Leagncrs. Al Lopre, cf ClorfUM bdlui. will dirett tU Aroericu Leagoeri. It wffl bs Durceber'i toortt appearanee as llo Natknal Lcigoerr manager, asd Ufei* Gru as Ibe American Loagwc kader. Eaeh bas plajcd te two afl* sur gamet.

Ordy U«w playm repeated froro tte two llanęi lar last swmner i garoe. TUy ar* Klusiewski. SoMcr. Csmpinctte, Hantłe arvf Bern.

CampaneBa. out uf tU Broal-lyw fiBMp wite ar. młured Ure cap. was tht Msbett lfdł%*tou>l vcte getier in tbe poŁ with l.Ut.ni wote«. Bern was sec cod włth 131.729, sod Kalinę. tU Tlgm* 20jvar-oM star. wis tbird with L-12S.S91.

Durockcr and Lope: will płck tb?

piteben. ab:mau Mtfieldcrs. i> fielóiri aoJ cstrUrs. Th# córo-

ttsUO(b wili bc aancurtci itulay. Eacb of tbe wHosen wist start aad play al kaw tbm bnings udesi sideUnsd by ta)ory •r gnili.

By ED (

Plitsbtrgh pi on of autUrity foor-gamc set ' Lear** kadłng Sonday wtth a f TU B«eos w T4 and droppe, Bot It wu goo them the series TU srtcniph kowerer. maaag kolf-gan; ca lk

tUy iplit t Lcols Cardu

A lerfes o! Band Coneerts ls srbftiuled itr tU Ukrslda by the NEAC band. TU fint eoneart will U imc-uneed shcrtly.

Neafoiadland Hotel fi. Bu's I nempfiojroent lniurarae and Mentel Hospltel crawi will dctteiiely U enłerltf tor tbe Amitewr Btea TU RoepRal wt3 aetd oo( a cronpkfe naw erew. Hotel Ama-tfim U to their entlro emr frten kit year sad ahowed cp wrU In a prirtkt tpła ca Fridiy.

Cenlal Frank Murphy Si anrion te bart a CMI Sertice Race ca tU petframrot for Regatta Day. 4 crews aro aułem u conpate aad Ibk wtroM rertalnly U a ttry btertJtteg evenL Wrth 4 fuli crewi rudy, tUro k eswry retsea te Iblak tut soch a raca noto U achfduled.

INSIDE BASEBALL for Little Leaguers

Theee ara fU uwal rumie o! i JcTeniln and Intcroedlrtn In tbe buta ćuring CU day asd acwtral slngie crewi Karo been ilowłn; «p. Ali phropeetha crawi sbosto stert trainlng thli week ind all crews art atked to ester thelr tom and race la lU enL*y baok at tU Ualboua.

fett te tbe Uneup.

SL Bw’i, w ho drepped ruir tpuer 2-1 to Holy Croes. wiU Urn naw faces In UllUck Dma Bir-rrtt ard forords Gus Ricbards and Noeł Ylnieecnbe.

FuU llneups are ai totlows:

GUARDS —> Goał. Bea Smith: fullUeks. Gerry Snlib. Ron Soprr; UWback®, Vk Wright. Abbk Goarce. Erwin Hosbackcr; tor-wmdi. Manfrall. Scbtctorr. Prfcr Fjiłduce. Gabbj Butler. Reg Ash. SteffetL

ST. BONS-GojL Frank Fard>;

Junior Baseball Opening Tonight At Banncrman

ST. PATS FOOTBALL tt. Pili icrtlsas A atd B foot-biU teams will Uld praetlm ta-nlg>.K at the St. Pifl FleW co Car-paska Real TU prietkea wtU start at T.IS aad • fuli allerdaoca of plajen ls Hfwltd to U oo


TU Church Lads Brtgnda scctloe B football will Uld an inęortsat werkaut tcaigbt. All pcoipertlte rraebers of tba learo ara idei to be it tba CLB. Armcury sharp it T.1A


ewriSTr KK£ roucw-


MM-p ł£0ł



O* T**

0*04JTXT fioor.

TU cUaplM Witocrti tekę nt the runner-wp F^glrt looigM te the eęcoing gamę ot tbt Juaior Baseball semon ot Baon rt nur Park ot tix IWrty.

Pro lubi? pltchm for :hr tfei»

__________ _____ lej g-w are kaunder C^r Hafl

Dalf: UHUdu. Davt Barrrtt. Len iJor    aad rirMUnfef

Coijhlin. rnrt Brtoiua: (*•'**" ^ '« '»*

nrii, Uiurict Cnilry. L« Sute. """P rTlM‘-'1 b>

T«n Kinui, Gm RiehuUf. Nod Ł‘*Im •»** 8|C« boi !V «M

Baseball league president Ank Murphy inmuoeed at the opcnłrtg corcrooniei ynleaday at tu Bali Tark tUt arc hghtlng tor Mfht hancUll will U completcd by tU IMb of Angwit.

President Murphy oHo (ook tU opporturity to sccce tU City Coanril tor placteg a tao por eeot tix aa baseball ndrslistoni Bcfore hstding tU baB to LMtk League MYP Danny Corcoean te tbrow łn tU fint pilch. U mad* It tker tUt be fc:t tbe baseUU kague wai dalng tbe ctrosciPs wwk te pr> vtolng a reereattor.il wrrke.

Denny Cortoran twsed • test bali at P. M. (/Loary wrifh diodo E. Hall cnlehlng te get tbe new 50aron open Mr. OLeary awl Mr. Hal! toek port la the opeolcg cero-roofios as representetl^s of tU cccnrounily mlnded body cf nor wbo are workśng at nąnbtn o( lU adTUaey coomlltee whkh ń •uperifiing tU financing of tn Ugbtteg Md oiber park linproiw neflts.

bare rrkised a poT.rrtd cf pła>ero. wwrt cf «Uo wert with lU eban^kui Ust se»

7A'ildral» coarh Juk Wabh an •ooneed lU tollowte# pte?m lo«* •khl-Piteben, D. Hall. II Sparkes: eatrhers. X Skłmag. D D owoce; lst bose. Br. La wre wre. B KJelley: Ud. Mm. C. Cblllns: 2rd base. K Smith. D. Wahb. tr Power, ahort itep, G. Kteg: out field. 2L Kennedy. A. WaUh. J UBF. B. Knee. R. Pye. Batboy. R Walsh. COceb, Ł Daltea. Manager J. Wabb.


WildeaU ts. Eagk*

SL Joseph’! \w. Panlhen. Feildiitt ts. HMj Cross.

C-U TŁ Uoca.

SL Pat'* wa. CUnls.

Guartłs vł Tigm.

Liooi Ta. mtorati Clants vs. SL Jcceph'*. Ti#m ts. FrikiiM.

Eagki n. CuU.

Poro bers u SL Pafi.

Holy Cross n. Guarda. irddeali n. Cubs.

St. J:jeph's ts. SL Pafi. FMliuM tł Goards.

Eoglei ts. Uon.

Panlhen \% Giaate Hsły Crms n. Tlgen N-B.—Games łach ev«nlng a* 430.

rdmals. g.g. and tUłng So tbey’rc 11V4 In tfber Natk Mdwaukee do«i ,nd New Ycrk 42.

TUre was a

tU Amerieaa Kansas CRy Ai Utónteg |0b w

M tor tUk f

orr fh oi*er tU I ces• tbey nar


The league! Yaakeei eame banda cf lU SłMten ta« JoUny Sebmil Wtutr S« cwi second pkce. c fert te Clcrcte Ywii slayed ran.


rsrr.pjge by I moro Oricles 7-TU Piratei malały Ihrwgl Me KItee. >M Ing chKta In UM tu nart Uy the test llred ihe Ust Kii »not* hn daya. TU Brr 2-2 margin to t Bat tbe pro* te Ust and B Labtac combo maalter slx4h The Brocdts st tu iteth Iwli Floyd W«l Cubs for th* opener. Mes . runt ta th# fn tten ewrogh Bo: tU aeeca matter and r ker had te i Karowy Hodd cesaioo, wa* Jones wt« i Cobs.

E.iST FOR i Warren Sp; h Milwaake RedkgL TU roni by Bob) bewwnod De ali-eun min taulngs. to tasy.

Afłrr seori rirot nntej. tu ptunkT Gcmez acta 2-aU ha tk P*«eb by rei 1U baaea k permitted V with tbe wk Bcłh tbe T piteben tek trnłt deadi* tbree roM h nctcUd one Ib# A» u raj wilb one roi Sehmłti | ewly flro bi ulanteg sir tory was tb tost 22 gan biu ca Ibr itirter Ed BALF-GAH Chteago'* teaved Um pUe# mar* a UU gar Mirrę*! B< waa tW wir Un. seecod iook tU dri with rUUe IU fiftb ar TU rock •ow are oi tbird place

Hercules tfte lejfnds sajr

BortOn at (New Terb 2)-Pa^ (M) TiMeorw (24) ntB (M) in| Mtaói (44) rslk ky *Ob<) and Morgu SI). Chicago at Kansas CUy (2>-Byid (V2) and JobUoc iM) es Dttroar (2-3) aad-KeUncr (Ml.

Detroit at Grolaad 2>-H«ofl •-.(24) asd Gromek (14) vi Houl-kroan (24) and Carda (41).

***** wu Int deKRbod n pltrhar u n -mauad rongtotea-wsdorateod (U art cf płUbtng. TU abflOy to koep a bntUr cS beknee by throwng tu Uli at dlffmnt apoote wUh tu aanc rootko. to cot/cac hln by Mdkf tu bali fron Ma wlew untu iu Uat porotok moment, and ta dtetrwrt hli attentem tnm th. pitehed UH by Tartawa ma mi bg rooOcaa, cdtea netta tU ć/ffemuc botwwoo euce« or faiłure for KU pltdter.

Dony Ymra, cm of tM aB-tlmc aterp cf tbe Brooklyn Dofgrn. dmkped Mcb an cfrottwe canooftagi tut MnM cdktela Urrwd ItuwnfMr. He rlpped Inte mboca tu kw pert of Ma undtnKrt •ker# ao tut tU nbfeocc wared tn tU atr aa U threw tU U1Ł and tU bettor had tmftlc foGowtog tu Bf ht of tba Uli Howmr, tUrt aro auay arceptebo mUodi cf (Uteartltw tu batter. r;ch aa rrtngteg ytor gtmd MM In frooc cf ycur Uirwwter Und m you pltrh. Earty Wywi. YkgU Tłucka and PreaeUr Rac arw maiten cf tu art of kaoptog tU gkvo ta front of tU UM to Mdc R from tbe Mutr, wtiik othtr plteUe• get he* tnm tec teg kteh porfocltd by aroh hurlteg artlete u Wanm Spcha. Bob Fełkr «ł Vtt Murga.

Was a pmrfal fianl In his daj But sf thai his a lot of Ibtliry Hi Mrer me! up with i totus tetfcrj


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00323 ?85e6f46f7f32f30fdf82adebd3e7fe 326 McCarviIle & Montgomery Figurę 10. The Defect Level D
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10 THE SHORT W A VE M A G A Z 1N E Marchy 1980 CE)Tried — Tested and Popular □ . "New”THE MOBIL
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