The Sounding Conunittees in Denmark, Fin-land, Sweden and Norway have formed a working group, with the main intension to develop Standards for penetration tests in Scandinavia. So far, standards has been proposed for specific Scandinavian methods, weight-sounding and ram-sounding. A coordination between the Scandinavian countries with respect to standardization of other methods, will certainly take place.
The activities in the North Sea has re-sulted in international contacts also concerning geotechnical explorations.
The futurę need of common and comparable methods and eąuipment is obvious. Especi-ally the static cone penetrometer test has to be mentioned in this connection.
It is probably the most advantageous eąuipment for in situ soil exploration at sea bottom. An international Standard will be of considerable significanse for the applicability of this method.
In generał, an international or European Standard for penetration tests with common application, will be of great in-terest for Norwegian geotechnical activ-ity.
A cknou)le.dgQ.me.n£
In connection with the generał view concerning Norwegian penetration testing practice, I have had useful and informa-tive talks with several Staff members of consulting firms and institutions. I wish to express my thanks to all of them. I further acknowledge the contribution of Professor N. Janbu who reviewed the manuscript and madę helpful comments.
ANDRESEN, A. and RYGG, N., Boraggregat montert pa traktor. (Tractor mounted drilling rig.) Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Publ. No. 75, 1968.
BJERRUM, L., Norske marinę leirers geo-tekniske egenskaper. (Norwegian marinę clays and their geotechnical behaviour.) Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Publ.
No. 7, 1955.
FRIIS, J., Den geotekniske utvikling i Norge i de siste 10 ctr. (The development of geotechnic in Norway the last 10 years.) Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Publ. No. 47, 1962.
HOLMSEN, G., Norske jordarter og geotekniske problemer knyttet til dem. (Norwegian soils and connected geotechnical problems.) Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Publ. No. 7, 1955.
JANBU, N., Discussion at Main Session No. 1, 8.ISSMFE, Moscow 1973. In situ determination of soil parameters.
MAISEY,G.H., Kvartaergeologiske farhold p£ kontinentalsokkelen. (Quaternary geological conditions on the Continental shelf.)
NORWEGIAN GEOTECHNICAL INSTITUTE, Marinę cone-penetration eąuipment. Oslo 1973.
SKAVEN-HAUG, Sv., Den geotekniske utvik-ling fram til ca.1950. (The development of geotechnic up to 1950.) Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. Publ. No. 47, 1962.
WADĘ, A., Hydraulisk dreiebormaskin. (Hydraulic weight sounding machinę.) Laboratorium for Geoteknikk, NTH, 1974.
AAS, G., Baereevne av peler i friksjons-jordarter. (Bearing capacity of piles in friction soil.) Norwegian Geotechnical Society Stipendium, Oslo 1966.
NORWEGIAN GEOTECHNICAL SOCIETY. Retnings-linjer for presentasjon av geotekniske understfkelser. (Guidelines for presenta-tion of soil investigations.)
NORWEGIAN GEOTECHNICAL SOCIETY., Sounding Committee. Dreiesondering - Forslag til standard. (Weight Sounding - Proposed Standard.) Oslo 1972.
NORWEGIAN PILE COMMITTEE., Veiledning ved pelefundamentering. (Pile founda-tion practice.) Oslo 1973.
NORDISK SONDERINGSM0TE I FINLAND 1971. (Scandinavian Meeting on Penetration Testing, Finland 1971):
ANDRESEN, A., Erfaringer med dreietrykk-sonderinger. (Drill-pressure soundings-experience.)
RYGG, N., Om tolking av sonderingsresul-tater. (Interpretation of sounding results.)
SENNESET, K., En unders^kelse vedr0rende dreieborutstyr. (An investigation concerning weight sounding eąuipment.)