
TF TuMdar.FttrMnr4.300) ItattHtr. Ta*i F«a», tota B-3




Have something • tosay?

Two mora maatlnp Mołdng Inpul on Flih and Ooraa luuoa ara Mt IW»

•    Today. 543 pm.. KMVT Commonlty Room. Twin Falts.

•    Wodntoday. ^8 p.m.. Blasne County Courtnouse. Halle/.

Monday, the first step in a proccss ihat would put the pro-powl on the 2004 generał ciec-tion holi oi.



Cail NilIIs, taft, and Clayton Nelson, ri|M, mauun tha dliUnc* betwMn antlars on Jody Ołtorhouf* daei ha brought In during an Idaho Oapartmant of Flth and Gama opon houM In Burley on Monday.

Fish and Gamę commission issues resurface

tors once it is passed into law. A votc of at least five commission-crs would bc rcquired to make

juiy.funJicradjustmrnf c

Shootings kill one, injure two near Utah university

ments - and incrcascs terms from four years to six.

Last January. Cov. Dirk Ki.-mpihornc-wav-iiraivii.iu.iho

Rupert council will hear Wilson Theater report—

Searchers find missing girl

Bomb scare closes dorms again

RUPERT - The. City Council is expected to hear a report about

.the .Renaissance-Art-Ccnterrand-expenses-incurred-whiIc-3erYinir-

on • the Mini-Cassia Transportation Committoo,-finiłl-rcadings of ordinanccs to adopi the rerised area of Unpact and to estublish a local improwment district with Kraft Foods, ond second reading of an ordinance to anncx the south half of 100 South ond four additional parccls of propeny on East Basclinc Road.

The south half of 100 South from Oncida to South A Street* does not include the annexation of any residential properties, offi-dais said.

The owners of the.four ,iddi^_ tional pieces of property requestcd anncxation. Lucille Downs and Gary Friesen owti land cast of the city iimits on East Bascline Road .ind askeil City Attomcy Rick Bollar about anncxation.

The council meeting ts open to the public.

Help herds recover, area hunters tell F&

ffy SAtłi Chanay Tlmwłtaws wrttw

BURLEY - It was fun to go huntłng In the ’80s and ’90s, Burley hunter Kevin Larson said. There were actually deer to hunt

Oakiey's Robert Critchfield agreed. Something has to be done to bring deer numbers bocie up, he and Larson told rcglonal wildlife manager Randy Smith at a public meeting Monday with Idaho Department of Fish and Gamę officials.

Deer numbers are Iow, Smith ogreed. The number of deer in the area is about S0 percent of what it was In the early ’90s. Hunter success ls stilj high, but hunters are worldng harder for smoli er deer.

“We need to do something. becousc the deer are gone,” Critchfield said.

A dccline in deer numbers nnd proposcd rcgulations to kccp nil-terrain vehicles on roadways only were the main topics of eon-versotion ar the Burley public meeting. Smith said. Roughly 50 pcopie took time to talk with Fish and Gamę officials, perusc the four displays outlining pro-posed chonges in policies and take part in a survey with com-ments and ideos.

Use of motorized vehides is a hot topie. “Ute ATV Usue is the number one thing we hear," said regional wildlife biologist Bruce Palmcr.

In the Magie Vallcy region. Units 48 and 49 in primarily Blainc County are bcing consid-crcd for a ncw rcgulation restricting motorired vehides to “cstablishcd roadways capablc

Idaho sportsmen try to change way

members are picked

BOISE (AP) - A group of spommen is trying once agam change the way Fish ond Camc commissioners are appointed and to make chem morę immunc from politics.

A petition with 3S signatures attadted was filed with the Idaho Sccrctairy of State** Office on

SALT LAKĘ CITY (AP) - Two men were criticaliy injured and another man was kiiled in early morning shootings ncar the University of Utah.

Police initially responded to a report of a traffic accidcnt Monday morning when they


Ćontlnuid from Bl reimbursements.

In other action Monday, the board approved negotiating a contract with the Salt Lakę City-based    Jacobsen

Comtruction/HKS, a design-bulld firm, to help with the hospital’s • long-term fadlity plan.

Hospital Board member Bill . Błock cast the lone no vote, say-. irvs hc chouglłt the dedsion was premature.

Błock favored limiting the initio! contract with Jacobsen/HKE to the master plan and not eon-struction. That way the hospital could make another request for proposals from construction .firms when the’ plan is complete <and possibly save moncy.

p&nttnuodframBl ^i-higher than the rates for existing ,;city business and household cus-<^tomers.

The oroposed agreement Stwould allow the dty to puli out ^.:of the dcal immediateJy if there r-;U any variadon from lu terms.

Glonbia has a permit to apply §jwaste to 940 ceres near the plant *c>ut wants to bump up that i 'Screage by 530 acres to handle ; tncreased wastewater during the ; ■'non-growingseason.

! • In 2002, the company pald a •- fine of $8,000 for exceeśiing the v-terms of its exisdng wBsiewater of travcl by fuJI-sized automo-biles." Unit 47, in Southwest Twin Falls County, hod the restriction in place last year.

One mon said he supported allowing ATVs off road to carry

Ltkc last year’s attempt, the changcs would aeatc a Citizcn*s Wildlife Advisory Council in scven regions to nominale candi-dates to fiU vacancies on the Fish and Gamę Commission. The gov-ernor would sclect one of iwo nomineeSa who would scrve stag-gered six year terms.

The new proposal olso puts the Fish ond Camc Department bud-get out of rcach of State legisla-found Jose R. Talancon. 21, lying on the Street with a gunshot wound.

Another man, Jamie Nunez-Cuiticrrez, 31, also shot. wos inside a vchicle that had rolled into a parked car.

A few hours later, a newspaper

Błock said olthough he is a sup-porter of the dosign-build proccss, “it would be premature to tic-oursclves to a-contracior until we identify cxactly what the project is."

The rest of the board approved hiring    Jacobsen

Construction/HKS over the St. Louis, Mo.-based Hospital Building and Equipment Co., the second finalist. Magie Valley RcgionaJ staff and members of its Planning and Community Relations Committee visitcd sites under construction by both companies. One of the things that drew them toward Jacobsen/HKE was the compa-ny*s willingness to indude staff in the planning and design permit by 33 million gali ans during the non-growing season -when the ground can be frozen and is void of crops_and can’t handle as much water. The company said it needs the cxpanded acreoge to handle Its wastewater stream during the non-growing season, which ends March 31.

Glanbia sought a one-time waivdr of its current permit this wintef, but DEQ rejected the reque)t. In response, Glanbia has a(ipealed to the Board of Environmental Quality and is sec king expcdited review of the matter, wanting a decision by

♦ganurouroncnnrwwrt. Miko'

MacDonald, enWrorunental Staff biologist, said unarmed retrieval - allowing a hunter without a gun to take an ATV in to carry che aniraal out - is a possibility.

Most people ot the public meeting supported restrictions.

“Td just as soon walk and get a good deer,” Critchfield said.

People get laty taking ATVs on trails and off-roading, and “the deer are paying a pretty big price," Larson said.

Paul hunter Royle Thomson said ATV use has inereased dra-maticolly. “Thcy’rc every-where,” he said.

ATVs should be restrictcd to the ronds just like any other

••\Ve*re trying to make surc that the cituens have morc input into the selection of the commis-sioners, and the commissioners have morę łndepcndcncc," said former Idaho Fish and Camc Director JerTy Conley, who offi-ciaUy filed the petitions Monday.

The ncw plan indudes a provi-sion that commissioners could only be rcmovcd "for cause" - . not mcrcly for policy diugrcc-

carrier found a third man, dead from □ gunshot wound to the head, on the Street a few blocks away. His identity was not rdeased.

Police say the shootings may bc related, but they were releas-ing few detoils Monday after-proccss and the minimal inter-ruption to patients and staff dur-ing the construction process.

-• Board member Cindy Collins. via speaker phone, said Jacobsen/HKS “shows morc flex-ibility, and I think we need that."

Hospital officials haven’t yet mentioned any financial details of a contract with Jacobsen/HKS.

Other Hospital Board business induded:

• Aujdliary president - Magie Valley Rcgional Director of Volunteer Services Loraine Devey introduccd Ron Eversolc, the first man to serve as president of the Magie Vallcy Reglonal Auxiliary sińce 1959. They presented the board with a

Feb. 27. The board is expected to conduct a hearing before making a dedsion.

Meanwhile, Gianbia’s request to expand land application by 530 acres is being considercd by DEQ officials after objections wcrc expressed by the public. Some neighbcrs say they‘re eon-cerned about odors and pathogens that might rcsult from morc wastewater bcing applied to the land.----

Among them are 5th District Judgc hory Wood, acting as a pri-vate ddien, and Gooding cóntrac-tor Ben Gnesa, who are suing DEQ

■motorfzęd rehidc, he added.

There has becn significant support for motorized vehicle restrictions, said Dr. Fred Wood of Buriey, Fish and Gomc com-missioner for the Magie Valley region. It is a qucstion of how severc the restrictions shouid be.

"What people want is responsi-ble use of ATVs.“ Wood said.

Smith noted it isn’l just ATVs that will foce restrictions; restrictions will apply to all motorized eehides.

Ttmcs-Ncws writer Shari Chomy cun bc nochal at the nc\tsspapcr's Mini-Cassia Bnrcatt at 677-40-12, Ext. 638.

center of an uproar ovcr the departure of Fish and Gamę Director Rod Sando. The director was ousted after two years for rcportedJy fading to adcquately consider conccm* of landowncrs and rcsource users.

While the Fish and Gamę Commission has control ovcr department pcrsonnel. Iepslative leader* said the order to fire Sando camc from the govcrnor.


The motivos were unclcar, and no suspects had been identi-


The two woundetl men were reportedly on lifc support in "very critical conditiun." policc said.

symbolic 5376.98S check repre-senting the 22.000 hours that 154 volunteers have put in during the last ycnri-It would toke 11 full-cimc employees to providc those sanie senices.

•    Housekeeping - The board approved incdical staff nilcs and regulations.

•    Foundation - Magie Valley Rcgional Foundation Director Larry Baxter gave the board a foundation update. The founda-tion is a separate entity from the hospital. a philanthropic organization govcrned by a 25-member voiuntecr board. Baxter said the foundation had $2.1 million in assets and award-ed ncarly $500.000 in grants in 2001.

over rules they say shut out the public from the permining proccss.

Retircd 7th District Judgc Ted Wood of Bonnerille County. who is presiding over that casc, sug-gested last woek that the matter could be scttlcdif_GJanbia_would treat its wastewater before applying it to the land. Hc’s not related to Barry Wood.

Glanbia owns plonts in Gooding. Twin Falls and Richfield and Is the largcst mllk processor in the region at 7.7 million pounds a day. Its corpo-ratę parent. Glanbia Pic, is based in Kilkenny. Ireland.

Tha Tlm*vhevr»

Wilson Theater at its 7 p.m. meeting today.

Chris Jackson said Wilson Theater officials try to report to the council annually about moncy raised and progress medc at the theater. The city has an interest in the. theater bccausc it owns the building and leases the property to the ans center.

Larcy Duff, chairman of the Renaissancc Arts Center, will make the presentation.

The council also will discuss the composition of the Rupert Citizen Advisory Committee. There is an open posidon on the board, and there is a proposal to appoint a Rupert business oyyner to fili the vacancy.

Members of the Rupert Citizen Adrisory Committee are John Cooper, Elizabeth Burr-Jones, Santos Garza, Bob Nevarex, Frank Rodriqucz Jr/

HEYBURN - A Friday night soarch for a 7-ycar-old Hcybum girl tndcd happily when searchers found her playing at a housc a few blocks from her hOM

Four emergency response agencacs and sevcral radio sta-tions wcrtsinvolvcd in the search.

The girl had gone to the ncigh-bor*s housc after school, tlicn asked if sbc could spend the night, said Hcyhurn Police Department Dvtcctivc Dan Soto. Hic ncighbor told the girl to cali home and ask for permission to stay o\er, which the girl said she did. Soto said. How*cvcr, she didn'1 actually cali home.

The Minidoka County Shcriffs Office, Mini-Cassia Search and Rcscue and Heyburn Fire Department joincd the Hcybum Police Department in the search. Radio statitms broadcast ocm of the missing girl.

The searchers went door to door, asking neighbors if they had secn the girl. They found her nt 8:45 p.m.. Soto said.

PULLMAN, Wash. <AP) -Morc than 400 Washington State Univer*ity students werc forced lo spend .i second night evacuated from their dormito-ry rooms bccausc of a bomb scare.

The thrcut against Perfum .ind adjoining Streit Hall had speci-fied that a bomb would go off on Monday, and school qfficials


Centlnued from Bl

meni of the monument as it cxists today.

•    Allcmatltrc 2 - Provide morę visitpr scrviccs with inereased rehidc accyss across the mtmu-ment and a new risitor center.at Kings Bowl. Altcrnativc 2 also shows an improvcd grarel road running from Minidoka to Kings Bowl.

•    Altcmalitc 3 - Prc>cn*c the natural fcatures of the monument and limit road travel and visitocfccrvicu*. - • •

•    Altcmotbc 4 - Emphasizc aggressiiL* weed and fire manage-ment. This altcmativc shows the most road* in the monument, including the road from Minidoka to Kings Bowl. hut the roads are purely functional. In altematiic 4, the road* arc not accompanied by interpretire signs, trails and parking arras called for in altematiee 2.

The altcrnativcs do not spcll out where campgrounds wcmld Ik* built, roads remoced or buru* presenbed

“Tbcy wre intentionally very vague.M BLM monument Manager Rick Vander Voci said.

The people who cumę tu the


Cortlnuad from 61-----

public schools, amJ (lic Lcgislature piciu up the «ab for about 75 pcrcent of the total co« of cducating kids. ldaho's educa-tion budget is about SI billioii a year.

. Bea Black, a Boise School Board tnistec, said.she wdconies a stute audit.

“1 think you should always be open to an audit to make surę moncy is-bcing properly uti-and Ray Stockton.

Other items on .the agenda indude approval of reimhurse-ment to Dwincllc Allrcd for

MlnkJassIa (n brief

“It was a good cxperienee f«n us to get all the agencics imnU cd and ail cooperating,** Solo said.

Ex-detective will discuss drugs today in Buriey

BURLEY - A retircd l.n* Angeles Pnlicc Department nar-cotics decectivc will giw pren-n tations today regarding ciul), designer and -datę rapc" dmgv

A seminar for law cnfotcemeni officcrs, mcdical persunitel .md other professi(Ki;ils is hM f«>r < h» 5 p rn. in tlić Linie Theater ul Burley High Schonl. 21.10 Pmk Ave. A presentation for the gen-, eral public is 7 tu 0 p.m. m ilu* King Fine Arts Center at lim le> High School.

Admissiun to the etents - f«M turing talks h>- I rinWa IShtuM - iv free, and parents are emmirugeil to hring their children.

t #    •    •

- compilcd from stuff rrpori*

decided to kccp the dnems ikhd through Monday night cveti ihougli a search cni Stmdiy fmnwl no sjgn of a bomb.

~WcYe erring on the snle uf cauiion.** said Charleeo TuyU»r. u WSU spokeswoman.

Many of the st utleń is have been sleeping on mattrewrs at the Student Rcrre.ilioii Center on campus. Taylor suitl.

Craters comment

Put ic    lep-tf ng

managtmert of Croters of the Moon Kitlorji Monument tako p iet tfcłs montt. Łoch open houso runt from 10 •Jn. to 1 p.m.

• Setudiy A»coButte Bj*

Center. 159 N icaho. A-c*.

• Fet. 15 M:gh S:»vs -i Purposc room. CM)

• Fob. 22: Rupert City H.i *. i 24 F St.. Rupcn.

Cetf 527-3257 Of 732-7200ł

.Ster. You do not n.ivc lo nv. to attend. but ieg*stcr.ng ,.v.. • ptanners to hove on octu-i*e Phr of matcnais ot eocn «•**-•! g i To feem morę. go to ; MtP7/www.nps.gov/Crn*o .r.i ebek on e\ents colcndo*

workshops will help dewlnp ilu-plans and providc mnre ileiail. Morris said.

%,This is going to bc cpote a bu morc siructurcd than the la%t mcetings," Vander Vact *aitl. HWell sil people down with ou)h and havc them mork tłum uj*.*" The eneironmental unpact MMeracnt is schedulcd to U* fiu-idted at the end of this >x*«tr.

GmL" she *aid. -The Lcgislature has it right to ask the que\tions."

Rep. Fred TiIman, Hou%e "Educatioii committee chairinaii.~ Ims heon talking about conduct-ing performance' audits tut schools for scvcral montlis. Part uf his enneem grows out of a law-suit wgoiiiM the stute by *eveml northern Idaho school district* seeking greater help from law-malters in paying for safer. novcr boildings.


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