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TMtday.MnMry4.2003 ThMtftm. Tirtn f*t. KW» M
Morning break
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P4 AQ*ihwłn
IbUMMayt O Btrtong rtconj
& jApcn—
»Ltv^O« command ft/ciwr*
WW#r taił , BuMrtJrt pal Corroaiy# iM RT TonoiMt rVai >
Rra tnjck paar Smal n#w1 ^ Nawipopar 17 Word bal ort •rriipOOOf
F$ Focwmid proprau A Sdcnc# rooma ^Abusiw danurtciation * lmprovtsa >8 Jody old aaita t>9 Sao ol
NopoJaont fint
>0 Bingo refelto Ji Pot atanar \2 F omouscooWa man
i3 Ruhr VaDoy city * PtcAuuptho lab &Oomon of rMotywood
1 nci.no
2 Fragnnt abrub
3 MfpnocKo aoct
4 _j*w.SasX.
5 Tavam
6 Barmuda and VHU14
7 *Tłianlc* foor 6 Wondatmant 0 Book betora
10 Jaramy oi ‘Brtdaahaad Rdvte*T
11 Study ol aound
12 Wnlar Oa^hton
13 Wa radcan
21 M.oko ndirncl
22 Ptocainordar
24 Gtoomy
25 Holr-riasing 28 Monh gnaao* 28 Cranny
30 Flra r*kX>o
31 Muddad stało
32 Mnicanmanu chdcst
33 Ram a mato 35. Paulo
37 Wgfrruraya and by*ayi
□□□□□ UDDO □□□□ (•]»□□□ □□□□ □□□□ ranansonnon □□□□ □□a □□□ aannaan □hqq □□□□□ □aoaa □□□ □□□□□ □bhd □□□□□□□□□□ □□□ □□nnouu ann □□□□□□□□□□ aaaa
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38 Saop 42 Miami loam
44 Smoli, long-ormod apo
45 XXX 4© R*tn 40 Captam
OuaagaaNp 50 Rovana
51 Mn Finmono
52 Mooaatofy VlP
53 Farmaruing ogant
55 Carwoy or Androwa 58 Pres Unco?n 57 .. Pio***. IL S8Faucot _
DEAR ABBY: Your advice to “Happy Hindu in the Bibie Bdt,” iwhost-ChristianTricndsnick-reli-gious pamphlcts into holiday boxes of baked goodies in an effort to comrert her, was off base. You adsrised her to jgnorc the brochuresand enjoy the goodies -unlessjhe had lost her oppedte -ln'wlućl) ćase she should donate . the. trcatsjo.a^helter.or-takc-them to the office.
I disogrcc. That lovely lady should politely tell her friends that she likcfter own religion and ask them to pleosc stop wilh the rełigious literaturę. If they contlnue, she sltould end the friendship. If coneerting her is morę important than her friendship, therc is no friendship.
DEAR B.T.Tj Your answer is better than minc. Intcrestingly,
“Happy Hindu’s"_problem
appears to be widespread. Tliac' lener brought in o bushel of mail. Rcad on:
DEAR ABBY: I am Jcwisli. A friend from college kept^nding
me “Jesus Lovcs You" Christmas cards. l told her-it hurt my feel-ings that she didn’t respect my beliefs. 1 modę it dcar that I am Jcwish and will always rcmain Jcwish, as it is my rcligious and culmral background.
Iikc “Hindu," 1 know that some of these gestures are wcll-intcn-rioned, but I would never dream of sending my friend Hanukkah cards.
I send cards that sny "Scason's Crcetings" or "Happy Holidays.” It's good to leam altout other peo-ple's beliefs and bc open to tliem - but not when thcv*re forced on you.
DEAR J1LL: 1 regret that 1 did not advise “Happy Hindu" to Iw as outspoken and upfront as you and "Bcen Tlicre.”
DEAR ABBY: Your nnswer to "Happy HindCi” offendcd me as a -Chrisrianrlftheclrcumstances were different, would you tell me to ignorc my Buddhist friends, but enjoy thblr.treats if 1 didn't gag first? Why. is cvangelical Christianity the only religion we shouldn't tolcrate?.
-MARYS.EUUAY.GA —I)KAR-MARY-Si!-ltł9-norT Anyone who prosel>iizes is orcad-ing on “sacrcd.ground.” It's regarded as offensive, even if it is hcartfdt.
DEAR ABBY: Hard as it is to livc with somc ccangclicols, they are easier to take than people who f«H justified in resorting to riolcnce against thosc they fccl ore “lost.” You havc to under-stand that with evangclicads, it is an article of faith. and it’s their Christian duty to preach their vendon of the Gospel, cspeaally if they care about you arid_arc genuinely concemed about your soul.
DEAR DOLLY: I am aware of that. A devout and very sweet
lady once told me she was "sad" bccause she kived mc ond knew -she‘wouIdn,t sce mc in J:caven. ! asked her why. She said, “Bccause you haven’t becn savcd!" Once I got over the shock (hat her heav-en was segregated, I assured lićr that cven though I might not be in hers, she would dcfinitely be in minę, so plcasc not to wrony any ■further.-
DEAR ABBY: Many people have stopped me on the Street or come to my door with rcligious tracts, so I had cards printed with the following: “I nevcr told niy own religion nor scrutinized that of another. I never attempted to make a convcrt, nor wished to change anothcr’s crecd. 1 am satis-fied that yours must bc an cxccl-lent religion to havc produccd a life of such cxcmpłary virtuc and correetness. For it is in our livcs. not from our words, that our religion must be judged." (Thomas Jefferson to Mrs. H. Harrison Smith, 1816)
DEAR KAYE: I agree with his timdcss and profound condusion.
IF FEBRUARY 4TII IS YOUR BIRTHDAY ... you revere truth arid you Uvc up to codo of honor and jusiice. You havc bcen hurt rccently but ncvcnhclcss do give romance another chancc. Taurns, Leo and Scorpio individuals play amazing roles in your life, could hovc thcsc Icltcrs in names: D. M. V. During this c>'clc. you will be activc in civic affair, and the ąuostions of partncrship and marriage will loum largc. June will be most powerful, mcmo-rabie for you in 2003.
ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19): Wliat had bcen clusivc will bccome avai!able. Correct mechanical "d C fcct"a n'd"p r occ ed s t raighr phead. Popularity on the rise; pęoplc wam to be wilh you. Contest winner!
.TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20): £ome of your fondcst hopes and wishcs will como true. Caution: Don't wish for morę than you can handle. You will have extraordi-nary luck in matters of speeula-tton.’
• GEMINI (May 21-Junc 20): Writtcn word plays major role; gCt ideas on paper, suhmit them to superior. Flirtation is serious; if you are not. movc on. The "situ-JBon" is getting hot and heavy.
—CANCER (June 21-July 22): Samily member will reccive S&ique honor, relating to publica-ICTn of an article. Offer cncour-jjtement, but make elear the road ohead can be bumpy. Libra fig. iires prominendy.
[ LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Dare to yiyram! Somc of your most "fan-psric" dreams will come true. In łhat relationship. you havc not bcen told entirc truth. Ptsces, yirgo play outstanding roles.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Power play! Get prioritics in prder. Let it be known you have
iShow chronicles |Burr’s rise to telerision star
{ “Biogrnphy" - Profiling Raymond Burr’s cnigmatic per-łonal life and chroniding his rise trom B-movie actor to top-rated rv stor. (CC) (TVG) ARTS &. ENTERTAINMENT. 6 p.m.
• “Caddyshack” - A caddy at an txdusivc country club encoun-
ter* bitarre _ ._ . characters Best BetS when he com-
- petes in a golf
. tournament.
I “Lethal Weopoa 4” -
petectiveTRiggs antTMurtauglf jake on a crime gang thot is tmuggling Chin esc fomilies into the United States. (CC) (TV14)
TBS, 6 p.m.
“Blography" - Actor Ricardo lontalban fights rtegadve Ładno tereotypes in Hollywood. (CC) TVG) ARTS & ENTERTAIN-IENT, 6 pjn.
Sydney Omarr
acccptcd responsibility of bcing *Mn charge." If single, you cncounicr futuro matę. Capricom will dominatc.
UBRA (Scpt. 23-Oct. 22): Look bcyond the immediatc; you can prediet your futurę and make it come true. Maintain univcrsal outlook; people in faraway places will quote yt>u. Arics is represent-ed.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23 Nov. 21): ^oagivc.off-vibrations of person.
ality, sex appcal. Make fresh start, wcar brighi colors and make special appearances. Maintain high standards in coit-ncction wilh romance.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dcc. 21): You will find suitable liring quarters. Focus on pannership. marriage. Toss aside prccon-ccivcd notions. Break through to a “different" way of life.
CAPR1CORN (Dcc. 22-Jan. 19): Short trip invotvesrelative. Hccd your own counsel; your rdative could be sincere but sinccrely misinformed. Focus on entertain-ment, humor and intcllcctual curiosity.
AQUAR!US (Jun. 20-Fcb. 18): Kink in the armor will be straightencd; money coming to you will be paid. You locate lost article that has scntimcntal ealuc.-Taurus, Leo and Scorpio will play leading rotes.
PISCES (Feb. 19-Mur. 20): Circumstanccs takc dramalic turn in your favor. Trust your judgment, intuitive intellect. Broken relationship will be mendcd; this will make you happy. Sagittarius in picturc.
Subscrlbe. 733-0931
•>AlKHd3cBmWi'">o«»» r w • •»IrMiutw^l«^łt i*«. oT.S8
•^CłteftJfcLlLfoo C*n mi c»i im • ► jo •>l<jmotBln«:.Tw.Toiwr« r.is* »j
•:Q«oai at WtwYofkt».p^>T««
° BttcJkttt i< > ł <8 • wo
*>Ib»BKDt!t l'H0^» 103 . *lł ^EtołLBMLaHiotii ?«.MO >B(Uaa«LS«udx
Orpltcum Thcatrc
l ChjLcfltf o (i9) J
When a dcckcd-out man stands in front of a full-lengtb mirror, he judges for himself liow he looks, and lets it go at that. When a gussied-up woman stands therc, she not only judges for hcrsclf how she looks, but considcrs how she looks to others. Womcn much morę so than men can Imagine another’s point of view. They’re better able to sec themselves as others sec them. Such was the claim of the cmincnt Theodor Reik.
Q. Do baby bats nursc?
A. They do. If a mother bat could talk, shc'd tell you almut it.
L.M. Boyd
no douln. Her baby \% lxirn with a fuli sci of shan1 tccih.
Q. Whul'5 the lun;c%i stniclmr cvcr built by Uvingcrcalurcs?
A. Australia'* Grcnt Barrier Rccf. Avcrages 500 fccl high ovcr 1^60 milcs. G>ral potyps got thccontract.
Kangaroos that livc in trees dani look likc kangaroos. Their front legs arc about as long as ihcirhind łcgs
A man of retirement >rars refers not to his mernory but to his forget* tery. daiming itH a rcal %%ord
An Orcgon physicKt conicnds higji tech gcar proires trees com-municatc with one onother. If yuu chop into one, hc says, adja-ceni irccs send out mcasurable elcctrical impulses. \V*wavcs» he calls them.’-His readings, he says, indicatc the axcd trees scream.
Docs the cost of clothes for your offspring give you trouble?
If you had to buy outfits for a baby lobstcr, you’d go brokc. Until it grows up, it molts 24 times a ycar.
A British bridc sucd her groom*s former girlfrlcnd. Charged assault. According to the bridc'5 petition. ihc woman showed up at ihc wedding, kepi it together during the ccrcmony. but lost it on the church sicps. whcrc she bcltcd the bridc to the pavemcnt with fistfuls of high-vdodty ricc.
Q. WTiars a ynkow?
A. Cross bctwccn and yak and a cow. Such therc bc.
roił - — ___wi mmUh In liryf r.JłK»yt Vj O* t)-tJ tlfmf Nffllll tfKAM 1^ V> ^^7
MOtOROLA i»d MUoo U •Miirid ^ ino U S >*•«"« ft V*Ó**»A X. fWS *