Department and Clinic of Surgery
Decreasing the number of Department was inforced according to the suggestion of EAEVE experts visiting our faculty in 1998. According to our University Statute department can be formed with at least 8 academic teachers including 2 with a title of professor or habilitation. On faculty there are special units:
a) Flow Cytometry Laboratory
b) Celi Molecular Laboratory
c) Chromatographic Laboratory
d) Semen Quality laboratory
e) Serologie Laboratory
f) Centre of Clinical Imaging
g) Centre of Gastroenterology
h) Centre of Cardiology
Creating such a units allows to perform scientific work and teach the students modern techniąues. These units also offer service for public. Structure of units allow to avoid unnecessary possessing of special scientific eąuipment and efficient usage of modern eąuipment.
Implemented structural (about Departments) changes have not developed the functioning of the faculty. It is connected with geographical localization of Departments, in which some labs are located in different buildings. Furthermore according to the Statute the unit responsible for fmances is the Department. Creation of new department by junction 2 or 3 former ones madę inerease of bureaucracy and a lot of misunderstanding conceming fmancial support. Some of the existing departments (i.e. Department of Pathological Anatomy, Physiopathology, Microbiology and Forensic Veterinary Medicine) were formed with former departments which research and teaching areas are not close to each other. Some department has a lot of hour of teaching to carry (strongly over sizing teaching “pensum” - 240 didactic hours) while some have hardly enough.
Veterinary medicine is totally different from any other faculties in our University. But “being one of five” in that field tum as in the weak position. Now there is a big discussion in our University and Senat about remodeling the way of study: no faculties - only departments