W. Kraft, U. Durr. 1995. Klinische Labordiagnostik in der Tiermedizin. Schattauer;

Winnicka. A. 1997.Wartości referencyjne podstawowych badań laboratoryjnych w weterynarii. SGGW Warszawa


Lectures: 0 hours Tutorials: 30 hours Other activities: 0 hours


passing grade of laboratory course (written/oral). Minimum reąuired knowledge for passing: 60%

Pathological anatomy

Type of the course: o (o - compulsory; f - optional)

Level of the course: 2(1- first cycle; 2 - second cycle)

Year: 3 and 4

Semester: L -(Z - winter, L - summer)

ECTS: 13

Lecturer: prof. dr hab. Janusz Madej Learning outcomes:

Students acquire theoretical knowledge of basie pathological changes and their character i.e. retrogressive changes, circulatory disturbances, inflammations and progressive changes, neoplasm and the microscopic differences between those changes. Students understand the specific features of animal diseases in a postmortem examination and students also understand proper postmortem examination techniąue. Students know the type of pathological changes and can describe their evolution. They know the protection methods used for further diagnostic examinations. Students can investigate and leam what the causes of death were in the instance of animal death.




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