Authors.............................................................. 5

Articlcs and trcatics

Marzanna B. Kielar - Selected aspects of integral melhodology................. 7

Monika Parchomiuk - Masturbation in people with intellectual disabilities........ 23

Research papers

Joanna Kobosko - Becoming a mother of a deaf child Stress coping slyles and self-

esteem in mothers versu§ Iheir children 's deafness............................ 41

Beata Szabala - Self-esleem versus a feeling of loneliness in adolescenls with mild

intellectual disabilities.................................................. 61

Polemies and rcviews

Barbara Marcinkowska - ............................................... 83

Ewa Wapiennik-Kuczbajska - Doris Zames Fleischer and Frieda Zanieś: The Disability

Rights Movement: From Charity to Confrontation............................ 86

Rcports, announccmcnts, chronicie

Kamila Miler-Zdanowska - Report on a visit to Barczi Faculty of Special Education as part of the Erasmus Program for the Staff of the Academy of Special Education, May

6-13, 2012............................................................ 93

Marta Porembska - Report on the 3,d Interdisciplinary Conference of Doctoral Students Contemporary people in the face of the challenges and threats of the 21sl century,

Bydgoszcz, April 4-6, 2013.............................................. 99

Anna Kołodziejska, Marta Matasek - Report on the 12lh International Scientific Conference in the series Special Education Discourses “Special education - Faces of

changes”, Sopot 2013 ................................................... 104

Journal rei icws

Kornelia Czerw ińska - Zeitschrift fur Inklusion, 2012......................... 109
