
297 Acthation of a stereotype of an immoral person facilitates the cleanliness motive

Michał Parzuchowski, Konrad Bocian, Wiesław Baryła

307 Gender differences in reactions to blunt and mitigated advice Aleksandra Gronostaj

322 Beauty versus death: Mortalily salience and body self-iinage focus

Wiesław Łukaszewski, Julia Boguszewska

335 Group martyrdom: Psychological functions of beliefs about national victimhood

Krystyna Skarżyńska, Kamil Przybyła, Adrian Dominik Wójcik

353 The influence of conflict and facilitation in fainily and work roles on the quality of life in working parents

Bogusława Lachowska

372 Aestlietic evaluation of photographs through the stereotype of authors mental disability

Magdalena Szubielska, Bibianna Bałaj, Agnieszka Fudali-Czyż

379 Constmction and einpirical verification of Prosocial Behavior Questionnaire (PBQ) and Prosocial Tendeneies Paraprojective Questiionnaire for Adolescents

Marcin Moroń

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