>    From MPD to KNOW, Rawa Mazowiecka, 27-29.05.2013, (wystąpienie ustne: „The chosen groups of O.N-chelate borinic complexes. Towards application in OLEDs", wystąpienie nagrodzone).

>    Sesja Sprawozdawcza Użytkowników KDM — Płock, 14-16.05.2013

(wystąpienie ustne: "Experimental and theoretical evaluation of the chosen groups of 0,N-chelate borinic complexes. Towards functional materials"),


>    SAGAMORE XVII Conference on Electron Charge, Spin and Momentum Densities, Kitayuzawa, Hokkaido, Japonia, 15-20.07.2012 (poster/komunikat: "Charge density studies of model borinic complex"),


>    Illrd Meeting of Bruker Eąuipment Users, Poznań, Polska 27-28.09.2011 (poster: „Charge Density Analyses of New Borinic Complexes”, poster nagrodzony),

y XXII Congress and General Assembly, International Union of Crystallography, IUCr2011, Madryt, Hiszpania, 22-30.08.2011, (poster: “On the investigation of Borinic complexes towards application in functional materials”),

^ 53cie Konwersatorim Krystalograficzne, Wrocław, Polska 30.06-2.07.2011 (poster: "Synthesis and crystal structure of the chosen borinic complexes”),

>    FINELUMEN International Summer School 2011, “Advanced Physical Methods for Organie, Inorganic, and Hybrid Materials”, Łochów, Polska, 23-27.05, 2011 (poster:

“Impact of Boroń Coordination on Luminescence. Joint experimental and theoretical studies.”),

>    Sesja użytkowników Komputerów Dużej Mocy (KDM), Będlewo, Poland 23-25.03.2011, (poster/komunikat: „Investigation of borinic quinolin-8-ol Systems”),


^ 52gie Konwersatorium Krystalograficzne, Wrocław, Polska 24-26.06.2010, (postery: "Tartaric acid derivatives with biological membranę like structure", "Experimental and theoretical studies of new nonsymmetrical borinic azaestres. From single molecules to electroluminescent devices")


^ YoungChem, Rynia, Polska 14-18.10.2009 (poster: "Halogen-lithium exchange versus deprotonation. Regioselective mono- and dilithiation of aryl-benzyl sulfides")

>    52gi Kongres PTChem i SliTPCh, Łódź, Polska 12-16.09.2009, (poster: "Reaction of substituted aryl benzyl thioethers with organolithium and lithium amides")

>    Trzecia Sesja i Warsztaty Polskiego Towarzystwa Krystalograficznego, Wrocław, Polska, 26-27.06.2009,

^ 51 sze Konwersatorium Krystalograficzne, Wrocław, Polska 25-26.06.2009.

Warsztaty i Szkolenia

>    "Workshop on Dynamie Structural Photocrystallography in Chemistry and Materials Science" w University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, 16-20.06.2013,

>    "Amsterdam Density Functional Program", Politechnika Warszawska, Warszawa, 23-26.09.2013

>    "Workshop on Dynamie Structural Photocrystallography in Chemistry and Materials Science" w University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, 16-20.06.2013,

>    „Podstawy Pythona” szkolenie ICM, 19.12.2012,

>    2011 International School on Charge Density, Jaca, Hiszpania, 30.08-4.09.2011,

>    “Wprowadzenie do obliczeń w programie MATLAB”, szkolenie ICM, 8.12.2010.
