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Cognition, is the basis of both the teaching and the learning processes in Education. Therefore, the basie Science of Educa-tion is cognitive science. Cognitive science is concerned with how the human mind perceives, processes, Stores and retrieves information during learning and performance tasks. In short, cognition is concerned with how learning occurs.

How to learn is the crux of education, yet it is rarely if ever taught in schools (to either prospective teachers of their stu-dents). (Letteri - University of Vermont, Burlington, USA).

By the notion Educational Science, I mean all disciplines, phi-losophical and scientific, diagnostic or practical, which parti-cipate in research work on broadly conceived educational processes constituting the coupling of influences and actions of educating society with individual assimilation of socio-cultural values in the development and socialization of the generations being educated. (S. Kowalski, Poznan, Poland).

Educational Sciences are a set of sciences/scientific disciplines/ concerning education in a wide meaning of the last word. In a generał and normative sense education means a purposive, aware, systematic, direct of mediate, open leading a many-sided develop-ment of human personality, i.e. according to progressive social norms and needs, respecting, however, simultaneously one ' s own bents and aspirations. (R. Radwillowicz - Warsaw, Poland).

Science of Education is the integrated body of knowledge achieved by valid, reliable, and objective methods of research, only focussed upon the process and problems of : 1. 'Man' making ;

2. 'Man' into ? 3. 'Man* for the sake of ; 4. 'Man*, merits the name of a Science of Education (Wm. Reitz, Detroit, USA).

The Educational Sciences are a common structure within which inąuiry of significance for the fundamental aspects of the applied fields of education, teaching, and learning can be conducted. The educational Sciences are disciplines of inąuiry which explain phenomena and help solve problems in those practical aspects of education, teaching and learning with which they are concerned. They provide conceptual frameworks and scientific language for the applied field of education. As a result, better communica-tion and elimination of fragmentation in the field of education are provided. (Richard E. Ripple, N.Y. Cornell University, USA).

The term Education briefly means a goal-oriented system of acti-vity and relation in which man has an opportunity to realize his personality. Educational Sciences survey the laws of this process. (J. Szarka, Budapest, Hungary).

The term Education means the whole of actions, precautions and institutions, which should help children and young men to grow up and to become an adult and independent, or which helps adults to acąuire additional competencies to further their social abilities and/or their self-realization. Educational Science(s) is the whole of methodical efforts of recognition, which collects and orders the facts of this very complex field of Education, which analysis enlightens its conditions, effects and connections and which interpretes its social and historical backgrounds and
