



The present report summarizes the activities, conclusions and recommendations carried out within the framework of the system project of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland “Processes, objectives, competencies - integrated management in Public Administration".

The project, dedicated to 168 govemment administration offices, was divided into 3 different tasks fulfilled as an individual projects. Major goal of the project was to support government administration offices in implementation of the modem management Solutions - Process management, MBO - Management by objectives and Competency-based management. Report was preceded by an introduction of The Head of Civil Service.

The report consists of 5 chapters. The core elements of the report are conclusions and recommendations for organizational changes in administration offices. The introduction is a theoretical basis to conclusions and recommendations, presented in subseąuent chapters. It presents contemporary trends in public management in the literaturę, both domestic and foreign.

In the next section the methodology of the research used under project was described. The description includes the steps of conducted researches, taking into account the Tasks 1 and 2, as well as Tasks 3. The section presents the methods and research tools used that allowed to collect data and information on management in govemment administration offices covered by the project.

Following part of the report contains a presentation of the results of the diagnosis of organizational maturity of offices, which was carried out in the framework of Task 1 and Task 2. Chapter provides an analytical foundation to conclusions and recommendations, presented in the subseąuent sections of this report.

Furthermore the models of organizational maturity of the administration offices, used within the framework of Task 1 and 2, were discussed. A role of maturity models in the diagnosis of management in public administration offices is also pointed in this chapter. At the end of this section it was attempted to assess the potential for improvement in groups of offices from the perspecthe of employees covered by the project.

The third part of the report revolves around the integration of management Systems. At the outset the essence of the integration of management Systems was described. It was done by identifying what it refers to, how it manifests, what are the ways of Systems integration in groups of offices, what makes them different front each other and what they have in comnton. The links between the various Solutions and management Systems were also presented.

A key element of this section are conclusions and recommendations for the integration of management Systems in groups of offices. The recommendations were developed primarily based on the identification of weaknesses and strengths, but also identification of good management practices. In addition, under this part, the role of communication between offices was discussed, aiming to better integrate the various management Systems

As a summary for suggested recommendations concerning changes in the area of integration of management Systems, the potential, anticipated areas of costs and benefits that can be result from the mentioned Solutions. The fourth chapter contains conclusions and recommendations on mechanisms aiming at increasing the efficiency of human resources and optimizing the stnictures of offices. We based on analyzes carried out in Task 1 and Task 2 and summarized the key findings and recommendations on the structures of the indicidual agenci es.
