was determined as the lowest significant concentration inducing a physiological alteration, when comparing to contro!, using the Wilcoxon test. The half maximal effective concentration (EC50) or the concentration inducing a 50% physiological alteration compared to contro! was calculated from dose response curves, using log-log simple regressions, according to the equations of the relation between glyphosate concentrations and the measured parameters: growth ratę, FV/FM, ABS/RC, DI()/RC, TRo/RC and ET()/RC (see table 2.2). The dependant variable (y) was reported on % compared to contro!. Ali statistical analyzes were madę using JMP 10 software from SAS.
2.6 Results
2.6.1 Growth
Table 2.3 presents growth ratcs of the six alga! and three cyanobacteria species exposcd to different glyphosate concentrations. The green algae Ankistrodesmus falcatus was the least g!yphosate-sensitive species, sińce the growth ratę at the highest glyphosate concentration was not different from the control. Chlamydomonas snów i i and Cryptomonas obovata were scnsitive onlx at the highest concentration (1000 pg Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (CPCCI25) and Microcystis aeruginosea (CPCC632) had a growth ratę differing from the control treatment when exposed to a glyphosate concentration of 300 pg I*1. For the toxic cyanobacteria strain, Microcystis aeruginosea (CPCC299), the growth ratę at a concentration of 100 pg I'1 was significantly lower than the control treatment. Oocystis solitaria showed the same sensitivity at 100 pg I'1. The two most sensitive species were the green algae Scenedesmus oblicjuus (CPCC5) and the cyanobacteria Microcystis sp., showing sensitivity at a glyphosate concentration of 50 pg I'1.